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Big Question: What adventures do you have through the day? Author Author: Rick Walton Genre Genre: Animal Fantasy.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Question: What adventures do you have through the day? Author Author: Rick Walton Genre Genre: Animal Fantasy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Question: What adventures do you have through the day? Author Author: Rick Walton Genre Genre: Animal Fantasy

2 Big Question: What adventures do you have through the day? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Review


4 Monday What adventures do you have throughout the day?

5 Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Bunny Day Vocabulary Words Practice /h/ High-Frequency Words Decodable Reader 18: Tip the Top Grammar: Naming Parts Journal Writing Time for Science: Animal Characteristics

6 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

7 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s tidy up and do our chores. It’s so much fun with you!

8 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s hustle and bustle and get our jobs done. It’s so much fun with you!

9 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s play a game or have a race. It’s so much fun with you!

10 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s eat, I’m hungry, aren’t you? It’s so much fun with you!

11 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! It’s time for bed, a story is read. It’s so much fun with you!

12 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Good night, good night, what a wonderful day! It’s so much fun with you!


14 tidy

15 bustle

16 race

17 story

18 hungry

19 chores




23 clock

24 nap

25 play

26 bunnies

27 rabbits

28 peacefully

29 artist




33 Blend Sounds h a t h o t h i t s a t s i t

34 High Frequency Words

35 do

36 are

37 make

38 their

39 that

40 would

41 could

42 other

43 Word Work

44 Blending Practice R o d t i p t o p D o n d i d n o t c o t D o t

45 High Frequency Words Review you the is of they


47 dan hit the ball Dan hit the ball.

48 Grammar The cat ran fast. Every sentence has a naming part. That is the part that tells whom or what the sentence is about. What is the naming part of this sentence? The cat

49 Grammar What is the naming part of this sentence? The kite was blue. The kite The man had a black car. The man The sun shone brightly. The sun

50 Let’s Write! Let’s make a list of naming parts or words that name people, animals, places, and things.

51 Let’s Write! Now we will use some of our naming words to write a sentence. The first word in a sentence should begin with an uppercase letter. Every sentence should end with a period.

52 Daily Journal Writing Draw and label a job you do at home every day.

53 Oral Language Comprehension Grammar Tomorrow we will read about the bunny family again.

54 Tuesday What are some adventures your family has had?

55 Today we will learn Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Bunny Day Vocabulary Words Practice /h/ High-Frequency Words Phonics Story: I Have! Grammar: Naming Parts Shared Writing Journal Writing Time for Science: Tools and Machines

56 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

57 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s tidy up and do our chores. It’s so much fun with you!

58 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s hustle and bustle and get our jobs done. It’s so much fun with you!

59 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s play a game or have a race. It’s so much fun with you!

60 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s eat, I’m hungry, aren’t you? It’s so much fun with you!

61 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! It’s time for bed, a story is read. It’s so much fun with you!

62 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Good night, good night, what a wonderful day! It’s so much fun with you!


64 chores

65 tidy




69 clock

70 nap

71 play

72 bunnies

73 rabbits

74 peacefully

75 artist


77 We’re Hiking Home We’re hiking home to our anthill. Hurrah! Hurrah! We’re hiking home to our anthill, Heads hauling many heavy loads still. And we’re hiking home high here Up on our anthill! Hut! Hut! Hut!



80 Blending Practice h a d h a t h o p c a n h i t o n

81 High Frequency Words Review are that do


83 will heidi hear the horn Will Heidi hear the horn?

84 Grammar The hen eats corn. Who is this sentence about? What is the naming part? The hen What did the hen do? eat corn What is the naming part of these sentences?

85 Grammar The bunnies cleaned their room. The bunnies Mother Rabbit made lunch. Mother Rabbit Father Rabbit planted seeds. Father Rabbit

86 Let’s Write! The bunnies do lots of the same things that we do. I make my bed before I go out in the morning. I am going to write: I make my bed.

87 Amazing Word Review hide scampered

88 Daily Journal Writing Draw and label a job you do at school everyday.

89 Oral Language Grammar Homework Tomorrow we will read about the animals going to school again Oral Language Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read about Nan and Nat and their day of playing whiffle ball. What is whiffle ball?

90 Wednesday What adventures can we find at school?

91 Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Bunny Days Vocabulary Words Practice /h/ High-Frequency Words Student Reader: All in a Day Grammar: Sentences Shared Writing Journal Writing Time for Math: Time

92 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

93 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s tidy up and do our chores. It’s so much fun with you!

94 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s hustle and bustle and get our jobs done. It’s so much fun with you!

95 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s play a game or have a race. It’s so much fun with you!

96 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s eat, I’m hungry, aren’t you? It’s so much fun with you!

97 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! It’s time for bed, a story is read. It’s so much fun with you!

98 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Good night, good night, what a wonderful day! It’s so much fun with you!

99 Amazing Words

100 bustle

101 race




105 clock

106 nap

107 play

108 bunnies

109 rabbits

110 peacefully

111 artist



114 Letter Substitution hat hot hit bat bit big bag pot pit pat


116 Substituting Sounds h a t h o t h i d f a t c a t

117 Substituting Sounds h i t h i d h i m h i p d i p t i p f a t c a t



120 Blending Practice h i m N a n N a t a n d c a n h i t t o p b i n i t t i n

121 Blending Practice n o t s i p a t m a n h o t f a n n a p

122 New Word stand

123 High Frequency Words

124 do

125 are

126 make

127 their

128 that

129 would

130 could

131 other

132 High-Frequency Words Review are that they do you see look of


134 nan and nat hit it Nan and Nat hit it.

135 Grammar In a complete sentence, we need a naming part and an action part. The first word begins with an uppercase letter. The sentence ends with a period or question mark.

136 Grammar AlphBuddy plays with the toy. Who is this sentence about? What is the naming part? AlphBuddy What did the AlphaBuddy do? plays with the toy

137 Grammar What is the naming part of each sentence? Mac ran to school. Mac Nat walked home. Nat Pam likes the bunny. Pam

138 Let’s Write! I’m going to write sentences using words that begin with the letter Hh. I like to wear my hat. Nat can hit the ball.

139 Daily Journal Writing Draw and label five words that begin with Hh/h/.

140 Respond to Literature Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read about chameleons and how they change colors.

141 Thursday What do you do every night?

142 Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Hide, Clyde! Practice /h/ High-Frequency Words Decodable Reader 19: Hob Can Hit Grammar: Naming Parts Shared Writing Journal Writing Time for Science: Camouflage

143 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

144 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s tidy up and do our chores. It’s so much fun with you!

145 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s hustle and bustle and get our jobs done. It’s so much fun with you!

146 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s play a game or have a race. It’s so much fun with you!

147 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s eat, I’m hungry, aren’t you? It’s so much fun with you!

148 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! It’s time for bed, a story is read. It’s so much fun with you!

149 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Good night, good night, what a wonderful day! It’s so much fun with you!


151 story

152 hungry






158 Blend Sounds h o p m a n D a n H o b c a n h i t i t f a n

159 Blend Sounds P a m S a m d i d n o t h o t h a d b i g h a t p o p s a d

160 High Frequency Words are that see is a they do


162 the little brown bunnies ran The little brown bunnies ran.

163 Grammar In a complete sentence, we need a naming part and an action part. The first word begins with an uppercase letter. The sentence ends with a period or question mark.

164 Grammar The dog drank water. Who drank water? The dog The bear drank water. Who drank water? The bear

165 Grammar The cat drank water. Who drank water? the cat The deer drank water. Who drank water? the deer

166 Grammar The bunny drank water. Who drank water? the bunny

167 Let’s Write! This is the way we ____.

168 Daily Journal Writing Draw and label three naming words.

169 Respond to Literature Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read the story “A Day Like Every Other Day.” I wonder what kind of day it will be.

170 Friday What adventures do you have throughout the day?

171 Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: “A Day Like Every Other Day” Review /h/ High-Frequency Words Progress Monitoring: Read the Words and Sentences Grammar: Naming Parts Time for Science: Plant Characteristics Time for Social Studies: Cooperation Time for Math: Graphing

172 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

173 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s tidy up and do our chores. It’s so much fun with you!

174 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s hustle and bustle and get our jobs done. It’s so much fun with you!

175 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s play a game or have a race. It’s so much fun with you!

176 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Let’s eat, I’m hungry, aren’t you? It’s so much fun with you!

177 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! It’s time for bed, a story is read. It’s so much fun with you!

178 Get Up, Get Up, It’s a Beautiful Day Get up, get up, it’s a beautiful day. We have so much to do! Good night, good night, what a wonderful day! It’s so much fun with you!


180 tidy

181 bustle

182 race

183 story

184 hungry

185 chores

186 “A Day Like Every Other Day”

187 Phonics


189 High Frequency Words

190 do

191 are

192 make

193 their

194 that

195 would

196 could

197 other

198 High Frequency Words are that do


200 they are little bears They are little bears.

201 Grammar In a complete sentence, we need a naming part and an action part. The first word begins with an uppercase letter. The sentence ends with a period or question mark.

202 Grammar The pig lives in a pen. Who or what is the sentence about? The pig

203 Grammar The box opens up. Who or what is the sentence about? The box

204 Grammar An ant is little. Who or what is the sentence about? The ant

205 Grammar My goat eats anything. Who or what is the sentence about? My goat

206 Let’s Write! Mr. Rob liked the ant song. Kim liked Bunny Day. Nick liked Hob Can Hit.

207 Daily Journal Writing Draw or write about something you will do this weekend.

208 Phonics Shared Reading High-Frequency Words Next week we will read about a little pig. What kind of adventure do you think the pig will have?

209 New Words Review

210 High Frequency Words do are make their that would could other

211 Vocabulary Words clock nap play bunnies rabbit peacefully artist

212 Amazing Words tidy bustle race story hungry chores

213 Progress Monitoring Progress Monitoring

214 Read the Words Set A hip hop hot had

215 Read the Words Set B hat ham hid Hap hot him

216 Read the Sentences Set C 1. Hap can stop for it. 2. Are you at the spot? 3. That is Hob. 4. The pot had that top. 5. The pan is not hot.

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