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NATO & CRISIS MANAGEMENT : towards the future Rear Admiral Jo G. Gade Assistant Director Plans and policy Division, International Military Staff NATO Headquarters.

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Presentation on theme: "NATO & CRISIS MANAGEMENT : towards the future Rear Admiral Jo G. Gade Assistant Director Plans and policy Division, International Military Staff NATO Headquarters."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATO & CRISIS MANAGEMENT : towards the future Rear Admiral Jo G. Gade Assistant Director Plans and policy Division, International Military Staff NATO Headquarters Athena Thursday 01 Oct 2009

2 Consultations : Article 4...”Parties will consult...whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the parties is threatened.” ?

3 “… armed attack against one or more....shall be considered an attack against them all… and each of them… will assist the party or parties… by taking..., individually and in concert with the other parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force.” Article 5

4 4 Crisis Management Objectives  Contribute to effective conflict prevention  Manage crises effectively to prevent them becoming conflicts  Ensure timely civil and military preparedness  If hostilities, control, prevent escalation and persuade aggressor to cease attack & withdraw  When escalation and hostilities stopped, de-escalate

5 Disagreement Confrontation Armed Conflict Build-down New Stability Intensity Time Generic Crisis Development Peace / Stability

6 6  Multi-disciplinary, internationally staffed coordination task force (s)  Provides advice to Secretary General, and coordinates recommendations to committees in preparation for the NAC  Representation from: International Staff, International Military Staff and Strategic Commanders + expertise as required Crisis Management Task Force (CMTF)

7 7 Multiple Futures

8 8 Comprehensive Approach

9 9 Summit Outcomes   Declaration on Alliance Security.   Indivisibility of Alliance Security.   Open Door Policy.   Increasingly Global Threats.   Greater Co-operation.   NATO-Russia.   New Strategic Concept.

10 10 New Concept – New Secretary General

11 Military perspective

12 NATO & CRISIS MANAGEMENT : towards the future CONCLUSION Athena Thursday 01 Oct 2009


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