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USAID TRADE HUB WORKSHOP ON THE ROAD FREIGHT TRANSPORT SERVICES SECTOR IN SADC: September 27 - 28, 2011 Balalaika Hotel Johannesburg, South Africa Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "USAID TRADE HUB WORKSHOP ON THE ROAD FREIGHT TRANSPORT SERVICES SECTOR IN SADC: September 27 - 28, 2011 Balalaika Hotel Johannesburg, South Africa Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 USAID TRADE HUB WORKSHOP ON THE ROAD FREIGHT TRANSPORT SERVICES SECTOR IN SADC: September 27 - 28, 2011 Balalaika Hotel Johannesburg, South Africa Presentation on Progress and Status of Implementation of Road Infrastructure, Transport and Traffic Sector Policies, Legal, Regulations, Technical Standards in SADC by 1 Lovemore Bingandadi Corridors Advisor SADC Secreatriat

2 Topics SADC Transport and Trade Facilitation Landscape. SADC Instruments Protocol Road Sector Provisions – Network – Market Liberalisation – Regulation Quantity Quality Safety – Trade Facilitation 2

3 3 Economics Small fragmented markets + 1 dominant economy Multiple membership of economic blocks [SADC, COMESA, EAC, SACU] Geo-politics SADCC-SADC Multiple jurisdictions / legal systems Long distances Multiple borders Multiple languages Modal imbalance SADC Transport & Trade Facilitation Landscape.

4 4 SADC Instruments Protocols + Annexes Transport  Trade Movement of Persons Trade in Services  Model laws, policies, regulations and agreements  Regional Standards  Guidelines  Best practices Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan Tripartite Initiatives (COMESA, EAC, SADC)

5 5 Transport Protocol: Road Sector Provisions  NETWORK RTRN Definition (65,000km) Standards –construction & Maintenance Design Road traffic signs and nomenclature Axle load limits, GCM bridge formula Weighbridges  Condition monitoring & reporting  GIS Maps

6 NETWORK MANAGEMENT INSTITUTIONS Autonomous Road Agencies ASANRA FUNDING PPP management & funding Road Funds Road User Charges – Regional Road Fund 6

7 REGULATION  Quantity Bilateral Road Transport Agreements Permits-quota, capacity management  Quality  Vehicle standards and dimensions,  Loads on vehicles  fitness testing  Safety  Abnormal loads  Hazardous substances/ dangerous goods 7

8 Trade Facilitation Annex 4 Trade Protocol. Regional Transport Corridors Joint Route Management Joint Law Enforcement Third Party MV Insurance Road User Charges One Stop Border Posts Movement of Persons / Crews 8

9 Market liberalisation SADC planned phases in Liberalisation PHASE I : Abolish restrictions on carriers of two MS. (3 rd country & cabotage restriction still applicable). PHASE II : Abolish restrictions on carriers of two MS + 3 rd state. (3 rd country & cabotage restriction still applicable). PHASE III : Abolish 3 rd country rule. PHASE IV : Allow Cabotage. 9

10 RISDP TIMETABLE Target 1: Liberalise regional transport markets by 2008 Target 2: Harmonise transport rules, standards and policies by 2008 Target 3: Recovery of all costs of maintenance of infrastructure by 2008 and full infrastructure investment costs by 2013 Target 4: Removable of avoidable hindrances and impediments to the cross- border movement of persons, goods and services by 2015. 10

11  Harmonise transit management /bonds and guarantees  Integrated Border Management / OSBP  lack of communication and EDI facilities  Pre-Clearance.  Single window systems  publish charges and procedures  corruption and deliberate obstruction 11 Address Cross border / border processes reforms &

12 Way Forward 2 Complete market liberalisation study Harmonise instruments (COMESA/EAC/SADC) Introduce Competition Regulations Develop multi-lateral road transport agreement for ESA region. Develop institutional framework Develop implementation plan 12

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