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Published byCorey Robertson Modified over 9 years ago
Making a Difference Identity of the DAV Auxiliary
Making a Difference Instant recognition of a business or organization by using visuals.
Making a Difference
The new logo appeals to younger veterans. Younger veterans are our future. It sets us apart from the rest of the VSO’s We wanted our message to be heard!
Making a Difference
Who Is In Charge Here Anyway?
Making a Difference To open the meeting at the appointed time. To follow the proper sequence of business To properly recognize members who wish to speak. To state and put to vote any motions and to announce the results of each vote. COMMANDER"S DUTIES
Making a Difference To maintain order of the meeting To declare the meeting adjourned To ensure the safeguarding of funds, properties and other assets against unauthorized loss or use. Countersign all checks and vouchers issued COMMANDER"S DUTIES
Making a Difference A copy of the National Auxiliary Constitution and Bylaws. A list or agenda of the complete order of business. A list of all committees and chairmen. A copy of the state department standing rules. A copy of the unit standing rules, if any. WHAT DOES THE Commander BRING TO EACH MEETING?
Making a Difference Maintains a working relationship with the parent chapter, state department, and community when applicable. Appropriately represents the unit at DAV Auxiliary functions and programs in the community Promotes the greatest extent of member participation possible Presents activity opportunities for consideration by the membership.
Making a Difference Encourages membership to share information of upcoming events or programs of interest to the membership. Appoints and empowers members and committees to investigate, recommend, plan, or perform, activities and programs that are beneficial to the purpose of DAV Auxiliary. The best ideas come from members that are involved in projects that interest them. Involves the Senior Vice Commander in decision making and practices in preparation for him/her to perform the duties of the Commander in the future.
Making a Difference Et Tu Brutae?
Making a Difference Performs the duties as set forth in the official DAV Auxiliary ritual Encourage comradeship and promote harmony among unit members and chapter members. Seeks to chair a committee.
Making a Difference Helps with the leadership responsibilities. If the unit Commander is absent, the Senior Vice Commander shall act in the capacity of the Commander. Should the office of Commander become vacant, the Senior Vice Commander shall move up in position to fill the vacancy.
Making a Difference God Bless America and This Unit! Please!
Making a Difference Performs the duties of the station set forth in the official DAV Auxiliary ritual. Ensures the members views are heard in unit meetings Encourage comradeship and promote harmony among unit members and chapter members. Seeks to chair a committee Helps with the leadership responsibilities If the office of Senior Vice Commander becomes vacant, the junior vice Commander shall assume that position.
Making a Difference Get Me a Pen and Pad of Paper!
Making a Difference Keeps the unit's records and manages the official correspondence of the unit. Keeps detailed records of action taken at the unit's meetings.
Making a Difference Minutes of general and executive board meetings shall be given to the membership at the next general meeting. (A motion and a second must be made by an executive board member to accept the minutes of an executive board meeting; no motion to accept the minutes of a general membership meeting is required.) Mails notices of meetings to all senior auxiliary members. (Regular, executive and special)
Making a Difference Makes the unit minutes and records available to members upon request. Furnishes national headquarters with the names of convention delegates Submits the unit officer report form within ten days following installation.
Making a Difference Submits the unit financial report within ten days following audit completion. Maintains an updated membership roster and notify state and national headquarters of any changes and deaths of members. Sends a copy of confirmation of filing IRS form 990-n e-postcard or a copy of the appropriate form 990 based on income to state and national headquarters. Signs and submits vouchers to be paid
Making a Difference
Show Me the Money and Put it in a Bag!
Making a Difference Custodian of the unit funds. All monies from any activity of the unit shall be turned over to the Treasurer and deposited in the unit bank account.
Making a Difference Writes a check for expenses/contributions approved by the unit when a signed voucher is submitted. (The vote for expenses/contributions MUST be in the unit minutes!) Accounts for income and disbursements and reconciles the accounts each month with the bank statement. Preserves all receipts and vouchers for any payments made and renders a report of the receipts and expenditures at each general meeting.
Making a Difference Submits the appropriate annual 990 report to internal revenue service. Submits all records and a copy of the appropriate 990 filing to the audit committee in accordance with the national bylaws. Submits an annual financial report to the state and national organization.
Making a Difference Amen! Amen! And AMEN!
Making a Difference The spiritual leader of the unit Responsible for leading prayers for the unit meetings.
Making a Difference Keeps the unit informed of members who may be in distress, make visits, and send remembrances to ill or deceased members or their family in accordance with the unit's standing rules. May be called upon to represent the unit at funeral services for deceased members.
Making a Difference Can I See Your Membership Card? You Are Not On The List!
Making a Difference Assists the Commander in preserving order during unit meetings when called upon to do so. May be responsible for handling the physical arrangement of the meeting room
Making a Difference I Don’t Wanna! You Can’t Make Me!
Making a Difference Conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner. Encourage other unit members and chapter members Eliminate conversations between yourself and other members during the meeting. Listen! Stand to be recognized by the chair when wishing to make a motion, ask a question or discuss some matter pertinent to the unit and its members.
Making a Difference Keep personal matters off of the floor and out of the meeting. Are involved and ready to take on added responsibilities in order to help the unit. Try not to criticize the actions or mistakes of another member. Respect the officer’s position. You in turn must realize that the unit is the governing body and each member is part of that unit. Know the majority of the unit body dictates and decides upon motions and procedures.
Making a Difference
(Commander raps the gavel 2 times and officers should take their positions. The meeting is about to begin. Talking should cease.) Call to order: (Commander raps the gavel 3 times and all members stand) Prayer by Chaplain (opens the Bible at the altar) Pledge by patriotic instructor (could be one of the vice Commanders)[after the pledge, the Commander raps gavel once and all members sit down] Purpose given by Senior Vice Commander Eligibility given by Junior Vice Commander Roll call of officers by Adjutant Unit had a quorum: yes _____ no______ (four (4) senior members shall constitute a quorum. One member present shall be the unit Commander or a unit vice Commander.)
Making a Difference Vote on transferred members Introduce visitors Introduce new members (new members and those who have not been previously initiated may be initiated at the meeting and their names recorded in minutes.)
Making a Difference READING OF THE MINUTES: approved as read or adopted as amended Regular unit meeting and executive board meeting (The Commander asks if there are corrections to minutes. Hearing none the minutes would be declared approved as read. If there are corrections, the minutes would be adopted as amended by unit vote.)
Making a Difference TREASURER'S REPORT: ◦ Beginning Balance ◦ Income ◦ Disbursements ◦ Closing Balance (after the report is given, the Commander states that the Treasurer's report will be filed for audit. A motion does not have to be made for this. A motion to accept the report is out of order, since an audit must be taken before it can be established that the Treasurer's records are correct.)
Making a Difference Bills and communications: Motion by: _______ seconded:___ yes _____ no Carried: yes______ no________ (if any action is taken on payment of bills or correspondence, the motion must be recorded correctly and the name of the person who made the motion must be indicated. It must show there was a second to motion, discussion followed, and the outcome of the vote of unit) this is true of any motion on any matter at a unit meeting.
Making a Difference Sickness & distress Report of committees UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (this would be something that was tabled until a future meeting – possibly waiting for additional information or members couldn’t decide what to do)
Making a Difference NEW BUSINESS: (this would be new topics and ideas that haven’t been discussed before) this is when the executive board member expresses the recommendations of the board. It should be put in the form of a motion. No second is need. There is discussion and then a vote. Money march: amount collected (this is like taking up an offering. You “pass the hat” for donations. This keeps a steady flow into the unit funds)
Making a Difference REMARKS FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORGANIZATION: (announcements that the members may be interested in) CLOSING CEREMONY: (as in the rituals. The Commander raps the gavel 3 times and all members stand)
Making a Difference Transact the business of the unit and makes recommendations to the unit to vote on. Actions cannot conflict with the actions taken by the unit Meetings are open to all unit members Notice of meetings must be sent out to all members with sufficient notice to all board members Minutes are read at regular meetings Executive board chairman does not have to be the Commander
Making a Difference All senior members must be notified in writing that the annual election will be held giving time, place, and date. Written notification includes: letter, newsletter, postcard, or email. Said notification can be sent weeks or months in advance, but must be received by the member not less than ten days prior to the nomination/election. Any auxiliary senior member in good standing can be nominated for a unit office.
Making a Difference Make sure the member elected belongs to the unit and their dues are paid for the term of their office. Any senior member in good standing may vote at an election. The Commander conducts the election. In his/her absence, the duty falls to the Senior Vice Commander.
Making a Difference Procedure The Commander begins by stating that nominations are open for the office of Commander. Then asks if there are any other nominations. The Commander then pauses and, if there are no other nominations, declares nominations closed for the office of Commander and then calls for the vote for those in favor and those opposed. Majority determines the outcome. Then the election shall proceed for the office of Senior Vice Commander and so on.
Making a Difference If more than one member is nominated for the same office then paper ballots must be passed out to the members eligible to vote. The balloting will continue until a member obtains a majority (more than half) of the votes or one of the nominees chooses to withdraw leaving only one candidate.
Making a Difference Units can conduct fundraisers with prior written chapter approval. If the fundraiser will gross less than $5,000, chapter approval is all that is needed. However, the state DAV should be notified that a fundraiser will be held. If a unit has a fundraiser that will gross more than $5,000, it must have chapter and state department DAV approval. If a contract is involved with any fundraiser, then prior to signing, a copy of the contract must be sent to national headquarters to be submitted to the DAV national executive committee for approval.
Making a Difference Before doing any publicity or social media, please consult the DAV and DAV Auxiliary Publicity Guide. Consistency is important and we need to make sure we convey the right message in the right way to the public. Let’s take a look at the publicity guide of the DAV and DAV Auxiliary!
What is Important for DAV Auxiliary to Get Out to The Community
Making a Difference Recruiting New Members and Getting the DAV Members to Join!
Making a Difference
Everything is the same and will remain so until july 1, 2015. New guidelines are on the way (beginning july 1, 2015)
Making a Difference Senior members On july 1, 2015 annual memberships will be changed to life memberships Members may continue to make one yearly payment or make quarterly payments. 2011 bylaw change gives members the option to take years to pay their life membership
Making a Difference Junior members Complimentary junior membership – send in a completed membership application with a DATE OF BIRTH provided, and no money required. Junior life membership – for those who wish to pay a life membership for a junior. Send in a completed membership application with a DATE OF BIRTH, and include a down payment of $20. Continue to pay on this until the junior member turns 18. The month the junior turns 18, they will be converted from a complimentary membership to a life membership. If you choose not to pay anything other than the initial $20, the junior will begin receiving billing notices to pay on the life membership.
Making a Difference Let’s share ideas on service projects! Think outside the box!
Making a Difference (This works both ways!)
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