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SERVICE One more way we “embrace the world” at the Academy for Global Studies at Stephen F. Austin High School.

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Presentation on theme: "SERVICE One more way we “embrace the world” at the Academy for Global Studies at Stephen F. Austin High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 SERVICE One more way we “embrace the world” at the Academy for Global Studies at Stephen F. Austin High School

2 The AGS Endorsement means… 1) a student completed coursework that was globally-focused tied to the ISSN graduate profile/portfolio interdisciplinary project-based rigorous/designed for college readiness *** AGS students agree to take an additional year of foreign language and a Capstone class. 2) learning occurred beyond the classroom walls travel field experiences, experts, museums, etc. public exhibitions of student work 3) a student participated in community service/service learning throughout high school (120 hour goal)

3 Service Basics 1 hour = 1 point of service The goal for each student is 120 points in 4 years. Students who have extenuating circumstances (jobs, time- intensive extracurricular work, etc.) may still earn the endorsement if they have completed all other requirements AND earned a minimum of 80 points. Students who earn fewer than 80 service points will NOT be eligible to receive a full endorsement from AGS. Again…your GOAL is 120 points by May 1 of your senior year. That’s the required number to receive a “Globie Award” and recognition at the Senior Salute. The minimum requirement is 80 points. On the tracking website,, you’ll see a “goal of 80 points,” because there was no way to change their wording to “minimum expectation.”

4 How to track service: 1) Locate an organization by browsing opportunities located on and look for specific upcoming activities on Teachers will also advertise service opps. 2) Print a Site Visit Verification Form from the AGS website ( or pick up a hard copy from the AGS 3) When you do the service, ask a supervisor to sign off on the Site Visit Verification Form. If you serve with this group on an ongoing basis, see Mrs. Webster in Room 172 – they can be added to our providers who do online verification. 4) LOG the hours on All of your service will be entered by you (even AGS travel experiences and fundraisers) 5) Turn in the Site Visit Verification Form to the correct grade binder in the AGS Office. Your team of teachers will use these forms and/or online verification to approve hours in the spring.

5 Description of ActivityPoints Awarded sDescription of ActivityPoints Awarded 1 hour of service1 pointHeifer Learning Expedition: Global Village Chores 2 points 1 can or box of food (AGS-sponsored food drive) 1 pointCosta Rica Learning Expedition: Bribri and Finca Service 5 points 3 (to 9) cans (AGS-sponsored food drive) 2 pointsJunior and senior points vary, based on the projects planned each year. 1 hour = 1 point 3-10 points 10 or more cans (AGS-sponsored food drive) 3 points Limit of 3 points per drive. Talent Show Participation (fundraising for travel) 3 points per year Researching a service opportunity for the directory 2 points (Limit of 5 forms; 10 points per student/yr.) Selling Coffee (or other items) (fundraising for travel) 5 items = 2 points Limit of 10 points/yr. Leadership points: design an activity for a group of peers or AGS, as a whole 5 pointsPeer tutoring (tutors must maintain an A average and receive approval from class teacher) 1 hour in supervised tutorial session = 1 point; limit of 15/yr Description of Activity Points Awarded Description of Activity Points Awarded 1 hour of service1 pointHeifer Learning Expedition: Global Village Chores 2 points 1 can or box of food (AGS-sponsored food drive) 1 pointCosta Rica Learning Expedition: Bribri and Finca Service 5 points 3 (to 9) cans (AGS-sponsored food drive) 2 pointsJunior and senior points vary, based on the projects planned each year. 1 hour = 1 point 3-10 points 10 or more cans (AGS-sponsored food drive) 3 points Limit of 3 points per drive. Talent Show Participation (fundraising for travel) 3 points per year Researching a service opportunity for the directory 2 points (Limit of 5 forms; 10 points per student/yr.) Selling Coffee (or other items) (fundraising for travel) 5 items = 2 points Limit of 10 points/yr. Leadership points: design an activity for a group of peers or AGS, as a whole 5 pointsPeer tutoring (tutors must maintain an A average and receive approval from class teacher) 1 hour in supervised tutorial session = 1 point; limit of 15/yr

6 1-4 candles = 0 points1-4 bags of coffee = 0 points 5-9 candles = 2 points5-9 bags of coffee = 2 points 10-14 candles = 4 points10-14 bags. of coffee = 4 points 15-19 candles = 6 points15-19 bags of coffee = 6 points 20-24 candles = 8 points20-24 bags of coffee = 8 points 25- a gazillion candles = 10 points25- a gazillion bags of coffee = 10 points New! Service Point BONUS: The top three sellers of coffee for each grade level will receive a 5 point bonus towards your service point total (above and beyond the 10 points you can earn by selling).

7 Built-in Service Points: 9 th Grade: Fundraiser10 Heifer 2 10 th Grade:Fundraiser10 Costa Rica5 TGPLAN5-20 11 th Grade:Fundraiser10 New Orleans3 12 th Grade:Fundraiser10 Travel5-10 Capstonechoose-your-own-adventure 60 hours minimum are BUILT IN to the AGS experience

8 Caps/Restrictions: 1) Each summer, you may earn up to 30 points. 2) There is NO CAP per school year, but we do want students logging at least some points each year. 3) We do not give points for goods donated to items outside of AGS (Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc.), because there is no easy way to track that. We DO offer points for goods donated for AGS food drives and Capstone projects. 4) There is a 10 point cap for each AGS fundraiser. 5) We do not award service for fundraisers outside of AGS (selling candy for band or working a camp for a sport, etc.) 6) We DO allow “double dipping” if you are doing service with another organization, as long as your service is helping a person, animal, or planet in need.

9 Student Login April 2013

10 Go to and click the COMPLETE REGISTRATION HERE link. Enter your LAST NAME and STUDENT ID. Follow the instructions to complete your First Time Login:

11 Select Interests

12 Find Opportunities Find Opportunities and Sign Up

13 Three Ways to Log Your Hours 1.Add Hours to Recurring Activities 2.Add your own activity 3.Add hours for an activity that you signed up for through x2VOL

14 Add Hours To Specific Goals Choose a goal from your goal drop list to apply your hours to a specific goal.

15 Edit or Delete Activities

16 Printing Your Service Log Print your service log by clicking here.

17 Monitor Approval Process

18 Try the x2VOL Free Mobile App! After you register and login on the web site – try our mobile app to log your hours!

19 Mobile App Screens Note: You must login at least once on the web site before you can use the free x2VOL mobile app. The app is for logging hours only.

20 Remember -You can find opportunities and sign up for activities through x2VOL. -If you can’t login – contact -If you have any feedback, questions or technical problems, click the NEED HELP? link at the top of the page. -THANK YOU for using x2VOL where we believe Every Hour Counts!

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