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Application: High Performing Asian Economies. Per capita Growth Differences Time Period 1966-90 High performance Asian economies (HPAE) refers to: Singapore,

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Presentation on theme: "Application: High Performing Asian Economies. Per capita Growth Differences Time Period 1966-90 High performance Asian economies (HPAE) refers to: Singapore,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Application: High Performing Asian Economies

2 Per capita Growth Differences Time Period 1966-90 High performance Asian economies (HPAE) refers to: Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Korea.

3 Economic Growth OECD refers to Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development. This includes the world’s 24 richest economies. High performance Asian economies (HPAE) are: Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Korea.

4 Education in HPAE Education is the engine of TFP growth Primary is till eighth grade and secondary is high school Source: Alwyn Young, ‘The Tyrrany of Numbers: Confronting the Statistical Realities of the East Asian Growth Experience’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1995

5 Expenditures on Education The HPAE’s focused on primary education, whereas other focused on higher education. Source: World Bank

6 Income Inequality Fell

7 High Investment

8 Current Account in HPAE

9 Key Message Education, Openness, Property Rights Protection TFP growth Investment boom, Real GDP growth and Rise in per-capita Income Greater wealth is created

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