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If The World Had 100 People Mr. Aldrich Global Citizenship Mr. Aldrich Global Citizenship.

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Presentation on theme: "If The World Had 100 People Mr. Aldrich Global Citizenship Mr. Aldrich Global Citizenship."— Presentation transcript:

1 If The World Had 100 People Mr. Aldrich Global Citizenship Mr. Aldrich Global Citizenship

2 Where we live 8 live in North America.

3 Where we live 6 live in South America.

4 Where we live 1 lives in Australia.

5 Where we live 13 live in Africa.

6 Where we live 12 live in Europe.

7 Where we live 60 live in Asia.

8 Our religions

9 33 are Christian.

10 Our religions 21 are Muslim.

11 Our religions 14 are Hindu.

12 Our religions 6 are Buddhist.

13 Our religions 6 are traditional Chinese.

14 Our religions 6 are primal/indigenous.

15 Our religions 1 is Jewish.

16 Our religions 1 is Sikh.

17 Our religions The rest are non-religious or atheists.

18 Our languages NOTE: It is possible for one person to speak more than one language.

19 Our languages 4 speak Hindi or Urdu.

20 Our languages 4 speak Russian.

21 Our languages 3 speak Arabic.

22 Our languages 17 speak Mandarin.

23 Our languages 4 speak French.

24 Our languages 5 speak Spanish.

25 Our languages 7 speak English.

26 Our languages Most people don’t speak any of these languages.

27 Wealth

28 The poorest 20 people have only one percent of the money.

29 Wealth The richest 20 people have 86 percent of the money!

30 Wealth The 60 people in the middle have 13 percent of the money.

31 Wealth All the people in the United States are in the richest 20.

32 Technology

33 76 people have electricity.

34 Technology 76 There are 8 cars.

35 Technology 76 8 There are 42 radios.

36 Technology 76 8 42 There are 28 televisions.

37 Technology 76 8 42 28 29 phones.

38 Technology 76 8 42 28 29 10 computers.

39 Technology 76 8 42 28 29 10 Most people have none of these things.

40 Technology 76 8 42 28 29 10 Most people have none of these things. Some have more than one of each of these things.

41 Age 27 are children younger than 15.

42 Age 27 are children younger than 15. 7 are 65 or older.

43 Birth and Death This year one person will die.

44 Birth and Death This year one person will die. But 2 new people will be born.

45 Problems

46 HUNGER 13 people do not have enough food to eat.

47 Problems CLEAN WATER 20 people do not have clean water to drink. 13

48 Problems ILLITERACY 13 of the adults cannot read or write. 1320

49 Problems HIV/AIDS 1 person has HIV/AIDS. 132013

50 Problems HOUSING At least 20 people live in bad houses or have no house. 1320131

51 Problems Can we do anything to help these people? 132013120+

52 Everyone wants to be

53 safe

54 Everyone wants to be safe healthy

55 Everyone wants to be safe healthy happy

56 What can YOU do to make the world a better place?

57 Pictures and clipart from:  agea.gif agea.gif  Microsoft Office Online  agea.gif agea.gif  Microsoft Office Online

58 Statistics from:    uages.htm uages.htm    World Bank World Development Indicators 2004  CIA World Factbook 2006    uages.htm uages.htm    World Bank World Development Indicators 2004  CIA World Factbook 2006

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