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Presentation on theme: "SUEZ CANAL AREA DEVELOPMENT PROJECT"— Presentation transcript:

A 21st CENTURY ECONOMY NATIONAL BENEFITS The SCADP’s vision is to “Exploit the enormous potential of the Suez Canal; to develop a vibrant, internationally competitive economy that is a magnet for international investment, stimulates substantial employment opportunities and transforms the region into a world-class, global logistics hub and industrial processing centre that provides gateways to both the European and Asian markets.” Development of the areas surrounding the Suez Canal, and establishment of new urban, industrial and economic zones. Creation of job opportunities through increased economic activity, which will contribute to decreasing the unemployment and poverty rates in Egypt Attraction of new investment, which will contribute to the State's Treasury and be reflected on Egypt’s Public budget and services offered to citizens. Improvement in global confidence in Egypt’s national economy, and the country’s ability to carry out global economic Projects. ONGOING WORK A Study to develop the SCADP is currently underway. It is comprised of 6 main activities: HIGH-VALUE ACTIVITIES Formulating a sustainable REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY to guide the socio-economic development of the region to This Strategy builds upon the region’s competitive advantages, capitalises upon opportunities and addresses current constraints. As an integrated plan, all economic sectors are included in the SCADP. However, with a view to delivering upon the objectives of the Project, five priority sectors have been identified. These sectors embody the potential to transform the region into an international industrial and logistics hub, which is at the heart of international trade. Translating the Strategy spatially into a regional INTEGRATED MASTERPLAN, building upon current linkages and ensuring integration of industrial and urban nodes. Infrastructure, transport, residential and community facility needs to support the masterplan are identified. Manufacturing ICT Energy Maritime- related activities Transport & Logistics Detailing MASTERPLANS for sites which have been identified as potential catalysts for the development for the region, and highlighting priority projects within them. Feasibility studies ensure they are technically and financially sound. CATALYST SITES From a long list of potential sites, priority sites, based on their ability to catalyse development in the region, were selected. Criteria used in the selection included: Developing an INWARD INVESTMENT STRATEGY which identifies investment needs and potential opportunities. This includes recommending a suitable supporting institutional structure, developing a marketing strategy and a plan for a roadshow. Financial Feasibility/ Profitability Socio-economic Impact Project Readiness and Ease of Implementation Environmental Impact Public and Political Support Estimating benefits which will be derived from the project, and identifying potential risks, through a STRATEGIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT. Raising public awareness and support for the project by engaging with the media through a MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS PLAN.

2 GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE For more information please contact:
The SCADP involves developing a Regional Development Strategy for the areas in the hinterland of the Suez Canal . More specifically, an area of ‘core influence’ has been defined. Identified priority sites include Port Said East and Ain Sokhna. Strategically located at the 2 gateways of the Canal, these sites offer high potential to be developed into global hubs for port, logistic and industrial activities. Opportunities around Ismailia are also being developed. Suez Canal Authority: The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) is a public independent authority. The SCA is responsible for undertaking any affairs related to the Suez Canal Facility, its management, usage, maintenance, and improvement. The SCA is the sole entity authorized to issue and enforce regulations related to navigation in the Canal, in addition to other regulations that ensure a well and orderly run canal. The SCA is the main entity responsible for managing and supervising the SCADP in cooperation with several ministries and authorities including; the Ministry of Housing and Urban Communities, the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Investment. The Chairman of the SCA is also the Chief Executive Officer of the SCADP. Dar Al-Handasah: The development of the SCADP masterplan is being undertaken by a consortium of consultants. This consortium includes some of the largest local and international consulting firms, headed by Dar Al-Handasah (Shair and Partners) and Dar Al-Handasah Egypt Ltd. Dar Al-Handasah is an international multi-disciplinary consultancy institution specialized in the fields of engineering, architecture, planning, economics and financial advisory, environment, and project management. It is one of the top ten international consulting firms in the world with design offices in Egypt, Lebanon, United Kingdom, India and Jordan, in addition to 40 regional operation offices across the world. In Egypt, Dar Al-Handasah has implemented more than 130 projects in the fields of planning, public buildings and facilities, airports, feasibility studies and project management among others. For more information please contact: Suez Canal Authority Tel: +2 (064) Fax: (064) 2+


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