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HOME READING IN ONE /TWO. READING SHOULD BE FUN!!!! Our number one priority is to ensure reading is a positive and enjoyable experience for students and.

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2 READING SHOULD BE FUN!!!! Our number one priority is to ensure reading is a positive and enjoyable experience for students and parents. The texts students bring home to read should be at their independent reading level. Home reading should not be a stressful experience for anyone.

3 READING EXPECTATIONS Students will share a reading experience at home for a minimum of 15 minutes, 4 nights a week. Students will bring their share folder to school everyday, even if their book doesn’t need to be changed. The students log book will be completed after each reading session.

4 READING LOG The main link between school and home. Opportunity to provide positive feedback to your child. Stickers are a great incentive for children. Completing the log - Date, title, comment, student response.

5 THREE LEVELS OF READING COMPETENCY Independent level : A book that your child is able to read independently with fluency and expression, making very few errors. (95+ % accuracy) Home reading / familiar reading sessions Instructional level: Texts with enough challenges to enable the student to develop their reading skills. (90 to 95% accuracy) Guided reading sessions with teacher. Frustration level: Texts that have too many challenges for a child at this stage of their development (Below 90% accuracy) Never !!!!

6 TYPES OF HOME READING Independent reading – Your child can independently read the text to you with very limited assistance. Shared reading – Work together to read a text. Read to – An adult reads the text to the child, engaging the child in a discussion about the text.

7 WHAT CAN WE READ? The short answer – Anything!!!!!!  Take home readers (Fiction and non fiction)  Library books (Fiction and non fiction)  Magazines  Tumble Books….online  Recipes  Comics  Newspapers Ask your child what they like to read. Share with your child the things you enjoy reading. Read some favourites from your childhood.

8 A SPECIAL TIME Important to let your child know how much you value your special reading time together.  Find a quiet place away from any distractions ( T.V, siblings).  Get comfortable and relaxed.  Remain calm and positive throughout your time together.

9 HOW CAN I HELP? Set the scene: Look at the front cover – Ask what type of book is it? What might it be about? Who are the characters? What is the setting? During the book: What might happen next? How might the character be feeling? What do you think about that? At the end of the book: Was the problem solved? What facts did you learn? What could happen next? What could be a different ending? An unknown word: Look at the picture? What does it start with? What part of the word do you know? What would sound right? Reread. Always encourage children to have-a-go. Reward any attempts to solve unknown words.

10 SPELLING Students will be given new spelling words every Monday. After sharing, modelling and discussing these words at school, they will go home with the students. The spelling book will need to be returned each Friday. Should parents wish for their child to work on these weekly words at home, we have provided a list of possible activities and a link to a great spelling website This is an optional family choice and is not compulsory. There will be a spelling test on Fridays.

11 TUMBLE BOOKS Fantastic new resources, accessible through our school website: Go to:  Curriculum  Grades 1&2  Hotlist of websites  Tumble books Read the book, take the quiz.

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