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Global Nutrition We have a roadmap to a world without hunger Where are we headed? The ugly We know what works? It wasn’t an accident How did we get here?

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Presentation on theme: "Global Nutrition We have a roadmap to a world without hunger Where are we headed? The ugly We know what works? It wasn’t an accident How did we get here?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Nutrition We have a roadmap to a world without hunger Where are we headed? The ugly We know what works? It wasn’t an accident How did we get here? Where are we now? Can anything help? Yes Stuffed & starved The bad We keep doing what we know doesn’t work? The good Most of you will see hunger in museums! We are part of the problem

2 1 billion hungry (800m); 1 billion overweight MinefieldExperts are blindNothing in text

3 Where to find information? Yunus Muhammad - Creating a world without poverty Jeffrey Sachs - The end of poverty Dambisa Moyo - Dead Aid (she’s against aid to the poor) Frances Moore Lappé - Diet for a Small Planet Raj Patel - Stuffed & Starved Paul Collier - Bottom Billion Loaned $76 to poor– Nobel Prize in 2006 Voice for poorest of poor. Prev World Bank trouble-shooter “Creates dependence” Goldman-Sachs 2001-) Economist: discovery of resources is the worst! If any game of chance  such unequal results Rules of economics rob the most needy of food

4 1.TFIn the poor nations almost everyone is hungry; in the remainder almost everyone gets an adequate diet 2.TFWorldwide, more people have their lives shortened by overeating than by starvation 3.TFWhen poor nations now find a place on the ladder of development, they develop slower than rich nations did when they enjoyed their phase of development? 4.TFMost Canadian specialists in global health understand how the distribution of poverty & hunger are changing? 5.TF Health & nutrition benefits are possible only after economic development occurs 6.TFPeople in regions of extreme hunger & poverty desperately need money 7.TF50% of children in the US are currently so poor that they must rely on charity for their meals? Quick quiz – two of the following are T

5 Quick answers 1.FIn some nations hunger is the norm; in the remainder, an adequate diet is the norm 2.T Worldwide, more people have their lives shortened by overeating than by starvation 3.F In the present era, when poor nations find a place on the ladder of development, they develop slowly compared with the rich nations in their phase of development? 4.FMost Canadian specialists in global health understand the how the distribution of poverty and hunger are changing? 5.F Health & nutrition benefits inevitably occurs after economic development rather than before 6.FPeople in regions of extreme hunger & poverty desperately need money 7.T50% of children in the US are currently so poor that they must rely on charity for their meals?

6 Should you care? The world produces enough food for everyone, yet some have much less than they need while others have much more than they need SFU Senate Southern Africa is a microcosm George W Bush: “Terrorism is rooted in the frustration of people pushed by oppression beyond the point of endurance” We are ethical beings. We want our lives to count Yunus

7 Roadmap to a world without hunger - where are we? -what’s happening? what works & what doesn’t?

8 Innovations that makes a difference Grameen family of social enterprises The Kings of Philanthropy The Millennium Village project Influential voices for change … Scientists & students who are making a difference The Millennium Development Goals You!... $7 can deliver an insecticide treated mosquito net Don’t believe 1 person can make a difference … MGH students Web resources & GHEC

9 Roadmap to a world without hunger The big lie: “Aid doesn’t work” 20 nations pledged 1974 to donate 0.7% of GNP to Aid. “No benefit! 1 billion are still starving” 4+2 nations did meet pledge: 800m now starving Truth: can you guess? was 1600m ⇒ 800m spared!! Only 4 nations delivered! 22 renewed pledge 2001Broke it again in 2002 :^( US pays < ¼ of promise Canada < ½ Well done? No! To a few: “well done”. To many: “800m still to go”

10 Misconceptions about aid... Page 10 False: “Most of the aid money goes into the Swiss bank a/c’s of corrupt African dictators” “Aid creates dependence & impedes self-sufficiency” “Despite all the aid $, problems are getting worse” & “It’s their own fault” The truth : Very few leaders are corrupt by... Well planned aid targets capacity-building & self-sufficiency Most MDGs are being met, to the extent that rich countries honour their commitments. Blaming the bonsai tree....US standards: when they are, bribes come from where? Ottawa, Washington, World Bank, WTO, free traders

11 “Let’s put hunger in the museums” Yunus Muhammad Hans Rosling Global Health statistician Talk to US State Department 2009 Above $2 per day microcredit, below $1 emergency aid Is this just a pipe-dream? the evidencethe evidence using gapminder 1974: 1,600,000,000 extreme poverty & hunger 2008: 800,000,000 HD

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