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Measuring and analysing public expenditures Next steps Joanna Komorowska.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring and analysing public expenditures Next steps Joanna Komorowska."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring and analysing public expenditures Next steps Joanna Komorowska

2 Terms of Reference Outline of what has to be done in the PE pillar of the project Starting point:  Descriptive overview of PE budget, links with macroeconomy, fiscal context and financing  Identify set of budgets and collect appropriate data for further analysis

3 Terms of Reference Descriptive overview should include:  General information about the sector: Main macro issues affecting ag. sector Role of ag. sector in the economy Sector performance  Information related to budgetary processes Budget planning instruments Institutional structure of budget process Political economy (recent changes in government, role of parliament, civil society and private sector)

4 Terms of Reference Collected data from the identified set of budgets should allow constructing a database which will include all the elements described in Sessions 1 and 2. The database will serve as a basis for the analysis as demonstrated in Session 3.

5 Expected outputs 1.Background paper(s) 2.Database 3.Contributions to the Country Report

6 Timelines and responsibilities PUBLIC EXPENDITURES 1 st month 2 nd month 3 rd month 4 th month 5 th month 6 th month A. Descriptive overview of the public expenditure budget Background paper(s) delivered B. Identification of data sources and data gaps for public expenditure analysis List of data sources for analysis List of data gaps and eventual data collection needs C. Data gathering on public expenditures Final data base for classification of public expenditures delivered D. Classification of public expenditure measures and calculation of related indicators Final data base with classification of expenditure measures and related indicators delivered E. Analysis of public expenditures (preparatory input for country report) Draft analysis of public expenditures delivered Analysis of public expenditures completed and material for country reports prepared


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