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Meeting the Needs of the Individual Learner: Brain-Based Learning (Day 3) 2014 - 2015 Archdiocese of Dubuque Educators.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting the Needs of the Individual Learner: Brain-Based Learning (Day 3) 2014 - 2015 Archdiocese of Dubuque Educators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting the Needs of the Individual Learner: Brain-Based Learning (Day 3) 2014 - 2015 Archdiocese of Dubuque Educators

2 To do for Session 3: Wednesday, November 19, 2014

3 Temporal Lobe

4 5 2 6 3 1 7 4 With your partner… review, clarify, check your understanding. How do we know what we know? What do you recall about each brain area? What questions come to mind?

5 The Brain in the News

6 A test of your memory: What do you remember…? Why did you remember…?

7 The Structure of Knowledge Generalizations Survival Key information Brain Structures & Functions Information Processing in the brain Elements of Human Motivation ? ? ? ? ? ? Instructional Practices Learning Teaching for Understanding Behavior

8 Four Basic Psychological Needs… Love Power Freedom Fun

9 The Human Brain


11 The Reptilian Brain The Mammalian Brain The Thinking Brain The Triune Brain

12 How the Brain Works

13 Tan’s Brain

14 How do we know what we know?

15 f.M.R.I. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

16 The Brain Stem Controls unconscious functions of the body; Heartbeat, Respiration

17 The Amygdala The brain’s “emotional sentry”: Scans all incoming stimuli for emotional significance

18 Incoming Signal Amygdala Thalamus Neocortex

19 The Hippocampus Aids in the formation of new memories - Transfers information from working memory to long-term memory H.M.

20 The Thalamus The brain’s “relay station”: Scans incoming stimuli & sends it on to the appropriate lobe for processing

21 The Hypothalamus The brain’s “thermostat”: Regulates hunger, thirst, blood pressure, body temperature & sex drive

22 The Corpus Callosum A massive band of nerve fibers, (200+ million) that connects the two hemispheres, relaying information between them

23 The Neocortex The outer ¼” of the brain’s surface; the “gray matter”; has 6 layers- is compact, yet has much surface area; it is the “thinking” part of the brain

24 Brainstem

25 The basic functional unit of the nervous system; We are born with, and retain throughout our lives, approximately 100 billion neurons; 30,000 fit on the head of a pin The Neuron

26 Every thought that you think… Every action that you take… Is the result of neurons communicating with each other! Google Image Source:

27 Has a nucleus which contains DNA, chromosomes, and other genetic material The Cell Body

28 The fiber extension from the cell body that carries an electrical impulse (action potential); Most are very short (less than one mm); Others can be up to one meter in length The Axon

29 Also called axon “bulbs”; located at ends of axon branches; Hold “pockets” that contain neurotransmitters for dispersal upon stimulation The Axon Terminals

30 The fatty, waxy coating that forms around each axon; made of glial cells; protects and insulates the axon; speeds the electrical impulse; Myelination follows a preset developmental pattern- from birth to about age 25 or 30 The Myelin Sheath

31 Strand-like fibers that extend from the cell body; They contain receptor sites for receiving neurotransmitters from other neurons; Dendrites grow and branch throughout our lives, depending upon experience and environment The Dendrites

32 Experience changes the physiology of the brain!

33 Learning is the act of making… and strengthening… connections between neurons!

34 It’s time for a quiz! Google Image Source:

35 Class Score Sampling… 34 43 ? ?? 24

36 Between now and March 3, 2015 See: Session 3 (Nov. 19) for assignments

37 See you on March 3 (2015)

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