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Homelessness in America I Municipal Strategies for Preventing and Managing Homelessness Help Hope Home: Southern Nevada’s Plan to End Homelessness.

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Presentation on theme: "Homelessness in America I Municipal Strategies for Preventing and Managing Homelessness Help Hope Home: Southern Nevada’s Plan to End Homelessness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homelessness in America I Municipal Strategies for Preventing and Managing Homelessness Help Hope Home: Southern Nevada’s Plan to End Homelessness

2 Agenda Introduction/Background Costs of Homelessness State of Homelessness in Southern Nevada Regional Approach to Homelessness Conclusion


4 Southern Nevada: Contributing Factors to Homeless Issue 10-15% increase in rent since 2004 17,000 apartments to be converted to condos 2000+ trailer park spaces to be eliminated Highest foreclosure rate in country Shortage of low income/subsidized housing Not enough mental health/treatment services Discharge planning is just beginning

5 Definition of Homeless HUD - Lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; sleeping in a facility or temp housing program; sleeping in places not meant for human habitation Transitional Homelessness (75%) –Refers to a single episode of homelessness that is of a relatively short duration Use resources for brief periods Most families and singles adults fall into this category Episodic Homelessness (4%) –Refers to recurrent periods of homelessness Usually younger, often addicted Seasonal use of facilities Chronic Homelessness (21%) –Refers to individuals with a disabling condition who have been homeless: Continually for a year or more Four times in the past three 3 years Use 75% of the total resources

6 On the average, it costs: $3,722- an emergency room visit $214- transport by ambulance $4,440- three day hospital stay $600- month’s stay in mass shelter $185- night’s stay in detox $150- night’s stay in jail On the average, it costs: $50,000 year’s stay on the streets for the chronically homeless $11,000year’s stay in housing with supportive services for the chronically homeless High Cost of Homelessness

7 Statistics from 2007 Homeless Count 11,417 homeless people identified in the census 34% were in shelter; 66% were unsheltered 33% are “hidden homeless” 3,000 homeless children 56% were between 31-50 years old 72% of respondents were male; 28% female 50% had some disabling condition 43% has HS diploma; 28% had a college degree

8 Homeless Survey Overview (conducted during Homeless Count) 73% have been homeless for less than 1 year 50% indicated that they had disabling conditions; more than 24% were experiencing a physical disability 74% have a GED/high school diploma or higher 65% of respondents indicated that they were living in Southern Nevada when they became homeless 33% had lived here less than one year 38% had been living here more than 5 years 43% came to Nevada to work 6% were here or grew up here

9 Identified Gaps According to a United Way Southern Nevada Community Assessment  Affordable housing  A regional strategy for low-income housing  Case management services  Mental health services  Substance abuse treatment services  Enhanced partnerships with law enforcement  Enhanced coordination among non-profits, faith-based groups, and government  and the list continues …

10 Regional Response to Homelessness Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition (SNRPC) Committee On Homelessness (CoH) Evaluation Working Group Regional Homeless Services Coordinator HMIS Steering Group CoC Technical Advisory Board Public Awareness Working Group Partners City of Boulder City City of Henderson City of Las Vegas City of North Las Vegas Clark County CCSD LVMPD SNAMHS SNHC US Veterans Affairs Boulder City City of Henderson City of Las Vegas City of North Las Vegas Clark County CCSD Regional Coordination Policy Recommendations Planning & Evaluation Budget and FundingContinuum of Care Allocations Committee Homeless Trust FundCommunity Mobilization Inclement Weather Shelter Program Homeless Management Information System Homeless/In Shelter Count

11 1.Enhance coordination between non-profit organizations and government. 2.Prevent individuals and families from becoming homeless. 3.Provide seamless client services through effective partnerships. 4.Foster self-sufficiency through access to education, training and employment opportunities. Ten CoH Regional Priorities

12 5. Increase the availability of stable and sustainable housing. 6. Facilitate the transition from homelessness through intensive case management. 7. Ensure the availability of basic needs services. 8. Increase access to medical, dental and vision care services. 9. Improve the availability of mental health services. 10. Improve the availability of substance abuse treatment programs. Ten CoH Regional Priorities continued

13 Our Regional Plan Help Hope Home: Southern Nevada’s Regional Plan to End Homelessness –One Goal - To End Homelessness in Southern Nevada –Three Strategies Help - Planning for Outcomes Hope - Prevention Home - Focus on Housing –Communicating the Message Business Case Implementation Schedule Evaluation/Reporting on Progress


15 HELP Planning for Outcomes objectives include: –Holding focus groups, work sessions –Conducting the Point-In-Time Homeless Count every two years –Conducting a Gaps Analysis –Collaborating to drive regional policy –Working to streamline funding programs to support plan initiatives –Crafting a business case for ending homelessness –Developing an implementation schedule with goals, objectives and benchmarks delineated –Producing an evaluation and reporting plan –Continuously evaluate the service delivery system through the Homeless Management Information System

16 HOPE Prevention objectives include: –Preventing eviction and displacement –Increasing access to transitional and supportive housing –Providing one time and short term rent assistance –Increasing the income of the poor through education and training –Increasing access to community treatment programs and supported institutional release programs –Improving placement services for housing for individuals coming out of hospitals, mental health institutions, jails, prisons and the child care system –Providing wraparound social services to clients who have been housed after a period of homelessness

17 HOME Focus on Housing objectives include: –Expanding permanent housing subsidies –Increasing the availability of affordable housing –Implementing a Housing First strategy –Addressing regulatory barriers and retention of affordable housing –Developing harm reduction programs for clients

18  HelpHopeHome (Plan for outcomes; Prevention; Rapid rehousing)  Inclement Weather Shelter Program moving to year round  Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)  Year-round offsite lodging program allows rapid placement of people unsuitable for mass shelter  Homeless Count  Successful Continuum of Care application  Community Triage Center (CTC) administered by Westcare  Establishment of Homeless Trust Fund with United Way Regional Efforts

19 Best Practices & Lessons Learned Conduct a needs assessment to identify resources and gaps Involve all stakeholders Agree to disagree Agree to a common goal, vision and/or mission Make sure everyone is using the same language Build public awareness Determine common priorities Celebrate accomplishments

20 RESOURCES Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition Committee on Homeless Plan and Implementation Schedule can be found at: The city of Las Vegas’ Home for Homeless Nevadans 10 year plan can be found at: sNevadansPlan.pdf The 2007 Winter Homeless Census can be found at:

21 Contact Information City of Las Vegas City Manager’s Office 400 Stewart Ave. 8th Fl. Las Vegas, NV 89101 (702) 229-6501 Orlando Sanchez, Deputy City Manager Regional Homeless Office (702) 455-5721


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