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N E P F N evada E ducator P erformance F ramework Southern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program Module 1 Part 1 Secondary Mathematics.

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1 N E P F N evada E ducator P erformance F ramework Southern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program Module 1 Part 1 Secondary Mathematics


3 Standard 1 Module for Mathematics Part I – What and Why Goal 1: What is Standard 1? Goal 2: What are the indicators for Standard 1? Part II – Implications for Mathematics Goal 3: What activities/instruction in the classroom would provide evidence of them? Goal 4: What specific plans can be designed to implement them?

4 Standard 1 Module for Mathematics – Part I An Overview of Standard 1 What is Standard 1? What are the indicators for Standard 1? IS IS NOT A complete “How To” for every lesson in math.

5 What do you think of when you hear the word “cardinal”?

6 What do these have to do with the NEPF?

7 How about “cardinal” in a math classroom? car·di·nal num·ber noun plural noun: cardinal numbers a number denoting quantity (one, two, three, etc.), as opposed to an ordinal number (first, second, third, etc.).

8 Let’s take a moment to see why linking to student’s prior learning and experience is such a powerful instructional strategy for teachers to use. It’s in the Neuroscience: the brain seeks patterns. Memory connects new to existing memory through pattern matching.

9 Pattern Matching (for short-term memory) The brain interprets new information based on existing patterns. NEW

10 If there is no pattern waiting… new input is misinterpreted, rejected, or it disappears!

11 Activate prior knowledge… for a successful pattern match! NEW ACTIVATED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE

12 Information is stored and retrieved based on frequently experienced patterns. Let’s see what it is like to experience the brain’s pattern storage and activation. Let’s do a quiet activity. Please read the next slides without speaking your responses.

13 What color is this slide?

14 Name this animal.

15 What does a cow drink?


17 Did you, on your first thought,... Think milk, and then after a few seconds think water? Think water only? Think milk only? During a webinar, 88% of the first thoughts were milk, and then after a few seconds, water.

18 Why did you think “milk” so quickly? Your brain has frequently activated the words “cow”, “milk”, and “white” simultaneously. The frequent activation of those bits of information in a relationship (pattern) connected them into a strong memory circuit resulting in fast retrieval.

19 Another case of brain patterning… What do you see?

20 Another case of brain patterning… Now what do you see?

21 Another case of brain patterning… And now?

22 Optical illusions work because our brains use strong patterns to interpret input. Your visual memory patterning experiences fills in a triangle.

23 NEPF – Standard 1 Activate all students’ initial understanding of new concepts and skills Make connections explicit between previous learning and new concepts and skills for all students Make clear the purpose and relevance of new learning for all students Provide all students opportunities to build on or challenge initial understandings New Learning is Connected to Prior Learning and Experience

24 What makes a math lesson a good lesson? Let’s use a strategy called “Round Table” – Create small groups – On a sheet of paper, the first person will write down a strategy or component – The paper passes to the next person to add his/her strategy – Passing continues around the group – Share out whole group Each team shares an item

25 Does Your List Include These? Introduction Daily Review Daily Objective Concept and Skill Development Concept Linkage Practice – guided, group, independent Long Term Memory Review Closure HW Assessment – Did they get it? Student engagement – Did they do it? These are the Components of an Effective Math Lesson

26 Using your prior knowledge: Introduction Daily Review Daily Objective Concept and Skill Development Concept Linkage Practice – guided, group, independent Long Term Memory Review Closure HW Assessment – Did they get it? Student engagement – Did they do it? NEPF Standard 1

27 Can initial understandings sometimes conflict with learning new concepts/ideas? What happens if initial understandings are ignored? How do the incomplete understandings and misconceptions that students bring with them to a topic hinder new concepts and skills? What is meant by “ initial understanding of new concepts and skills” ? Indicator 1 How can we... activate all students’ initial understanding of new concepts and skills?

28 Does ALL of students’ previous learning come from in-school contexts? Do students bring information to school from their experience of going to a store to buy items, guessing how long it will take to drive to a nearby state, working for a salary? What is meant by “make explicit connections between previous learning and new concepts and skills”? Indicator 2 How can we... make explicit connections between previous learning and new concepts and skills?

29 Adding fractions & adding decimals Finding the area of polygons and circles and finding the volume of prisms and cylinders. Solving simple one-variable linear equations and using the zero product property to find zeros of polynomials Transforming parabolas & transforming circles or hyperbolas.... Additional explicit connections...

30 Can your students answer the question, “What is the point?” Does the relevance of new learning connect new learning to the broader goals of the lesson and understanding the purpose of learning the new material? What is meant by “make clear the purpose and relevance of new learning for all students”? Indicator 3 How can we... make the purpose and relevance of new learning clear for all students?

31 How does interpreting levels of students’ understanding (by the teacher) help to move learning forward? What is meant by “provide all students opportunities to build on or challenge initial understanding”? Indicator 4 How can we... provide all students opportunities to build or challenge initial understanding?

32 Video My Favorite No Consider these questions as you watch. -warm-up-routine – How does this strategy allow for immediate re- teaching? – How does it provide all students opportunities to build or challenge initial understanding?

33 Video “ My Favorite No” Reflect on the video... How does this strategy allow for immediate re- teaching? How does it provide all students opportunities to build or challenge initial understanding?

34 Video “Using the Lottery to Revisit Functions” Consider these questions as you watch: ng-functions What indicators from Standard 1 do you see in the video? Were the strategies he used effective for this concept?

35 Reflection on the video What indicators from Standard 1 did you see in the video? Were the strategies he used effective for this concept?

36 Summary - Quick Review New Learning is Connected to Prior Learning and Experience What short descriptors can you use to remember the Indicators of Standard 1? 1initial understanding 2explicit connections 3purpose and relevance 4build on or challenge

37 Next Steps...Part II What are some current strategies/practices that can be altered to effectively implement this standard? What might this look like in your classroom? Where will evidence of Standard 1 be found in our individual practice? How might effective implementation of Standard 1 affect student outcomes?

38 For additional NEPF resources Select NEPF

39 N E P F N evada E ducator P erformance F ramework Southern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program Module 1 Part 1 Secondary Mathematics

40 N E P F N evada E ducator P erformance F ramework Southern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program Module 1 Part 1 Secondary Mathematics

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