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An Age of Empires: Rome & Han China

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1 An Age of Empires: Rome & Han China
753 B.C.E – 600 C.E. Chapter 5

2 Rome’s Creation of a Mediterranean Empire, 753 B.C.E. – 600C.E.
Causes of Success Rome’s _______ location in Italy and the Mediterranean . Leaders ability to draw on the ____power resources of Italy. Early Roman _____ gave way to a ________ that was guided by the __________, a council of the headed of wealthy families.

3 Rome’s Creation of a Mediterranean Empire, 753 B.C.E. – 600C.E. Cont…
Roman Expansion The ambition and desire for _____ of its leaders. Weaker states appealing for Roman _______. Roman fear of others _____________. Rome extended its _______________ as people in western provinces adopted the ______ language and Roman lifestyle.

4 Rome’s Creation of a Mediterranean Empire, 753 B.C.E. – 600C.E. Cont…
The Fall of the Republic _______ Wars led fought by ________ that were more loyal to their __________ than to the state, ushered in a new government. ___________ developed a new government called the ________________ which was a military __________________. The Long Decline The _____ ______ _______ almost destroyed Rome. Leaders ____________ & _____________ saved the empire for a time, but when the capital was moved from Rome to _____________ historians view this as the end of Roman History.

5 The Origins of Imperial China, 221 B.C.E. – 220 C.E.
A Unified China Under the _____ Dynasty, China was unified under ________ political policies. China’s security bettered with their victory over the _________ in the northern territories. The great Qin leader ___ _______ order the building of the _____ ____, but weak leaders following his death led to the dynasty’s fall and the establishment of the ____ Dynasty.

6 The Origins of Imperial China, 221 B.C.E. – 220 C.E.
The Han Dynasty Emperor ___ strengthened the Northern frontier and used ________ scholars as government officials. The new capital of ________ was a model for cities and towns throughout China. The Han era brought many ________ and __________ achievements, as well as the arrival of the _________ religion to China. Burdened by continuous warfare in Northern China the Han dynasty fell to ___________ forcing many Chinese people to flee into the ________ river valley.

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