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Contact a Family Emerging issues in relation to SEND reform Jo Hardy, Rosie Noble, Jacky Spigel, Asha Yadav.

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Presentation on theme: "Contact a Family Emerging issues in relation to SEND reform Jo Hardy, Rosie Noble, Jacky Spigel, Asha Yadav."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contact a Family Emerging issues in relation to SEND reform Jo Hardy, Rosie Noble, Jacky Spigel, Asha Yadav

2 Emerging Issues around SEND reform What has changed since the summer? Information overload – is a clearer picture emerging? What is happening on the ground?

3 Emerging Issues around SEND reform Local authorities – demand, transition plans, timeframes and expectations, culture change Voluntary sector – where do we fit in? Parents and carers – what are their concerns?

4 Pilot programme Wandsworth Consulted with parents from the local parent forum, Positive Parent Action Consulted with young people at the local after school provision for young people with learning difficulties Attended professionals’ meeting about the pilot families in Wandsworth

5 What parents said Want people with knowledge to be part of the new process Want to tell their story once Want to be sure that their voice would be heard Want to be sure their child is at the centre Want reassurance that the plan has the same standing as a statement in legal terms

6 Parents’ concerns The children with complex health needs but no SEN – how will their needs be met? How will joint commissioning work? How will it be possible to get so many professionals together for a meeting? What about children on the old school action and school action plus?

7 What young people said about the new process Want professionals to be reliable and come and visit when they said they would Want freedom Want to be able go out with friends Want to live with their friends Want to live alone Want to have their say

8 Lessons learned Keep parents in the communication loop Make sure young people have their voices heard Try to get all professionals to understand the process and work together Look at training for professionals around outcomes

9 Lewisham SEND Pathfinder 2012 – 2014 Parents Forum and Contact a Family working with Local Authority Co-production on EHC Plans Focus groups on Local Offer Consultations on Children and Families Act (CFA) + Code of Practice Regular progress meetings with Multi- Agency Manager

10 Amalgamation of Education, Health and Care Children with Disabilities and Complex Needs move 3 services to one building early 2013 onwards Family Worker from Contact a Family works on pilot EHC Plans with families Parents remain confused about new process – various EHC workshops organised by Contact a Family and CWD Approximately 80 EHC plans completed in one year

11 Sharing Stories Nov 2013 workshop comparing Statements with EHC plans Pathfinder parents share their experiences

12 EALING – The journey so far June-July 2014 - Information dissemination for parents and professionals through workshops. Local offer: Published on 1 st Sep 2014 -Technical glitches -Not enough feedback from parents Local authority received 60 requests for Statements on 31 st August 2014.

13 EALING – the journey so far Conversion Plan Transferring from school to post 16 institution Wider scale conversion from April 2015 Exception circumstances on case-by-case basis Parental representation 5 parents on Assessment and Planning panel Independent Supporter Role, MoU, Partnering agencies What have our families shared so far?

14 Our contribution in Ealing Organising Focus group to improve local offer Wider reach: help LA to reach out to marginalised communities in Ealing Provide independent support to families going through the process – in a sensitive & culturally appropriate way 30 years of experience: trust-based relationship, knowledge and skills of borough & support/ services

15 Looking ahead Good planning, good mapping, be resouceful Good relationships – use the VCS and parent carer forums to get information to families Transition period will be particularly challenging – demand and timeframe Evaluate and review – get feedback, listen Think about future commissioning

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