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PIP Grant Application Process. PIP Board Members Co-Presidents: Corbin Carter and Kathryn Gevitz Secretary: Michael Gregory Treasurer: Tim Murphy Auction.

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Presentation on theme: "PIP Grant Application Process. PIP Board Members Co-Presidents: Corbin Carter and Kathryn Gevitz Secretary: Michael Gregory Treasurer: Tim Murphy Auction."— Presentation transcript:

1 PIP Grant Application Process

2 PIP Board Members Co-Presidents: Corbin Carter and Kathryn Gevitz Secretary: Michael Gregory Treasurer: Tim Murphy Auction Chair: Tom Fryska Auction Co-Chairs: Michelle Christodoulou, Vicky Doñé, Caroline Standke Fundraising Co-Chairs: Jade Brown, Josiah Irvin, Ali Tucker Community Service Chair: Chloe Noonan Networking Chair: Violeta Haralampieva Publicity Chair: Ravenna Neville Web Chair: David Kim

3 Grant Description Up to $4000 for 400 hours of work – May be reduced by outside funding Paid through BU Work-Study payroll

4 How do I get a grant? Apply for Work-Study Obtain unpaid job that qualifies as “public interest” or “public service” 10 PIP hours 15 community service hours 5 auction hours 4 auction donations Application and essay

5 What Jobs Qualify? Public interest jobs include: – Representing groups or individuals who are politically, socially, legally, or economically disadvantaged, or who face widespread discrimination; – Working for organization that seeks to safeguard traditionally under-protected rights, whether through strategic litigation or legislative action; – Working for government agency or office that pursues historically under- prosecuted cases, or vindicates the rights of traditionally disadvantaged or underrepresented individuals; – Working for international, federal, or state agency or office, but only if the applicant demonstrates that the proposed work with that office serves traditionally disadvantaged or underrepresented groups, individuals, or interests, or consumer interests; or – Working in a non-political capacity for a municipal, state, or federal legislature; or an individual representative at any level.

6 What Does NOT Count? Judicial clerkships RA positions Political campaign jobs Any position in a private law firm or in-house corporate counsel office Any paid position

7 What are PIP Hours? Hours spent helping PIP Board with activities (other than the Auction) Examples: helping with publicity, tabling at fundraisers, volunteering at the phone bank, and preparing mass mailings Applicants will be notified of opportunities to receive PIP hours via email

8 First Fundraiser: Beantown Shootout Thursday, October 9 th is PIP’s annual BU Law/BC Law Beantown Shootout basketball game – This event provides a wonderful, early PIP hour opportunity for applicants Qualifying tournament: Tuesday, September 30 th – Details to be announced! Get your teams ready! Pep rally with pizza and beer will immediately precede the Shootout Bar Review with BC Law will immediately follow the Shootout Tickets will be sold on Eventbrite

9 PIP Community Service Requirements PIP applicants must perform community service hours as part of the application process. Deadline: Community Service Hours must be completed and logged by April 13, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. How many hours do I need? Each applicant must complete 15 hours of community service or pro bono assistance. What counts as community service? PIP interprets community service broadly and does not require that the activity be legal-related. Pro bono pledge hours, including hours earned during a pro bono service trip, can count toward your hours requirement. How do I find out about service opportunities? PIP will advertise sample community service opportunities in the weekly PIP email. You are also welcome to find service opportunities on your own. If you are unsure about whether a volunteering project will count toward your PIP community service hours, please email

10 PIP Community Service Requirements Where do I record my hours? Hours need to be logged to dashboard/service-hours/. dashboard/service-hours/ Other info: You can receive up to (5) bonus points for each additional service hour in excess of the fifteen (15) required hours. Service hours will only be awarded for service completed between August 27, 2014 and April 13, 2015. – You get credit for BU Law Service Day during orientation PIP reserves the right to request a letter from the organization that verifies the work you did for that organization.

11 The 2015 PIP Auction GET EXCITED!

12 What Is the PIP Auction? The PIP Auction is PIP’s largest fundraiser. We auction off vacation rentals, handbags, gift cards, and numerous other items to BU students, BU alumni, and the greater Boston Legal Community. All proceeds from the Auction fund PIP summer grants. The 24th Annual PIP Auction Gala will take place on Thursday, April 2nd in the Metcalf Ballroom at the George Sherman Union.

13 What Do You Need to Do? In order to get a PIP grant, you need to help out at the auction. SPECIFIC ITEM REQUIREMENTS: Each PIP applicant is required to obtain: 2 auction donations from an organization or person of his/her choosing (value of at least $75 at the auction); and 3 balloon prizes (valued of at least $25).

14 What Are Auction Items and Where Do I Get Them From? You can get auction items from a variety of sources: charitable donations from stores, friends, and family. Lexis points are great too. – Start Early! Businesses are more willing to give gifts earlier rather than later! Restrictions: – NO alcohol. NO Groupons or LivingSocial Deals. Avoid credit card or airline points, artwork, jewelry, and seasonal/holiday items.

15 Important Deadlines November 21, 2014: Intent to Apply Forms January 30, 2015: Work-Study application February 20, 2015: Auction items March 25, 2015: Applications and essays April 2, 2015: Auction April 13, 2015: PIP hours and service hours April 17, 2015: Grant recipients notified April 24, 2015: Employment confirmation letter

16 Contact PIP Email: Website: Office Hours: Room 331 – Will email in weekly announcements Be sure to sign up for email list!

17 1L Rep Responsibilities Make PIP announcements to section Answer PIP-related questions from classmates Hold weekly office hour Attend PIP Board meetings

18 Questions?

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