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1 Labour Market, educational requirements and social protection Microeconomy Sociology Macroeconomy Psychology Demography Research on Labour Market, educational.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Labour Market, educational requirements and social protection Microeconomy Sociology Macroeconomy Psychology Demography Research on Labour Market, educational."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Labour Market, educational requirements and social protection Microeconomy Sociology Macroeconomy Psychology Demography Research on Labour Market, educational requirements and social protection Better understand the functioning of the Luxembourg labour market Improving the educational system Provide the basis for evidence-based policy making

2 2 Facing current and future challenges Rising unemployment Meeting the labour market requirements of the knowledge economy Coping with an ageing workforce Ensuring social inclusion, in particular in the labour market Ensuring the long-term viability of the social systems. Unemployment rate (Source: STATEC Rapport 2007 „Travail et cohésion sociale“)

3 3 Structure of the mismatch: Qualifications, Origin, Gender issues Possible remedies: qualification, regulatory framework, incentives, work models…) Improving the match between labour supply and labour demand Labour supply: Impact of unemployment replacement rates Impact of (early-) retirement schemes Incentives for work participation work qualifications and motivations of immigrants and cross-border workers Labour demand: Hiring behaviour of companies and public organisations (qualifications level, origin, age, gender, etc.) Workforce demand for diversifying the economy

4 4 Moving from reactive towards proactive policy-making Anticipating future needs / developments and their impact on the welfare state: Skills needed in the knowledge-based economy New work models for the knowledge society: part-time jobs, multi-jobs, teleworking, etc.  work-life balance  “a-typical” work models and social security (“précariat”) Ageing and shrinking workforce

5 5 Addressing Luxembourg specificities Cross-border workers in the Greater Region in 2005 Source: Offices statistiques de la Grande Région, Luxembourg is a small-sized but open economy! High level of immigrants in the labour market High dependence on cross-border workers  Adapting instruments and tools used abroad to the specificities of Luxembourg  Developing new tools and concepts. Cross-border labour markets need cross-border labour market research!

6 6 Improving education and training Maintaining a qualified workforce and ensuring social inclusion in the labour market: Determinants of educational achievement / failure Management of heterogeneity Effectiveness of the education system Preconditions for “smooth” and successful transitions from the education system to the labour market. Adapting to the knowledge society: rethinking training! Developing flexible (lifelong) learning methods (e.g. based on e- learning, etc.) Individual learning paths Validation of professional experience

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