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At the Nevada Legislature. Nevada Legislature  Biennial Legislative Session Meeting Every Odd Numbered Year  Session Limited to 120 Days  Over 50 Interim.

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Presentation on theme: "At the Nevada Legislature. Nevada Legislature  Biennial Legislative Session Meeting Every Odd Numbered Year  Session Limited to 120 Days  Over 50 Interim."— Presentation transcript:

1 At the Nevada Legislature

2 Nevada Legislature  Biennial Legislative Session Meeting Every Odd Numbered Year  Session Limited to 120 Days  Over 50 Interim Committees and Subcommittees  Committee Rooms in Carson City and Las Vegas

3 About Our State 110,561 Square Miles 322 Miles Wide 492 Miles Long Population of 2,700,551 20% in Reno/Carson City 70% in Las Vegas

4 History In 1991, we began videoconferencing our Legislative hearings from Carson City to Las Vegas, over 400 miles away

5 Rural Locations With videoconferencing, we can tie into our University’s network and communicate with rural Legislators and their constituents, saving time and travel for those Legislators. Bringing Our State Together

6 Videoconferencing System System Cost - $100,000 9 Codecs - $50,000 Video bridge - $42,000 Gatekeeper - $2,000 Installation - $6,000 Yearly Costs - $24,000 Equipment Maintenance - $12,000 Communication Lines (T1) - $12,000

7 Videoconferencing Data  Since 1997, we have videoconferenced 3,294 hearings during session, from the capital in Carson City to the largest city in Nevada – Las Vegas ○ 145 hearings in 1997 ○ 729 hearings in 2011 Total attendance in Las Vegas over that period of time was 29,711 Session Meetings

8 Session Meetings & Attendance 1997 through 2011 145 729

9 Videoconferencing Data  In the past 6 years, we have had a total of 3,949 videoconferences during the interim period between sessions 376 have been Legislative interim committees 3,573 have been other state agencies Interim Meetings

10 Travel Savings 2005-20062007-2008 2009-2010 113 134 129 $ $ $ $186K $221K $319K $300 $450

11 Questions State of Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau Eric Dugger Information Technology Services Unit Dan Dalluhn Broadcast and Production Services Unit

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