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Organisational trends in the German surveying authorities.

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1 Organisational trends in the German surveying authorities

2 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 Agenda 1.Official Surveying and Mapping in Germany 2.Publicly Appointed Surveyors 3.Land Registry 4.Organisation 2000 – 2005 – 2011 5.Recession of Surveys 6.Contingent of Surveys for Publicly Appointed Surveyors 7.Conclusion

3 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 1.Official Surveying and Mapping in Germany 2.Publicly Appointed Surveyors 3.Land Registry 4.Organisation 2000 – 2005 – 2011 5.Recession of Surveys 6.Contingent of Surveys for Publicly Appointed Surveyors 7.Conclusion

4 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 Germany Federal Republic of Germany consists of 16 Länder Capital: Berlin Area 357.023 sqkm Inhabitants 82,5 mio. POLAND FRANCE LUXEMBOURG BELGIUM THE NETHERLANDS SWITZERLAND AUSTRIA CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK North Sea Baltic Sea Thüringen Schleswig-Holstein Sachsen-Anhalt Sachsen Saarland Rheinland-Pfalz Nordrhein-Westfalen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Niedersachsen Hessen Hamburg Bremen Brandenburg Berlin Bayern Baden-Württemberg

5 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 Official Surveying and Mapping in Germany Official surveying and mapping belongs to the responsibilities of the 16 Länder, not to the federal level State Survey and Real Estate Cadastre in one authority, but different organisational structures POLAND FRANCE LUXEMBOURG BELGIUM THE NETHERLANDS SWITZERLAND AUSTRIA CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK North Sea Baltic Sea Thüringen Schleswig-Holstein Sachsen-Anhalt Sachsen Saarland Rheinland-Pfalz Nordrhein-Westfalen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Niedersachsen Hessen Hamburg Bremen Brandenburg Berlin Bayern Baden-Württemberg

6 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 Official Surveying and Mapping in Germany Official surveying and mapping belongs to the responsibilities of the 16 Länder, not to the federal level State Survey and Real Estate Cadastre in one authority, but different organisational structures Ca. 1.500 publicly appointed surveyors in 15 Länder (exception Bavaria). POLAND FRANCE LUXEMBOURG BELGIUM THE NETHERLANDS SWITZERLAND AUSTRIA CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK North Sea Baltic Sea Thüringen Schleswig-Holstein Sachsen-Anhalt Sachsen Saarland Rheinland-Pfalz Nordrhein-Westfalen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Niedersachsen Hessen Hamburg Bremen Brandenburg Berlin Bayern Baden-Württemberg

7 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 1.Official Surveying and Mapping in Germany 2.Publicly Appointed Surveyors 3.Land Registry 4.Organisation 2000 – 2005 – 2011 5.Recession of Surveys 6.Contingent of Surveys for Publicly Appointed Surveyors 7.Conclusion

8 Wilhelm Zeddies Publicly Appointed Surveyors The Publicly Appointed Surveyor is a freelancer, but works under supervision of the Land The appointment is given only to individuals and not to companies The appointment is only valid for one Land In Germany the function of a Publicly Appointed Surveyor is seen as „exercise of official authority“ which is subject to Art. 45 EG Treaty (Treaty of Rome) 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011

9 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 1.Official Surveying and Mapping in Germany 2.Publicly Appointed Surveyors 3.Land Registry 4.Organisation 2000 – 2005 – 2011 5.Recession of Surveys 6.Contingent of Surveys for Publicly Appointed Surveyors 7.Conclusion

10 Wilhelm Zeddies Land Registry Land registry in Germany is under the federal law „Land registration Act“ (German: Grundbuchordnung) It is performed by special departments of the local courts (German: Grundbuchamt) Real estate cadastre is mentioned in the Land registration Act as the register for numbering the parcels Both systems are linked, mostly still by exchange of paper documents 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011

11 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 1.Official Surveying and Mapping in Germany 2.Publicly Appointed Surveyors 3.Land Registry 4.Organisation 2000 – 2005 – 2011 5.Recession of Surveys 6.Contingent of Surveys for Publicly Appointed Surveyors 7.Conclusion

12 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 Organisation 2000 361 cadastral offices 1428 licensed surveyors Ministries of reference  Interior (9)  Finance (1)  Economy, Traffic (1)  Environment (1)  Rural Affairs (1)  Urban Development (in the 3 city states) Municipal or Administrative District Level (4) Länder Level (9) Without hatching: Länder Level, one integrated authority with branches (3) Organisation of the cadastral offices

13 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 Organisation 2005 290 cadastral offices 1489 licensed surveyors Ministries of reference  Interior (8)  Finance (1)  Economy, Traffic (1)  Land Development, Traffic (1)  Environment (1)  Rural Affairs (1)  Urban Development (in the 3 city states) Municipal or Administrative District Level (5) Länder Level (6) Without hatching: Länder Level, one integrated authority with branches (5) Organisation of the cadastral offices

14 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 Organisation 2011 237 cadastral offices 1493 licensed surveyors Ministries of reference  Interior (7)  Finance (1)  Economy, Traffic (1)  Land Development, Traffic (2)  Environment (1)  Rural Affairs (1)  Urban Development (in the 3 city states) Municipal or Administrative District Level (6) Länder Level (3) Without hatching: Länder Level, one integrated authority with branches (7) Organisation of the cadastral offices

15 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 1.Official Surveying and Mapping in Germany 2.Publicly Appointed Surveyors 3.Land Registry 4.Organisation 2000 – 2005 – 2011 5.Recession of Surveys 6.Contingent of Surveys for Publicly Appointed Surveyors 7.Conclusion

16 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 Recession of Surveys AdV is collecting every year data concerning the subdivision of parcels and the survey of buildings Parcel subdivision (100 base in 2000) 2000 = 100 (G.A. 50% - P.A.S. 50%) 2005 = 74 (G.A. 48% - P.A.S. 52%) 2011 = 53 (G.A. 43% - P.A.S. 57%) Survey of buildings (100 base in 2000) 2000 = 100 (G.A. 77% - P.A.S. 23%) 2005 = 74 (G.A. 70% - P.A.S. 30%) 2011 = 53 (G.A. 58% - P.A.S. 42%)

17 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 1.Official Surveying and Mapping in Germany 2.Publicly Appointed Surveyors 3.Land Registry 4.Organisation 2000 – 2005 – 2011 5.Recession of Surveys 6.Contingent of Surveys for Publicly Appointed Surveyors 7.Conclusion

18 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 Contingent of Surveys for Publicly Appointed Surveyors Political decisions in the Länder, to transpose the carrying out of cadastral surveys from governmental agencies to the publicly appointed surveyors are in some combined with the order, to reduce the own activities for the benefit of the private sector. In five Länder exists a contingent (range between 70:30 and 100:0) Alternative solution: governmental agencies shall only work for public authorities (e.g. road adminstration, rural development); reason: no VAT has to be paid within the same governmental level

19 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 1.Official Surveying and Mapping in Germany 2.Publicly Appointed Surveyors 3.Land Registry 4.Organisation 2000 – 2005 – 2011 5.Recession of Surveys 6.Contingent of Surveys for Publicly Appointed Surveyors 7.Conclusion

20 Wilhelm Zeddies 3rd Cadastral Congress Warsaw 2011 Conclusion Reforms will continue Carrying out of cadastral surveys will be more and more transposed from the governmental agencies to the publicy appointed surveyors This transposition wil be often combined with the order that the governmental agencies have to reduce their activities for the benefit of the licensed surveyors In 9 Länder licensed surveyors are allowed to provide customers with official excerpts from the real estate cadastre; there is a trend in more states But: The task of registration will remain in the hands of the governmental agencies.

21 Thank you very much for your attention Please visit

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