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+ Banska Bystrica Region. + Location Banska Bystrica Region is located in the south central Slovakia. With an area of ​​ 9,455 square kilometers is the.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Banska Bystrica Region. + Location Banska Bystrica Region is located in the south central Slovakia. With an area of ​​ 9,455 square kilometers is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Banska Bystrica Region

2 + Location Banska Bystrica Region is located in the south central Slovakia. With an area of ​​ 9,455 square kilometers is the largest Slovak region. The most important monuments offer former royal mining towns – mining stiavnica (1993 inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage), Banska Bystrica, Kremnica Spania Dolina. For several wildlife sanctuaries and places of interest worth mentioning especially national Park Low Tatras, Muran Plateau and Great Fatra, Harmanecká Cave, Cave Bystrianska and Dead Bats Cave, protected area Stiavnicke hills, Ponitrie, Cerová Highlands and Polana, which is also listed as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

3 + Attractions Banska Bystrica and the Museum of Slovak National Uprising - the pride of the county town is the original historic core with several churches, hour "oblique" tower and a series of Renaissance burgher houses. During World War II Banska Bystrica became a center of anti-fascist Slovak revolt, right here you can find a museum documenting the struggle of the Slovaks against the German occupiers. Special building its shape recalls the broad-brimmed hat, a traditional headdress Slovak shepherds who wore the partisans. Banská Štiavnica - historical city whose past is linked to the extraction of gold and silver. Preserved are several mining and industrial monuments, four churches and many townhouses. It is noteworthy New Castle, a former fortress against the Turks, where the Slovak Mining Museum set up an exhibit dedicated to the history of the Turkish invasion in trednej Europe and the Turkish wars in Slovakia.

4 + Mining museum Mining museum - the open-air museum on the outskirts of the town of Banská Štiavnica inter traditional log buildings, blacksmith, firehouse, knocker and Geopark You can also look old machinery and vehicles. The tour takes you into the real historic mine, 1.2 km long tunnel Bartholomew, which lies 40 m below the surface.

5 + Harmanecká Cave Harmanecká located in the valley, in the southern part of the Great Fatra nadmorskejvýške 821 m on the northern slope of the hill Kotolnica. Underground space with a snow-white stalactite, several lakes, waterfalls and rich sinter curtains offer a magnificent view. Most space is being disclosed Dome with massive pagoda pagodas services. Harmanecká symbol of the cave, however, is dazzlingly white stone vase. Said to fulfill the wishes of anyone who hits a coin into it.

6 + Dead Bats Cave the only publicly accessible mountain cave with entrance at an altitude of 1 520 m in the Low Tatras mountain massif Ginger. Specific name according to the amount received cave bat skeletons found in different parts of the cave. The basic route is 1000 m long, lighted and secured with steel ropes and bridges, is recommended for children from six years of entry.

7 + Kremnica starobylému baníckemu city in the middle of Kremnické vrchy mountains, in the past called "the gold" – thanks to the extraction of gold and silver belonged to the richest in the country. Dominating the city is the Gothic church of the castle of St. Catherine, patron saint of the city, in which are located the largest organ in Central Europe. In other parts of the Castle houses the Museum of coins and medals, which is part of the National Bank of Slovakia you will also find a unique Mint in Kremnica offers., which was founded in 1328 and holds the title of oldest still functional so Mint in the world. In the historical interiors of the public accessible tour of ancient tools is installed mincmistrov and contemporary production techniques.

8 + A water channel in the Valley of Rakytovo a steep valley, linked into the Harmaneckej Valley, and rafting in the 19th century ever. in the 19th century. Survived until 21. century – namely, damaged and partly broken, but at a length of 2 metres. In the year 2000 has been declared a national monument in 2006, made a complete repair. The entire structure is made from jed ľ ového and spruce and the construction will have used any other materials, such as plastic or metal.

9 + Č iernohronská railway exceptional technical monument is the narrow gauge forest railway in the Valley of the Black River Valley. Started to build in 1908, and a year later began regular operation. Main line led from the Nation to the Statistical Office, where the Black College vetvili into many directions and reached a total length of 142 kilometers. Operation stopped in 1982, ten years later, he managed to restore the 16 km long stretch of the Chvatimechu for tourists through the narrow and Black Balog to Valley Vydrová. Ž elezni č ka is in operation every day from the beginning of May to the end of September. In black you can see the station with cars and issued by the Statistical Office a little exposure.

10 + Wooden articular Church in Zvolen the Church from 1726, was in 2008 along with other seven wooden churches included on the list of world cultural and natural heritage of UNESCO. In addition to the Church in Zvolen among them are the Evangelical Church and the Roman Catholic churches in Hervatove, Lestiny in kezmarok and Greek-Catholic churches in Bodru ž ali, Ladomírovej, Tvrdosin and Russian Bystrej.

11 + Museum of puppet cultures and toys in the castle of the Blue Stone the Castle and the castle above the town's history, architecture and captivating beauty of the okázalou dobrodru ž nou does not Excel, but what it hides in its interior. Just behind the gate, you enter into a world of fantasy, fairy tales hradnou and fabulous stories, into the world of puppets and toys. Individual exposure to documenting the origin, development and various forms of puppet theatre, and two are children's room.

12 + Sv. Anton Baroque Classicist Castle represented a symbolic calendar – had four entrances, arcades, seven of 12 rooms and 365 Windows, 52 chimneys. Now would you nedopo č ítali because the architectural calendar cleared alterations during the 19. during the 19th century. In the Interior are located with extensive collections of period furniture and hunting-related topics, the only exposure of its kind in Slovakia.

13 + bansko bystricky coat of arms

14 + Thank you for your attention !!!

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