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Rome Although the Hellenistic Age was coming to an end, as the Romans conquered much of the Mediterranean, the influence of the Greeks lived on in Roman.

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Presentation on theme: "Rome Although the Hellenistic Age was coming to an end, as the Romans conquered much of the Mediterranean, the influence of the Greeks lived on in Roman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome Although the Hellenistic Age was coming to an end, as the Romans conquered much of the Mediterranean, the influence of the Greeks lived on in Roman culture.

2 Roman Republic: The Land Alps to the north Adriatic Sea to the East Mediterranean Sea to the West and South Ideal location to control trade from the eastern and western halves of the Med. Long coastline made it open to attack

3 Roman Republic: The beginning In mid 700’s BC the Latins moved into west-cetral Italy The settlers built villages along Tiber River that eventually became Rome Rome was under the control of the Etruscan Kings –From the Etruscans came a written language

4 Rome: Strategic Location Built on 7 hills along the Tiber River 15 miles inland Protected from sea invasion The center of trade routes on the Italian Peninsula

5 Roman Republic 509 BC wealthy landowners overthrow the Etruscans Republic is formed - form of gov’t in which voters elect officials to run the state Only adult males citizens were entitled to vote and to take office 3 Important offices in gov’t - Senate, Magistrates, popular assemblies

6 Senate Most influential governing body in Rome In time of trouble the Senate could name a dictator for a six month term –He had complete control of army and courts

7 Magistrates: Elected Officials Consuls - Two individuals elected for 1 yr terms (ran the gov’t) –Could veto - or refuse acts of other consul –Checks and Balances - This prevented any on part of gov’t from getting to powerful Praetors - commanded armies and oversaw legal system Censors - helped oversea human behavior –Ensured that people acted morally

8 Assemblies Several assemblies existed in Rome Elected 10 Tribunes Tribunes - had power over the Senate –If tribune believed actions were not in public interest, they could refuse to approve them.

9 Social Statuses Two classes in Roman Society Patricians - powerful landowners who were descendants of original Roman founders –Controlled the Gov’t Early on Plebians - made up of majority of the population & were usually farmers or workers –Had few rights early on but over time won same rights as Patricians 12 Tables - engravement of Roman Laws that was placed in the Forum

10 Sec II: Rome Expands Through warfare and alliances, the Romans greatly expanded their control.

11 Rome vs. Carthage Rome controlled Italian Peninsula by the 3rd Century BC Carthage controlled much of north africa, Sardinia, and Corsica Both had their eyes on Sicily

12 1st Punic War Began in 264 BC Rome w/ powerful army vs. Carthage w/ powerful navy Romans eventually successful after building large navy Romans made Carthage give up Sicily and large sums of money.

13 2nd Punic War Carthage wanted revenge on the Romans Led by Hannibal - one of the greatest generals of all time –Conquers Spain –Launches invasion of Italy overland

14 2nd Punic War cont’d Hannibal marches army across Alps Ravages Rome for almost 20 years Romans suffer humiliating defeat at the Battle of Cannae –Two roman armies are annihilated

15 2nd Punic War Cont’d Rome finally turns the tables on Carthage Roman General Scipio invades Spain and then Carthage Hannibal called back to defend the Capital Hannibal defeated by Scipio at Zama –The only battle hannibal didn’t outnumber Romans in calvary

16 Peace Treaty and the end of Carthage Carthage forced forced to pay money again and give up its colonies in Spain Macedonia was also allied with Carthage and was crushed –The province came under Roman protection Third Punic War –149 BC Rome declares war –146 BC the city is destroyed

17 Roman Expansion and Problems Rome was now master of the Mediterranean New territories called provinces –Administered by greedy governors –Overtaxed the provinces Romans had problems at home –Many soldiers found their farms destroyed when they returned home and did not have enough $ to start over –Many farmers lost land and moved to cities –Those who could not find money depended on gov’t for food –Equites - increased trade allowed new class of business owner to flourish –Gap b/w rich and poor grows

18 Sec. III: Birth of the Empire Bitter political power struggles w/in the Roman Republic led to the creation of the Empire

19 Gracchus Brothers Brothers Tiberius and Gaius Attempted Social reform –Food for farmer-soldiers returning home from war Both were tribunes Tiberius murdered by Senators in 133 BC Gaius killed by riot in 122 BC

20 Social Wars Rome’s relation with provincial allies was in a crisis They had fought for Rome against Carthage and Macedon Wanted to be able to hold office like Roman citizens Civil war breaks out –It is called the Social War, from the Latin word socius, meaning “ally”

21 Outcome and Reforms Rome wins but grants allies citizenship Gaius Marius - Roman general reforms army makes it volunteers These “private” armies weaken the republic

22 Republic in Chaos Armies now more loyal to General than to Senate or Country Lucius Cornelius Sulla uses his “private army” to make himself dictator He does restore power to Senate –But now an army commander can make the Senate do his bidding

23 Rise of Caesar Julius Caesar was a popular general during his time He was a nephew of Marius and a powerful public speaker Spent a great deal of money supporting the poor His ambition was to rule Rome

24 1st Triumvirate Caesar, Gnaeus Pompey, and Licinius Crassus form political alliance = 1st Triumvirate Caesar becomes consul –Knew he needed a loyal army –Gets special command of Gaul and conquers the region (modern France) –Crassus dies and Pompey (now consul) orders Caesar back to Rome w/out his army Caesar crosses the Rubicon w/ his Army

25 Caesar Triumphant Pompey flees Rome to Greece to raise an army against Caesar Pompey defeated Caesar marches on Egypt and put Cleopatra on the throne –Egypt now a Roman ally Returns to Rome triumphant and popular Senate with threat from Caesar’s army makes Caesar Dictator for life

26 Rome under Caesar

27 Fall of Caesar Caesar reduces power of Senate Senate fears Caesar’s power and ambition On Ides of March - March 15 - Caesar’s friends Brutus and Cassius murder Caesar on the Senate floor

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