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The New England Colonies

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1 The New England Colonies

2 Geography States that make up New England Colonies
Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island New Hampshire Maine Made up of hills and low mountains Large areas covered by forests Soil is thin and rocky Some of the richest fishing grounds Very long and snowy winters Summers are shorter and warm

3 Puritans Similar to Pilgrims, disputes with Church of England
Formed the Massachusetts Bay Company which received a charter to establish settlements Led by John Winthrop

4 The Massachusetts Bay Colony
Puritans established many settlements in the colony Main town was Boston Elected an assembly, the General Court Each town sent representatives to the assembly Did not believe in religious toleration: recognition that other people have the right to different opinions

5 Rhode Island Roger Williams, minister of a church in Salem
Thought colonists should pay Native Americans for the land Forced to leave Massachusetts Bay Moved south to what is now Rhode Island, purchased land from the Native Americans, founded Providence Received charter, decided people of all faiths could worship as they saw fit

6 Anne Hutchinson Boston woman who questioned Puritan teachings
Put on trial and forced to leave Massachusetts Established new settlement in what is now Rhode Island

7 Connecticut Thomas Hooker, disagreed with Puritans
Left Massachusetts with followers, settled in Connecticut, found town of Hartford Colonists drew up Fundamental Orders of Connecticut which established a government with an elected legislature and governor

8 New Hampshire John Wheelright, forced to leave MA
Agreed with Anne Hutchinson’s ideas Moved to New Hampshire with some followers, founded Exeter Received charter from king

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