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LACES Cohorts. Cohort #1: Enter Employment The most important thing to remember regarding employment cohorts for 12/13 is that most of the employment.

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1 LACES Cohorts

2 Cohort #1: Enter Employment The most important thing to remember regarding employment cohorts for 12/13 is that most of the employment outcomes on 12/13’s Table 5 are still coming from goals. This is because Table 5 for 12/13 is reporting based on students who exited with an Enter Employment goal between 10-1-11 to 9-30-12; therefore, the majority of the students exited prior to the cohorts going into effect on 7-1-12.

3 Cohort #1: Enter Employment To be placed in the Enter Employment cohort the student must: Be Unemployed as of the first work history record in a fiscal year for new or continuing students, or as of the most current record for re- enrolling students. Employment status at entry determines the cohort at exit. Student employment status is determined at program entry. If a student is continuously enrolled through the following program year, the student’s employment status is not updated. If the student re-enrolls in a later program year, it would be counted as a new enrollment and the student’s employment status may be updated; if not updated, the most current record from prior enrollment determines the follow-up cohort at exit. Be an NRS participant in the FY in which they exit. Exit the program. Active students do not populate Table 5 and will not display as cohorts.

4 Cohort #1: Enter Employment If the data populating Table 5 is coming from the goals folder, updates should be made in the goals folder. If the data populating Table 5 is coming from the cohort folder, updates should be made in the cohorts folder. Only the setting of the outcome (and in some cases, the status) is automatic; follow up must still be entered manually, whether results are obtained from data match or survey.

5 Cohort #1: Enter Employment The database just needs to know if the student was employed for even one day in the follow-up quarter. Cohort data will update based on edits to the Work History folder and/or edits to the cohort folder, but the survey data can only be updated from the cohort folder. Included in Survey is no longer being used and will be removed prior to the end of this fiscal year.

6 Cohort #2: Retain Employment Table 5 for 12/13 is reporting based on students who exited with a Retain Employment goal between 4-1-11 to 3-31-12; therefore, all of the students exited prior to the cohorts going into effect on 7-1-12, which will result in low numbers displayed in LACES for 12/13. The state will be manually reporting the correct numbers. 13/14’s Table 5 will populate partially from goals and partially from cohorts; Table 5 will not be generated solely from cohort data for this outcome until 14/15.

7 Cohort #2: Retain Employment To be placed in the Retain Employment cohort the student must: Be Employed (Part or Full Time) as of the first work history record in a fiscal year for new/continuing students, or as of the most current work history record for re-enrolling students. Employment status at entry determines the cohort at exit. Be Unemployed at entry but gain employment in the quarter after exit. Student employment status is determined at program entry. If a student is continuously enrolled through the following program year, the student’s employment status is not updated. If the student re-enrolls in a later program year, it would be counted as a new enrollment and the student’s employment status may be updated; if not updated, the most current record from the prior enrollment will determine the follow-up cohort at exit. Be an NRS participant in the FY in which they exit. Exit the program. Active students do not populate Table 5 and will not display as cohorts.

8 Cohort #2: Retain Employment If the data populating Table 5 is coming from the goals folder, updates should be made in the goals folder. If the data populating Table 5 is coming from the cohort folder, updates should be made in the cohorts folder. Only the setting of the outcome (and in some cases, the status) is automatic; follow up must still be entered manually, whether results are obtained from data match or survey.

9 Cohort #2: Retain Employment The database just needs to know if the student was employed for even one day in the follow-up quarter. Cohort data will update based on edits to the Work History folder and/or edits to the cohort folder, but the survey data can only be updated from the cohort folder. Included in Survey is no longer being used and will be removed prior to the end of this fiscal year.

10 Cohort #3: Obtain GED GED outcomes populate Table 5 only from cohort data. The goals folder is not used at all to populate this section of Table 5. You must enter both passing and failing data from all students who take all 5 subtests of the GED. Entering scores or dates the test was completed is the primary indicator that the student should be in the cohort; without these indicators, the student will not correctly populate Table 5.

11 Cohort #3: Obtain GED To be placed in the Obtain GED cohort the student must: Take all 5 subtests of the GED (at least one within the program year to indicate passing) as indicated by assessment scores or test dates. They do not need to pass. They do not need a specific Entry EFL or Grade Level. Be an NRS participant in the FY in which they exit. Exit the program. Active students do not populate Table 5 and will not display as cohorts.

12 Cohort #3: Obtain GED/SSD Follow-up may be done at any point in the Fiscal Year, including prior to the student leaving, and up to December of the calendar year in which they were an NRS participant. Cohort data will update based on information from the Assessment folder, information from the Diploma Info folder and/or edits to the cohort folder, but the survey data can only be updated from the cohort folder. Included in Survey is no longer being used and will be removed prior to the end of this fiscal year.

13 Cohort #4: Enter PS Ed/Training Enter Post-Secondary Education and/or Training outcomes populate Table 5 only from cohort data. The goals folder is not used at all to populate this section of Table 5. Any student who enters your program with a high school diploma or equivalent or better will be placed in this cohort, regardless of education location. Any student who earns their GED or secondary school diploma credential while enrolled in your program will be placed in this cohort. Any student enrolled in a class with the Transitions Primary Program type will be placed in this cohort.

14 Cohort #4: Enter PS Ed/Training Follow-up may be done at any point in the Fiscal Year, including prior to the student leaving, and up to June of the following FY year in which they were an NRS participant. Cohort data will update based on information from the Assessment folder, information from the Diploma Info folder, information from the Education folder, Primary Program information from the student’s classes, and/or edits to the cohort folder, but the survey data can only be updated from the cohort folder. Included in Survey is no longer being used and will be removed prior to the end of this fiscal year.

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