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Rome Geography.

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1 Rome Geography

2 Bell Work List 5 things that come to mind when you hear ‘Rome’….

3 Rome Geography

4 Bell Work: How does Italy’s terrain compare to Greece
Bell Work: How does Italy’s terrain compare to Greece? How might this affect Italy’s development?

5 Geography and Founding of Rome
Read through the article Answer the questions

6 Rome Government

7 Bell Work Please take out your reading assignment from yesterday (Rome founding, geography and people) and make sure you have finished it. We are going to correct this in class together.

8 Rome Government Evolution
Monarchy 200 years of rule by a king Tarquin The Proud 509 BC Republican Democracy 27 BC AD Empire Octavian Augustus

9 Vocabulary Patricians: Upper Class Plebeians: Lower Class Democratic: All citizens have an equal influence on the government no matter their social class gender, etc.

10 Rome and The Republic: Institutions
Senate: Duties and Traits 2 Assemblies: Duties and traits Traits Aristocratic Branch 300 Patricians Plebeians are allowed later Very Powerful Serve for life Duties Controlled funds and foreign policy Elected Consuls Could elect dictator in times of war Democratic Branch Centuriate Assembly Traits Patricians Duties Make laws Declared War and Peace Elect magistrates (more people who oversaw daily affairs of gov..) Tribal Assembly Plebeians Choose Tribune Can veto any acts they felt were not good for the public Approved or rejected laws Dictator: ruler with complete control (Power for 6 months)

11 Roman Republic: Elected Officials
2 Consuls Traits Elected by Senate Duties Chief Executive Army Commanders Praetors Many of them Military commanders Judges Proposed many laws Censors Registered Roman citizens by their wealth (like the IRS)

12 Other Traits Cont… Consuls Senate Tribal Assembly
Powerful because they are chosen for the leadership position and leadership is needed They can Veto each others actions 10 year waiting period between terms Senate Powerful because members are the richest men in Rome Could not control army Tribal Assembly Powerful because they provide most of the soldiers for Rome’s army Could not suggest laws only veto those they didn’t like Patron/Client relationship?

13 Article Questions Who were the patricians and plebeians?
Why did patricians want to prevent plebeians from holding important positions in Roman society and government? What were the requirements for Roman citizenship?  What "rights" did Roman citizens have? How "democratic" was the government of the early Roman Republic? 

14 Roman laws

15 Directions Please take out your reading on Roman Government
Discuss the answers with a partner, make sure it is finished We will discuss it together and then hand it in

16 Bell Work Which is the worse scenario (in your opinion) and why?
An innocent person is sent to jail for a crime he didn’t commit? Or… A guilty person goes free and isn’t punished for the crime they committed?

17 12 Tables Reading We will read through the article together and then you will have time to answer the q’s

18 Christianity

19 Bell Work: What conclusion can you draw from these maps
Bell Work: What conclusion can you draw from these maps? Right map= Height of the Roman Empire 400s AD. Left = Where Christianity is the major religion in 406 AD.


21 Text Reading Questions 1-7 on page 146

22 Empire

23 Bell Work Please hand in your answers to #1-7 from page 146.
If you are not finished, grab a textbook and complete the questions. You may work with a partner. (5 mins) Hand in when finished

24 Trouble in the Republic??
83 BC to 31 BC= 3 Roman Civil Wars. 3 Big Problems Ideological controversy: “Should we have a Republic controlled by a Senate, or an Empire which is controlled by a powerful leader?” Military turmoil: Generals seizing power. Many were calling for Rome to expand its already vast lands into an ‘empire’. Economic turmoil: Gaps between the rich and poor grew wider.

25 Notes from video What are the accomplishments of the Romans?
What is the difference between the Roman Republic and Roman Empire? Who are the important people involved in the Rome’s history?

26 Caesar vs. Pompey Julius Caesar Pompey Caesar = military genius
conquers Gaul (France) – looks to other areas Has military support Pompey = Consul back in Rome ordered Caesar to disband army and return home Caesar crushed Pompey Forced Senate to name him dictator (“for life”) In 44 B.C., Senate betrayed Caesar, stabbed him (“Et tu, Brute?”)

27 After Julius Caesar Octavian Augustus
Senate proclaimed Octavian “Augustus” (Exalted One) 1st “official” emperor of Rome End of “Republic” -- Beginning of “Empire” Caesar’s Grand-nephew

28 Achievement poster

29 Directions Create a group of 4 or 5 members.
All class members must be in a group or all groups lose 5 points Time: you have 1 class period to complete this assignment, time management is very important Read: p and identify 8 areas of Roman achievement discussed by your book Create: A poster that includes the following 8 areas of roman achievement Title Picture/drawing A latin phrase A link between your life and the Romans Names of group members Make sure all group members know the areas of Roman achievements. There will be a quiz tomorrow. Notes that you take during the activity may be used on the quiz.

30 Decline Project

31 Peak of Roman Empire: 117 AD

32 The Final Centuries 285 AD Empire Splits in 2 (East/West) [ ] 509 BC Tarquin the Proud is Overthrown and the Republic begins. 27 BC Augustus is the first official Emperor 410 AD Visigoths Sack Rome Republic BC Empire 27 BC-476 AD 324AD Constantine moves capital to Constantinople 476 AD Last Roman Emperor Overthrown

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