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Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District Gretchen Bennitt, Executive Director Sierra Ozone Summit Summer 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District Gretchen Bennitt, Executive Director Sierra Ozone Summit Summer 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District Gretchen Bennitt, Executive Director Sierra Ozone Summit Summer 2008

2 Early Efforts  Ozone monitors – Nevada City, Grass Valley, White Cloud, Truckee, Penn Valley  Attend upwind and state ozone meetings  City and County General Plan Elements  Funded CNG fueling facility  Health Advisories/Daily Air Quality Forecasts

3 More Ozone Reductions  Worked together to lobby for Smog Check II in the Bay Area  Fulfilled federal SIP RACT requirements  Curbside green waste pickup

4 Local Mobile Source Emission Reductions  Basic Smog Check  > $1,000,000 spent on diesel repowers  > $1.6 million spent on emission reduction projects –Funding low emission buses, low emission vehicles, pass subsidies, marketing, remote conferencing, downloadable forms –Bicycle/walking trails

5 Nevada County Health Statistics  Asthma is triggered by numerous factors, including ozone  Data indicate that Nevada County has a higher incidence of asthma than the state average. (Sources; Ca. Health Interview Surveys, KidsCAP survey from First Five of Nevada County, ALA State of the Air Report 2008)  There is variability in asthma data - more reliable data needed.

6 Days Per Year Above Federal 8-hr Ozone Standard Bay Area, Sacramento and W. Nevada County VIOLATION DAYSVIOLATION DAYS YEAR Source: California Air Resources Board AQMIS2

7 Upwind & Local Ozone Precursors 2007 Summer Anthropogenic Source: California Air Resources Board, 8-Hour Ozone SIP Emission Inventory Projections, v1.06 RF#980 (CEFS), March 14, 2008

8 8-hour Ozone Values Grass Valley and Folsom July 22, 23 - 2003

9 Next Steps  Continue to work with all agencies and public to reach attainment of health standard

10 Upwind & Local Ozone Precursors 2007 Summer Anthropogenic Source: California Air Resources Board, 8-Hour Ozone SIP Emission Inventory Projections, v1.06 RF#980 (CEFS), March 14, 2008

11 Western Nevada County NOX 2007 Summer Natural & Anthropogenic Source: California Air Resources Board, 8-Hour Ozone SIP Emission Inventory Projections, v1.06 RF#980 (CEFS), March 14, 2008

12 Western Nevada County ROG 2007 Summer Natural & Anthropogenic Source: California Air Resources Board, 8-Hour Ozone SIP Emission Inventory Projections, v1.06 RF#980 (CEFS), March 14, 2008

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