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30 December31311234/5 67891011/12 131415161718/19 202122232425/26 27282930311/2 February january 345678/9 2014 1.Notebook #1 return 325 points 2.Calentamiento.

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Presentation on theme: "30 December31311234/5 67891011/12 131415161718/19 202122232425/26 27282930311/2 February january 345678/9 2014 1.Notebook #1 return 325 points 2.Calentamiento."— Presentation transcript:

1 30 December31311234/5 67891011/12 131415161718/19 202122232425/26 27282930311/2 February january 345678/9 2014 1.Notebook #1 return 325 points 2.Calentamiento 1-9 vocab terms 3.Act 6 & 8 p 202 with a partner turn in 4.Act. 4, 5 & 7 p. 202- 203 1.Handout activity due on Monday 2.WB p. 79 Notebook 2 begins January 30 th

2 27 January282930311/2 February 345678/9 101112131415/16 171819202122/23 24252627281/2 March february 345678/9 2014 1.Apuntes: verb estar WB p. 77 & 78 2.WB p. 80 and 81 Act 10 and 11 p 204 with a partner 1.Tarea: act. 12 p. 205 1.Read act on the board answer 1-5 2.Act. 14 & 15 p 206- 207 3.Tarea: estudia para el examen 1.Calentamiento A y B act. PDF file 2.Examen verb jugar 3.WB p. 84 4.Tarea: p. 207 Act. 16 & 18 p. 208 1.WB p. 87 2.Ir + a + infinitive PDF file Act. 3.Tarea: Act. 22 p 211 1.Review HW 2.Warm-up verb jugar 3.WB p. 84 4.Mi ciudad drawing 1.calentamiento: verb jugar 2.Leer p. 212-213 venn diagram. Activities PDF file A- D 3.Work on Mi Comunidad visual sketch 1.Unit Review exam: activities A, B and C 2.Verb jugar exam 3.MI comunidad sketch is due today 1.Copy vocab. P. 244 column 1 2.WB p. 85 Act. A & B Notebook 2 due today 1.Vocab. 1-16 visuals 2.Written draft : mi comunidad 3.See file on website for more details 4.Project is due on Wednesday. 1.WB p. 86 and 87 complete sentences p. 86 2.Sketch family tree see example on the board: 3 generations, label people with names and relation to you. Notebook 2 due Wednesday February 12. NO school Holiday 1.Calentamiento 2.Wb p. 86 and 87 review answers 3.Trabajo wb p. 88 Act. 4 y 5 p. 226 Mi ciudad proyecto se entrega 1.Calentamiento 1-9 2.Act C vocab 3.Act. 6 p. 226 turn in with a partner 4.Homework act. 8 p. 227 1.Act 1 y 2 audio p. 223 2.Leer p. 225 act. 3 3.Apuntes verb tener Tarea: act. 10 p. 228 1.Calentamiento 2. Activites verb tener 3. act. 11 p. 229 Work with a partner / each person needs own act. In their binder 1.Verb tener activity 2.Act. 14 and 15 p. 230 with a partner turn in 3.Vocab Quiz 4.Tarea: Act 9 p. 228 1.Review tarea and act 15 2.Apuntes: possessives activities A, B and C 3.Act. 20 p. 233 write out complete sentences Tarea: Act. 18 p. 232 1.Act D, E and F PDF file possessives 2.WB p. 90 Act A & B 1.WB p. 91 and 92 2.Tx p. 235 Act 23 chart 3.Act 25 survey p. 237 4.Tarea: p.238-239 answer 1-4 1.NB Due 3 2.Examen verb tener 3.P. 268 WB p. 94 column # 1

3 24 February252627281/2 March 345678/9 101112131415/16 171819202122/23 242526272829/30 march 311 April2345/6 2014 1.Vocab p. 294 column #2 2.P. 253 Act 6 and 7 3.Leer p. 250 and 251 Act 3 1.Act 8 p. 254 w/a partner turn in 2.1-16 3.Act 10 p. 255 4.1-6 recomendar si o no Sello tarea 1.Act 4 and 5 p. 252 2.WB p. 95 and 96 3.Tarea: WB p. 97 1.WB p. 97 2.Calentamiento 1-9 3.Descripcion 4.Verb tener apuntes p. 256 5.WB p. 98 1.Verb venir A, B y C 2.Parrafo yo drawing partner 1.Verb venir D, E,F 2.Calentamiento 1-9 3.Quiz 5B 1.Calentamiento 2.Vocab 5B 3.Apuntes verb ser /estar act. 16 p. 99 1.Review hw 2.2 actividades vocab. 3.Ser y estar Act D, E and F Tarea: 11 p. 256 1.Apuntes ser/estar 2.Physical descriptions 1.Papel picado Activity Wb p. 101 tarea 1.Unit review 2.Sweet 15 movie take notes 1.Movie 2.Take notes on characters 1.Movie 2.Vocab Column #1 unit 6A 3.WB p. 103 1.Calentamiento character review 2.Summary of moview 1. Drawings 1-16 minimum schedule 1.Calentamiento los colores 2.Audio Act. 1 p. 272 3.WB p. 104 and 105 4.Tarea family tree sketch 1.Calentamiento 2.See examples of family trees 3.Begin to write paragraph 2-3 for project 4.Tarea act 4 p. 276 1.Calentamiento 2.Read pages 274-275 Do Act 3 3.Act. 5 p. 276/ Notes copy info. P.276 4.WB p. 106 Tarea 1.Act. 11 p. 279 with a partner 1-8 and Act. 12 2.Vocab review p. 107 Vocab test tomorrow 1.Calentamiento 1-13 2.Examen 6A 3.Organize and turn in notebook 4.P.282 1-21 bandera begin to work on flags

4 31 March1 April2345/6 789101112/13 141516171819/20 212223242526/27 2829301 May23/4 5678910/11 april 2014 No school1.Apuntes superlatives copy bullet points 2.Act. A & B sentences 3.Cont. working on flags 1-4 4.Begin family tree 1.Calentamiento 2.Turn in project present next week 3.Copy notes verbs dormir,poder, and notes Do Act. A, Band C 1.Calentamiento 2.Work on flags p. 282 5-10 1.1. Work on flags 11- 16 1. Complete flags and all are due today 1.Presentations 2.Wb p. 110 3.Review test 1.Presentaciones 2.Examen Presentaiones 1.Copy vocab p. 318 2.Draw 1-16 1.Presentaciones 2.WB p. 111 3.Complete drawings 1-16 No schoolNo school this week 1.Wb p. 112-113 2.P. 300-301 read do act. 3 p. 301 1.Audio Act. 4 p. 302 2.Partner do act. 6 and 8 p. 303-304 3.Tarea: wb p. 114 1.Calentamiento notes: commands 2.Act. 13 and 14 p. 306 3.Tarea: act 12 p. 305 1-8 1.Check hw Wb p. 114 act 12 2. Presentaciones 3. Survey Tarea: Act wb p. 116 1.Calentamiento 1-9 also check hw 2.A and B commands 3.Wb p. 115 Act 15 p. 307 work with a partner 1.Presentaciones 2.Mini-vocab test 3.Act C y D commands 4.Write 1-10 commands 1.Short day special testing schedule 2.Presentaciones last day to present 3.Complete 1-10 commads Notebook due today # 5 1. 1-9 calentamiento 1.Quiz commands sections a and b 2.Apuntes p. 308 wb p.117 turn in notebook 1.1.Act C and D 2.Read canta clara answer questions 1- 8 3.Write 1-8 progressive sentences

5 28 April29301 May23/4 5678910/11 121314151617/18 192021222324/25 262728293031/1 June may 234567/8 2014 1.Write the capital country and nationality 2.Wb p. 118 act b 3.Tarea wb p. 119 1.Act C and D 2.Read canta clara answer questions 1- 8 3.Write 1-8 progressive sentences 1.Participate wb p. 119 2.Dictation Act A and B present progressive 1.Turn in present progressive sentencse 2.Begin draft of ideal rooom 1.Turn in ideal room parrafo 2.Copy Vocab p. 342 wb p. 120 3.Tarea wb p. 121 1. Drawing 1-16 vocabulary 1. p. 322 and 323 audio activities 1 and 2 1.Calentamiento 1-9 2.Act. 3 p. 325 do reading in class 1.Copy chart and fill in calentamiento 2.Audio Act 5 p. 326 act 4 3.With a partner act 6 and 8 p. 327 1.Calentamiento 1-9 2.Wb p. 124 stamp work 3.Act. 9 and 11 p. 328 with a partner tarea act. 12 p. 329 Calentamiento Apuntes stem changing verbs notes and act a and b Wb p. 125 chart Tarea: wb p. 125 act b sentences 1-12 1.Calentamiento 2.Examen vocab 7a 3.Partner draw label, color clothing

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