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December 4, 2012. All members stand and raise your right hand as President presents a speech All members stand and raise your right hand as President.

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Presentation on theme: "December 4, 2012. All members stand and raise your right hand as President presents a speech All members stand and raise your right hand as President."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 4, 2012


3 All members stand and raise your right hand as President presents a speech All members stand and raise your right hand as President presents a speech Repeat after President when told Repeat after President when told You are officially Eden FBLA members! You are officially Eden FBLA members! THIS GIVES US POINTS IN THE SCRAPBOOK THIS GIVES US POINTS IN THE SCRAPBOOK

4 I do solemnly promise to uphold the aims and responsibilities of FBLA, and, as an active charter member, I shall strive to develop the qualities necessary to become a leader in business and in the community in which I live.

5 November 26-December 7 November 26-December 7 Must sell out whole folder Must sell out whole folder –$1, $5, $10 Pledge sheets Encouraged to come back for more sheets Encouraged to come back for more sheets –Remember! The amount of work you put into this fundraiser contributes to the amount the club offsets your expenses at our next challenge event

6 We will be linking up fundraisers with how much the club offsets your expenses for challenge events We will be linking up fundraisers with how much the club offsets your expenses for challenge events –EX. Fall District Meeting to LaserTron All events were decided at the Hyatt Regency All events were decided at the Hyatt Regency

7 Thank you members who went Thank you members who went We had A BLAST! We had A BLAST! –Laser Tag –Played Games –Cyber Sport REMEMBER: If you are an officer and signed an “Officer Commitment Form” you are required to go to ½ of all challenge events! REMEMBER: If you are an officer and signed an “Officer Commitment Form” you are required to go to ½ of all challenge events!

8 Tuesday, December 18 Tuesday, December 18 Gift Exchange Gift Exchange If you don’t bring a gift, you don’t receive a gift If you don’t bring a gift, you don’t receive a gift –Boys will get boys gifts & girls will get girls gifts –$10 Minimum/Maximum Boys: Boys: –$5 Gift Card –Camo Blanket –Candy DON’T JUST GET A $10 GIFT CARD!! DON’T JUST GET A $10 GIFT CARD!!

9 Desserts Desserts –Everyone who is attending the meeting has to bring a dessert Serve 8-15 people Serve 8-15 people –We are also having pizza

10 Play Jeopardy FBLA Style Play Jeopardy FBLA Style –Get into pre-selected even teams –You will receive a study guide next meeting –Winning team members will receive a $5 gift card to Tim Horton's Celebrate the holiday season! Celebrate the holiday season! –Play Christmas music, and party!

11 Saturday, January 16, 2013 Saturday, January 16, 2013 –@ 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM –Bryant and Stratton College: Orchard Park Campus You are required to go if you did not attend the FDM or if you are an officer You are required to go if you did not attend the FDM or if you are an officer –It is on your officer commitment forms

12 State Elimination Events: (important for scrapbook!) State Elimination Events: (important for scrapbook!) Local events Local events –You will receive a certificate for this Exact events will be up soon! Exact events will be up soon! If (and only if) you go to the SDM, the club will off-set your SLC expenses if you decide to go to the SLC! If (and only if) you go to the SDM, the club will off-set your SLC expenses if you decide to go to the SLC!

13 Yearbook picture time was scheduled by the Photographer, not us Yearbook picture time was scheduled by the Photographer, not us Members were acting unprofessional while waiting for the photographer Members were acting unprofessional while waiting for the photographer –When we are in any FBLA event, no matter how small, you must listen to President/VP (Kalie & Catherine) –Too much chaos during this picture

14 Mrs. Schnaufer is starting computer club again Mrs. Schnaufer is starting computer club again –Every Tuesday & Thursday @ 3:00 Volunteers can sign up each week Volunteers can sign up each week THIS WILL GIVE US POINTS IN THE SCRAPBOOK THIS WILL GIVE US POINTS IN THE SCRAPBOOK –Last year Lindsay, Kayla and Cory participated in this year-long event –Sign up for 1 day at a time!

15 You will indicate on the sheet whether or not you are going to the event You will indicate on the sheet whether or not you are going to the event If you do not sign up in a timely manner, we can not cut the check, meaning we might not be able to do the event If you do not sign up in a timely manner, we can not cut the check, meaning we might not be able to do the event –DON’T PROCRASTINATE!

16 Webmaster Brandon Maul has been doing a GREAT job on the website! Webmaster Brandon Maul has been doing a GREAT job on the website!



19 December: December: –Outstanding Member –District Officers –Tips on Public Speaking –Eden FBLA Goes to LaserTron! –Spring District Meeting 2013 –Fall District Meeting 2012

20 Importance of Ethics Importance of Ethics –Ken Pomeranz, State Secretary Keeping Organized Keeping Organized –Kalie Pfohl, SVP 12 Parliamentarian Post Parliamentarian Post –Adam Nissinoff, State Parliamentarian Important Information for Any Chapter Important Information for Any Chapter –Leah Tooley, State Historian District 3N’s FDM Impresses NYS FBLA District 3N’s FDM Impresses NYS FBLA –Joanna Chung, SVP 3N

21 Announcement for Members Announcement for Members –Tyler Spohr, State Reporter Job Interview Skills Job Interview Skills –Ms. Lillian Mitchell, BOT member Public Speaking Public Speaking –Kalie Pfohl, SVP 12 History of FBLA History of FBLA –Jash Patel, State President Chapter Activity Carmel Chapter Activity Carmel Eden FBLA is one winner in “Early- Bird Membership” Eden FBLA is one winner in “Early- Bird Membership”

22 4 Committees of the POW 4 Committees of the POW –Go Green –Publicity –Community Service –Membership We are going to do ONE competition for each committee We are going to do ONE competition for each committee FOR THE SCRAPBOOK FOR THE SCRAPBOOK

23 Go Green Competition will be: Go Green Competition will be: –EARTH. WIND. FIRE: PRESENTATION CHALLENGE promote alternative energy promote alternative energy presentation to the chapter or outside audience presentation to the chapter or outside audience Proof of participation: Proof of participation: –Email presentation slides (minimum of 10 slides) – Three pictures of the performance –Verification form

24 Membership Competition IS COMPLETE! Membership Competition IS COMPLETE! –Early Bird Membership Submit at least 5 members before October 15 Submit at least 5 members before October 15 –We already did this! Therefore ¼ of the POW is complete!

25 Publicity Competition will be: Publicity Competition will be: –LOGO LAUNCH Design a Logo to represent NYS FBLA’s theme “Manufacturing Magnificence” Design a Logo to represent NYS FBLA’s theme “Manufacturing Magnificence” Must be in digital format Must be in digital format Winner will be displayed on programs of the SLC & Banners Winner will be displayed on programs of the SLC & Banners –Manufacturing Magnificence, and the words “Future Business Leaders of America” must be present in the logo –DUE: December 21 st

26 Community Service Competition is half complete: Community Service Competition is half complete: –COIN CRAZY CHALLENGE FDM (DONE) / SDM FDM (DONE) / SDM Bring in coins and offset other chapters expenses by added paper bills to their containers Bring in coins and offset other chapters expenses by added paper bills to their containers PROOF: Certificate of Coin Crazy Completion PROOF: Certificate of Coin Crazy Completion

27 Everyone’s Name will be on the sign up Everyone’s Name will be on the sign up You will circle the committee (competition) you would like to work with You will circle the committee (competition) you would like to work with –Go Green (5-10 members) –Publicity (5-7 members) For each competition, there will be 1 chair, 1 vice chair, & 1 speaker For each competition, there will be 1 chair, 1 vice chair, & 1 speaker EACH MEMBER MUST PARTICIPATE! BE A TEAM EACH MEMBER MUST PARTICIPATE! BE A TEAM

28 December: December: –Christmas Party January: January: –Splash Lagoon –SDM February: February: –Heart Fundraiser –Valentines’ Day Party March: March: –The Cove April: April: –State Leadership Conference –Operation Pets May: May: –Dave and Busters –End of the Year Party?

29 Tuesday, December 11, 2012 First Committee (POW) Meetings! (Discussing Events) District Officer Meeting NOW! Eden on FACEBOOK & TWITTER!! Eden FBLA Website: NYS FBLA Website:

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