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Acetic Acid By Hamad Shaabi Reyan Rutherford Shaun Lynn Andrew Pollock.

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Presentation on theme: "Acetic Acid By Hamad Shaabi Reyan Rutherford Shaun Lynn Andrew Pollock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acetic Acid By Hamad Shaabi Reyan Rutherford Shaun Lynn Andrew Pollock

2 Marketing RegionDemandSupplyImportExport Asia3757-20 North America22418- South America22-- Europe1114-3 Middles East223-20

3 Marketing

4 Acetic acid DerivativesUses Vinyl Acetate Monomer Paints, adhesives, coating, textiles, wire and cable polyethylene compounds Terephthalic Acid Bottles, textiles, polyester fibers Acetate Esters Paints, coating, inks formulation, sealants, adhesives in pharmaceutical applications Acetic Anhydride Cellulose acetate fibers, plastics, pharmaceutical such as aspirin OthersChemical reagent

5 Method  Ethylene via acetaldehyde  Methanol by carbonylation  Butane by liquid-phase oxidation  Cativa Process

6 Ethylene via acetaldehyde

7 Reactor 106 °C 10 ATM Acetic Acid Column Ace taldehyde Column Acetic acid Extractor Extraction System Flash tank Acetic Acid scrubber CO2 Removal OFF Gas BFW Steam Ethylen e Oxygen Nitrogen water H2O stm Acetaldehyde Acetic Acid Product [PdCl4]²ˉ C2H4 + H2O + ½O2 CH3CHO + H2O CuCl2 CH3CHO + H2O CH3COOH + H2

8 Estimating plant capital costs Major Process StepSpecial RequirementsScore Reaction10 atm (0.3), Temp 160 °C(0.3),H.G Stainless steel (0.6) 2.2 ScrubberHigh grade s.s. (0.6)1.6 CO2 RemovalHigh grade s.s. (0.6)1.6 Acetic ColumnHigh grade s.s. (0.6)1.6 Acetaldehyde Column High grade s.s. (0.6)1.6 Acetic FinishingHigh grade s.s. (0.6), entrainment (0.3) 1.9 Total process complexity factor10.5

9 Methanol Carbonylation

10  Most used process for production of Acetic acid.  Developed by Henry Dreyfus at British Celanese, pilot plant opened in 1925.  Uses a metal catalyst, usually Rhodium. CH 3 OH + CO  CH 3 COOH

11 Methanol Carbonylation 1.CH 3 OH + HI  CH 3 I + H 2 O 2.CH 3 I + CO + [Metal Catalyst]  CH 3 COI 3.CH 3 COI + H 2 O  CH 3 COOH + HI CH 3 OH HI CH 3 I H2OH2O CO + [Metal Catalyst] CH 3 COI CH 3 COOH H2OH2O HI Reaction carried out at a minimum of 200atm.

12 Methanol Carbonylation Methanol and carbon monoxide are the raw materials. Bi-products are separated using distillation.

13 Methanol Carbonylation Flow Diagram

14 Methanol Carbonylation Complexity Factor Major Process StepSpecial RequirementsScore Reaction 200 atm (0.9) Temp 200 °C(0.3) High Grade Stainless steel (0.6) 2.8 ScrubberHigh Grade Stainless steel (0.6)1.6 CO2 RemovalHigh Grade Stainless steel (0.6)1.6 Acetic ColumnHigh Grade Stainless steel (0.6)1.6 Acetaldehyde ColumnHigh Grade Stainless steel (0.6)1.6 Acetic Finishing Entrainment (0.3) High Grade Stainless steel (0.6) 1.9 Total process complexity factor11.1

15 Cativa Process

16 Cativa Developed in 1996 by BP. Uses Iridium catalyst. Requires Catalytic Promoter – Ruthenium Increase in“active anionic” species Ir(CO 2 )I 3 Me] -

17 Mechanism of Iridium Catalysed Reaction

18 Cativa Process First step is no longer the rate determining step Cativa Process 150x faster than Monosanto Rate = [catalyst] x [CO] [I - ] Very high yield 95-98% at 99% purity

19 Cativa Flow diagram

20 Advantages of the Cativa process Iridium is much cheaper than rhodium Less iridium is needed because it is so stable that all the catalyst is recycled in the plant The reaction is faster and the quantities of by-products are much lower, reducing the purification costs. For example steam is used to heat the distillation columns and there is a 30% saving of steam over the Monsanto process Some conversion of CO to CO 2 still occurs but at a much lower rate CO utilisation is increased from about 85% to over 94% Overall the Cativa process releases about 30% less CO 2 per tonne of product than does the rhodium process

21 Butane by liquid-phase oxidation

22 Acetic Acid by Butane Oxidation When butane is heated with air in the presence of a metal catalysts acetic acid is produced. C 4 H 10 + 2½ O 2 → 2 CH 3 COOH + H 2 O Suitanle metal catalysts are manganese, cobalt and chromium. Conditions are run at a combination of temperature and pressure designed to be as hot as possible while keeping the butane in a liquid phase. Typical conditions are 150°C an 55 atm. The reaction produces side products such as ethyl acetate, butanone and formic acid which are commercially valuable. Reaction conditions can be altered to produce either of these as the major product if this is economically useful. Before methanol carbonylation became commercialised in the 1980s, Butane oxidation was the major source of acetic acid Now produces less than 10% of acetic acid supply annually.

23 Thank you any question ?

24 References:  G. James, chemical process and design hand book, USA 2001  A. John & Encyclopedia of chemical technology  ullmann’s & encyclopedia of industrial chemistry

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