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Distribution of LDCs and MDCs

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1 Distribution of LDCs and MDCs

2 Regions There are 9 geographical regions.
2 are considered more development: North America and Europe. Latin America, East Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia are all less developed. Reflects a global pattern.

3 Draw a line at 30 degrees north latitude.

4 North America: 0.95 2009: Ranked 13th
Near the top for GDP and literacy rate Lower in education and life expectancy. What factors contribute to this? N.A. highest percentage of tertiary sector employees. World’s leading food exporter.

5 Europe 0.93 Elimination of economic barriers has made it the largest and richest market. Highest areas: western Germany, northeastern France, northern Italy, Switzerland, southern Scandanavia, southeastern U.K., Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg. Southern and Eastern Europe are what brings the HDI of Europe below that of North America.

6 Russia 0.73 Communism caused economic instability and a sharp decline in HDI. In 2000 they experienced economic growth fueled by production of oil.

7 Japan 0.96 A 3rd area of high HDI despite having a high ratio of population to resources. Asset: high number of people willing to work hard for low wages. Gained their foothold in the world economy selling low cost products, they began manufacturing high quality, high value products.

8 Oceania 0.90 Have access to important minerals and food.
Their economies are tied to Japan and other Asian countries.

9 Latin America 0.82

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