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IRWA Federal Agency Update Presenters: Mike Jones John Turpin Marshall Wainright Washington Hilton March 21, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "IRWA Federal Agency Update Presenters: Mike Jones John Turpin Marshall Wainright Washington Hilton March 21, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 IRWA Federal Agency Update Presenters: Mike Jones John Turpin Marshall Wainright Washington Hilton March 21, 2012

2 Today’s Topics Highlights of the Office of Real Estate Services Research Activities Proposed Uniform Act Changes in Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century (MAP 21) American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act of 2012 (H.R. 7) Federal Highway Administration Update

3 Real Estate Services Research Activities Voluntary Acquisition Acquisition & Relocation Incentive Payments Railroad Mitigation Strategies Reverse Mortgages Business Relocation Retrospective Federal Highway Administration Update

4 Voluntary Acquisitions under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 - Identification of Implementation Challenges Background for the Research

5 Federal Highway Administration Update Voluntary Acquisitions Research Project Research Objectives: 1)Develop and provide information on the use, implementation, best practices, and challenges associated with the voluntary acquisition requirements, and 2)Clarify the appropriate application of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (URA’s) voluntary acquisition requirements.

6 Federal Highway Administration Update Voluntary Acquisitions Research Project Stakeholders FAA – Federal Aviation FTA – Federal Transit HUD – Dept. of Housing and Urban Development USACE – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers NPS - National Park Service 2 State DOTs – Texas and Oregon 2 Local Government Agencies – City of Portland (OR) Housing Bureau and City of Los Angeles Housing Department

7 Federal Highway Administration Update Voluntary Acquisitions Research Project Scope of the Research Project

8 Federal Highway Administration Update Voluntary Acquisitions Research Project The Results

9 Federal Highway Administration Update Acquisition and Relocation Incentive Payment Programs – (Research Objectives) 1)Identifying best practices associated with the implementation of incentive payments, based on information gathered from DOTs that have implemented incentive payment processes; 2)Identifying issues/concerns that are restricting or precluding the implementation of incentive payments processes in some DOTs; 3)Developing tools that will encourage more State DOTs to request FHWA approval to implement incentive payments.

10 Federal Highway Administration Update Acquisition and Relocation Incentive Payment Programs – Regulatory Authority : 23 CFR 710.203(b)(2)(ii)

11 Federal Highway Administration Update Incentive Payments Research Project State DOT Stakeholders TexasNew Jersey South Carolina Florida ArkansasConnecticut NevadaUtahMississippi Wisconsin

12 Federal Highway Administration Update Incentive Payments Research Project Relocation Incentive Payment Programs TexasMississippi ConnecticutWisconsin Acquisition Incentive Payment Programs WisconsinFlorida

13 Federal Highway Administration Update Incentive Payments Research Project Planned Incentive Payment Program New Jersey No Incentive Payment Program in Place UtahSouth Carolina ArkansasNevada

14 Federal Highway Administration Update Incentive Payments Research Project Scope of the Research Project

15 Federal Highway Administration Update Incentive Payments Research Project The Results

16 Real Estate Services Research Activities Voluntary Acquisition Acquisition & Relocation Incentive Payments Railroad Mitigation Strategies Reverse Mortgages Business Relocation Retrospective Federal Highway Administration Update

17 Business Relocation Retrospective Study Findings & Recommendations State# of Files Reviewed # of Interviews Delaware61 Georgia4419 Indiana3625 Maryland1513 Minnesota3919 Texas3225 Virginia3121 Washington4125 Total244148

18 Increase the maximum reestablishment expense payment Increase the amount of the fixed payment for nonresidential moves Improve advisory services provided to business owners/operators Simplify the relocation process Business Relocation Retrospective Study Findings & Recommendations

19 Increase the maximum reestablishment expense payment Increase the amount of the fixed payment for nonresidential moves Improve advisory services provided to business owners/operators Simplify the relocation process Business Relocation Retrospective Study Findings & Recommendations

20 Increase the maximum reestablishment expense payment Increase the amount of the fixed payment for nonresidential moves Improve advisory services provided to business owners/operators Simplify the relocation process Business Relocation Retrospective Study Findings & Recommendations

21 Today’s Topics Highlights of the Office of Real Estate Services Research Activities Proposed Uniform Act Changes in Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century (MAP 21) American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act of 2012 (H.R. 7) Federal Highway Administration Update

22 URA Regulation Timeline The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 Pub. L. 91-646 Law Signed -- 1971 Federal Agencies issued their own rule Interim Rule -- 1985 Unified Rule -- 1989 Amended -- 1993 Amended -- 1999 Rule Updated -- 2005 Symposium -- 2001

23 General Proposed Uniform Act Changes Federal Highway Administration Update Increased Statutory Limits Modify Homeowner’s Occupancy Requirements Enhanced Reporting Requirement Enhanced Uniform Act Services

24 Resources Business Relocation Retrospective tion_assistance/index.htm MAP 21 bin/bdquery/z?d112:s.01813 H.R. 7

25 Resources Negative Equity Waiver Turbo Relocation aspx

26 Questions or Comments? Federal Highway Administration Update

27 IRWA Federal Agency Update Mike Jones FHWA HEPR-10 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington, DC 20590 202-493-0350 Marshall Wainright FHWA HEPR-10 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington, DC 20590 202-366-4842 John Turpin FHWA HEPR-10 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington, DC 20590 202-366-5853 Contact Information

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