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Hunger and Poverty. Committee members Yankı Akoğlu Tibet Örs Ebru Ünsal Vedat Billur Mariana Miller Nikita Gabdrakhmanov Aylin Yasa Melissa Kaslowski.

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Presentation on theme: "Hunger and Poverty. Committee members Yankı Akoğlu Tibet Örs Ebru Ünsal Vedat Billur Mariana Miller Nikita Gabdrakhmanov Aylin Yasa Melissa Kaslowski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hunger and Poverty

2 Committee members Yankı Akoğlu Tibet Örs Ebru Ünsal Vedat Billur Mariana Miller Nikita Gabdrakhmanov Aylin Yasa Melissa Kaslowski Benan Berhan

3 Poverty The problem of poverty has been accompanying our humanity for many centuries. Poverty is the state of need, lack of survival necessities preventing people from satisfying their family or personal requirements. Poverty is considered to be one of the most burning social problems in our modern world.

4 Some Facts The best situation is in Western Europe where the number of the poor is the smallest - 4-7% of the population. But even in this richest country of the world - in the USA, the amount of poor people living below the poverty level is 13%, it is 37 000 000 people. Nowadays 1 300 000 000 people (the Earth population is 6 500 000 000 ) are still in need. Their daily income is about $ 1. 3 000 000 000 people earn only $ 2 per day.

5 Situation of Russia And USA The reasons of starvation and poverty; The economic decrease worldwide or in particular country Inequality of people in a sociaty Civil Conflicts Crop Failure Natural Disasters Unemployment

6 Focus of the action Our focus of the action was to give job opportunities to unemployed women. We were going to contact an NGOs that will help us find trustworthy women who need a job. We were going to supply the necessary materials for them to produce hand made products, which will be sold in fairs and boutiques. Our member representing the United States raised money for tribal groups, and sold their tribal artwork also to help hurricane victims who live in New Orleans area. Also they donated food to homeless people. Our members from Enka Schools gathered clothes, food and books for their neighborhood.

7 Target Group Our member from the United States targeted homeless people and tribal groups to support. They also sent a group of students to help restore New Orleans after the hurrıcane.

8 Target Group Our aim was to support unemployed/less privileged women who lived in Istanbul and Çamyolu village in Adapazarı.

9 Expected Outcomes To make a difference and to help restore the New Orleans area. To start a flowing business. To get support of various NGO’s such as Mor çatı, AÇEV, KEDV, TOG.

10 The Procedure Followed Adapazarı Enka Schools opened a textile factory for unemployed and uneducated women in Çamyolu Village by the help of Zurich International School.

11 The Procedure Followed In order to raise money, the Koç Schools held themed days like “chocolate days” and sold items containing chocolates. The money gained was in order to raise money for unemployed woman. They also contacted Duncin Donuts and Dominos Pizzas and asked them to sell their products at their school. Some families baked cakes and cookies at the school and sold them at fairs. Enka Schools and ODTÜ held fairs and sold hand made products made by students in order to raise money.

12 The Procedure Followed For New Orleans we arranged for a group of students to work with the organization, Common Ground. They sorted clothing, did gardening and helped unmold houses. We have successfully sold enough art work to send Kuramba tribal group 300 dollars. We have successfully also been able to donate a collection of food each year to our local food banks.

13 Achievements



16 Areas that were not fulfilled and the reasons & Problems That Committee Members Faced We could not gather a large amount of money for unemployed women. We could not inform everyone about our project. We could not get the support of the government and private institutions. In New Orleans we were faced with the problem of communication between our school and Common Ground. Some companies didn’t have any interest in our project.

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