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WELCOME TO SOTA! MEETING #2-JANUARY 27 TH, 2014. RUNDOWN OF THE MEETING Upcoming service events Dance Marathon Updates Field Day! Social Events coming.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO SOTA! MEETING #2-JANUARY 27 TH, 2014. RUNDOWN OF THE MEETING Upcoming service events Dance Marathon Updates Field Day! Social Events coming."— Presentation transcript:


2 RUNDOWN OF THE MEETING Upcoming service events Dance Marathon Updates Field Day! Social Events coming up Next year’s officer information Cords for Seniors CBC sign up party

3 UPCOMING SERVICE EVENTS We will be going to Al'z Place on Febuary 10 th f rom 10am-12pm = 1 service point Moonlight and Martinis Gala Alz’ Place Fundraiser on February 1 st from 5:30-11pm at Mercedes Benz = 1 service point

4 UPCOMING SERVICE EVENTS We are going to Altrusa House on Febuary 5 th from 2pm-4pm. What is Altrusa’s House? For people18yrs+, with different diagnosis and communication levels. Can help with different activities such as: cooking classes, board games, arts and crafts, discussions and outside activities. = 1 service point They really need volunteers for their Valentine's Day party, 2/14 from 10-2pm, so if you are interested, sign up on the sign up sheet that’s going around! = 1 service point

5 SERVICE EVENTS Gator Nights  If we work one Gator Night, we can get funding from SG for later socials and events!  February 21 st  If you are interested in helping out, sign up on the sign up sheet! If you already signed up, THANK YOU!  we need at least 8 people to go, so we appreciate it = 1 service point

6 MORE UPCOMING SERVICE EVENTS Hope’s Lodge on Saturday, March 15 th at 6:30pm. We will be making desserts with residents! = 1 service point

7 DANCE MARATHON So far, we have raised $495! Erica has more information about our progress, what we can do to raise more money and where our money is going to!

8 FIELD DAY! Our big Spring Fundraiser will be on March 29 th ! We will be having a Field Day, throwback style! Teams will be formed, and teams will compete in field day games to win! 10am-12pm at Forrest Park, entry is $20 and includes a t-shirt! Mandatory participation in order to remain active as a member of SOTA this semester! Many ways to help- committees will be formed soon, and you will have the chance to sign up for whatever you would like! (Google Doc will be on the way!) Relay Race Dodge Ball Cup Stacking …and more!

9 YOGURTOLOGY On March 10 th from 11am to 11pm, drop by Yogurtology to earn either 1 social point or 1 fundraiser point to benefit the Equal Access Clinic! Drop your receipt in the can next to the cash register! This money plus money raised at Field Day will all go straight to the Equal Access clinic!

10 S'MORE'S NIGHT This Friday, January 31 st at 6:30pm, join us for some s’mores and hot chocolate! Location: Cabana Beach at the club house + =

11 ELECTIONS FOR NEXT YEAR! If you are interested in running for an officer position for the 2014-2015 school year, there will be a meeting discussing position duties, changes, and more tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan 28 th at 5:00pm in room G-301A If you are interested in running, you must have been active in the Fall semester, and must be actively participating this semester as well. Please email Becky what position you are interested in at Elections will be held Monday, March 10 th during our normal meeting. Everyone will have the chance to vote!

12 CORDS FOR SENIORS GRADUATING!!! 96 days till graduation!!! SOTA cords will be available to seniors who were active in the Fall semester, and who are currently participating in this current semester Cords are around $7

13 CBC SIGN UP TIME! If you are interested in signing up for Camp Boggy Creek and want to stick around to do so after this meeting, we’ll be here! It’s kind of a long application, so we figured it would be easiest to all do it together to expedite the process!

14 THAT’S ALL FOLKS! ANY QUESTIONS OR ANYTHING TO ADD? Our next meeting is on Monday, February 10 th at 5:10pm in G-201 Hope to see you there! The meeting minutes will be posted online at, so feel free to reference it for dates, events and times!

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