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备注:这里介绍一下西方的文化:比如 不能询问女士和老人的年龄以及自我介 绍时注意事项等等。 Pair work What’s your name? My name is… How old are you? I’m … What class are you in? I’m in … Where are.

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Presentation on theme: "备注:这里介绍一下西方的文化:比如 不能询问女士和老人的年龄以及自我介 绍时注意事项等等。 Pair work What’s your name? My name is… How old are you? I’m … What class are you in? I’m in … Where are."— Presentation transcript:


2 备注:这里介绍一下西方的文化:比如 不能询问女士和老人的年龄以及自我介 绍时注意事项等等。 Pair work What’s your name? My name is… How old are you? I’m … What class are you in? I’m in … Where are you from? I am from… Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

3 Step 3: 让学生不要翻开书本听 Activity 3 的对话并回答问题, 然后完成表格。 She’s from Beijing, China. Q1 : What’s the teacher’s family name? Her family name is Miss Li. Q2: Where’s she from? She’s from Wuhan, China. Q3: Is she Chinese or English? She’s Chinese. Q4: What’s the first girl’s name? Her name is Lingling. Q5: Where’s she from?

4 Q6: What’s the boy’s name? His name is Daming. Q7: Is he from Beijing, too? Yes, he is. Q8: How old are Lingling and Daming? They’re both twelve years old. Q9: What’s the second girl’s name? She’s Wang Hui. Q10: Where’s she from? She’s from Shanghai, China. Q11: Is she twelve? No, she isn’t. She’s thirteen.

5 M: Hello. My name’s Miss [mis] 女士, 小姐 Li. I’m a teacher and I’m Chinese.I’m from Wuhan. What’s your name? Where are you from? L: My name’s Lingling. I’m from Beijing. I’m twelve[twelv] 十二 years[jiәz] 岁 old and I’m Chinese. This is Daming. He is my friend. We’re students ['stu:dnts] 学生. D: Hello. My name is Daming. I’m a student and I’m twelve years old. I’m from Beijing. Lingling is my friend. What’s your name? W :My name’s Wang Hui.I’m thirteen [Өә׃'ti׃ n] 十三 years old.I’m from Shanghai and I’m a student. I’m Chinese. I’m in Class [kla:s] 班级 One. M: Nice to meet you, Wang Hui. W: Nice to meet you, too [tu׃ ] 也. Listen and read:

6 Listen and check(√) the true sentences. 1.Miss Li is a teacher. ( ) 2.Lingling is from Beijing. ( ) 3.Daming and Lingling are friends. ( ) 4.Daming and Lingling are English. ( ) 5.Wang Hui is twelve years old. ( ) √ √ √

7 Name Age ( 年龄 )Job( 工作 ) National ity( 国籍 ) City( 城市 ) Miss Li? Lingling Daming Wang Hui Wuhan twelvestudentBeijing Chinese twelve student Beijing thirteenstudentShanghai Read and fill in the form Chinese teacher

8 My name is Lingling. I’m 12 years old. I’m a student. I’m from Beijing.

9 I’m Daming. I’m 12 years old. I’m a student. I’m from Beijing.

10 I’m Wang Hui. I’m 13 years old. I’m a student. I’m from Shanghai.

11 姚明 25 Shanghai ( 上海 ) basketball player

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