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CARe Seminar, NYC February 28, 2002 Jonathan Hayes, ACAS, MAAA Uncertainty And Property Cat Pricing.

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Presentation on theme: "CARe Seminar, NYC February 28, 2002 Jonathan Hayes, ACAS, MAAA Uncertainty And Property Cat Pricing."— Presentation transcript:

1 CARe Seminar, NYC February 28, 2002 Jonathan Hayes, ACAS, MAAA Uncertainty And Property Cat Pricing

2 Agenda n Models l Model Results l Confidence Bands n Data l Issues with Data l Issues with Inputs l Model Outputs n Pricing Methods l Standard Deviation l Downside Risk n Role of Judgment l Still Needed

3 “A Nixon-Agnew administration will abolish the credibility gap and reestablish the truth – the whole truth – as its policy.” Spiro T. Agnew, Sept. 21, 1973 The Search For Truth

4 Florida Hurricane Amounts in Millions USD

5 Florida Hurricane Amounts in Millions USD

6 Modeled Event Loss Sample Portfolio, Total Event

7 Modeled Event Loss By State Distribution

8 Modeled Event Loss By County Distribution, State S

9 Why Don’t The Models Agree?

10 Types Of Uncertainty (In Frequency & Severity) n Uncertainty (not randomness) l Sampling Error u 100 years for hurricane l Specification Error u FCHLPM sample dataset (1996) 1 in 100 OEP of 31m, 38m, 40m & 57m w/ 4 models l Non-sampling Error u El Nino Southern Oscillation l Knowledge Uncertainty u Time dependence, cascading, aseismic shift, poisson/negative binomial l Approximation Error u Res Re cat bond: 90% confidence interval, process risk only, of +/- 20%, per modeling firm Source: Major, Op. Cit..

11 Frequency-Severity Uncertainty Frequency Uncertainty (Miller) n Frequency Uncertainty l Historical set: 96 years, 207 hurricanes l Sample mean is 2.16 l What is range for true mean? n Bootstrap method l New 96-yr sample sets: Each sample set is 96 draws, with replacement, from original l Review Results

12 Frequency Bootstrapping n Run 500 resamplings and graph relative to theoretical t-distribution Source: Miller, Op. Cit.

13 Frequency Uncertainty Stats n Standard error (SE) of the mean: n 0.159 historical SE n 0.150 theoretical SE, assuming Poisson, i.e., (lambda/n)^0.5

14 Hurricane Freq. Uncertainty Back of the Envelope n Frequency Uncertainty Only n 96 Years, 207 Events, 3100 coast miles n 200 mile hurricane damage diameter n 0.139 is avg annl # storms to site n SE = 0.038, assuming Poisson frequency n 90% CI is loss +/- 45% l i.e., (1.645 * 0.038) / 0.139

15 Frequency-Severity Uncertainty Severity Uncertainty (Miller) n Parametric bootstrap l Cat model severity for some portfolio l Fit cat model severity to parametric model l Perform X draws of Y severities, where X is number of frequency resamplings and Y is number of historical hurricanes in set l Parameterize the new sampled severities n Compound with frequency uncertainty n Review confidence bands

16 OEP Confidence Bands Source: Miller, Op. Cit.

17 OEP Confidence Bands Source: Miller, Op. Cit.

18 OEP Confidence Bands n At 80-1,000 year return, range fixes to 50% to 250% of best estimate OEP n Confidence band grow exponentially at frequent OEP points because expected loss goes to zero n Notes l Assumed stationary climate l Severity parameterization may introduce error l Modelers’ “secondary uncertainty” may overlap here, thus reducing range l Modelers’ severity distributions based on more than just historical data set

19 The Building Blocks Policy Records/TIV

20 Data Collection/Inputs n Is this all the subject data? l All/coastal states l Inland Marine, Builders Risk, APD, Dwelling Fire l Manual policies n General level of detail l County/zip/street l Aggregated data n Is this all the needed policy detail? l Building location/billing location l Multi-location policies/bulk data l Statistical Record vs. policy systems l Coding of endorsements u Sublimits, wind exclusions, IM l Replacement cost vs. limit

21 More Data Issues n Deductible issues n Inuring/facultative reinsurance n Extrapolations & Defaults n Blanket policies n HPR n Excess policies

22 Model Output n Data Imported/Not Imported n Geocoded/Not Geocoded n Version n Perils Run l Demand Surge l Storm Surge l Fire Following n Defaults l Construction Mappings l Secondary Characteristics n Secondary Uncertainty n Deductibles

23 Synthesis/Pricing

24 SD Pricing Basics n Surplus Allocation v = z  L – r v = z  L – r u v is contract surplus allocation u r is contract risk load (expected profit) n Price P = E(L) +   L + expenses P = E(L) +   L + expenses n Risk Load or Profit  = [ y  z/(1+y)]  (C +  L /2S)  = [ y  z/(1+y)]  (C +  L /2S) u y is target return on surplus u z is unit normal measure u C is correlation of contract with portfolio u S is portfolio sd (generally of loss) With large enough portfolio this term goes to zero

25 SD Pricing with Variable Premiums   [Deposit*(1-Expense d %) + E(reinstatement)*(1-Expense r %)-EL]/  L   [Deposit*(1-Expense d %) + E(reinstatement)*(1-Expense r %)-EL]/  L n E(Reinstatement)= Deposit/Limit *E(1 st limit loss) * Time Factor n 2 or 3 figures define (info-blind) price l Aggregate expected loss l Expected loss with first limit (can be approximated) l Standard deviation of loss

26  -Values (No Tax, C=1)

27 Tax & Inv. Income Adjustments n Surplus Allocation Perfect Correlation : v = z*  L – r Perfect Correlation : v = z*  L – r Imperfect Correlation: v = z*C*  L – r Imperfect Correlation: v = z*C*  L – r n After-tax ROE Start:  = [ y*z/(1+y)]*C Start:  = [ y*z/(1+y)]*C Solve for y: y =  /(z*C –  ) Solve for y: y =  /(z*C –  ) l Conclude:  y a = y*(1-T) =  *(1-T)/[z*C-r*(1-T)] +i f – T = tax rate – y a = after tax return – i f = after tax risk free return on allocated surplus

28  -Values (adjusted for tax, inv. income)

29 Cat Pricing: Loss On Line & Risk Load

30 Select 2000 Cat Pricing Risk Load & Loss on Line

31 Loss On Line vs. Layer CV

32 Select 2000 Cat Pricing Risk Load & CV

33 SD Pricing Issues n Issues with C l Limiting case is C=1 l If marginal, order of entry problems for renewals Perhaps  book /  contract Perhaps  book /  contract u Need to define book of business u Anecdotally,C=0.50 for reasonably diversified US cat book u Adjust up for parameter risk, down for non-US cat business and non-cat business l Is it correlation or downside that matters? Issues with  Issues with  l Assumption of normality u On cat book, error is compressed u Further offsets when book includes non-cat u Or move to varying SD risk loads l Adjust to reflect zone and layer

34 SD Pricing Issues (Cont.) Issues with  L Issues with  L l Measure variability: Loss or result? l Variable premium terms u Reinstatements at 100% vs. 200% l Variable contract expiration terms u Contingent multi-year contracts with kickers  L : Downside proxy – can we get precise?

35 Investment Equivalent Pricing (IERP) n Allocated capital for ruin protection l Terminal funds > X with prob > Y (VaR) n Prefer selling reinsurance to traditional investment l Expected return and volatility on reinsurance contract should meet benchmark alternative

36 IERP Cash Flows Cedant Reinsurer Fund Premium = Risk Load + Discounted Expected Losses Fund = Premium + Allocated Surplus Return Actual Losses Net to Reinsurer Allocated SurplusFund Return - Actual Losses

37 IERP - Fully Funded Version Cedant Reinsurer Fund P = R + E[  ]/(1+f) F = P + A (1+r f )F  Expected return criterion: (1+r f )F - E[  ] = (1+y)A Variance criterion: Var[  ] <  y 2 A 2 Safety criterion: (1+r f )F > S

38 IERP, Q&D Example

39 Comparative Risk Loads SD –  L yz/(1+y) SD –  L yz/(1+y) n IERP – (y-r f )(S-L)/[(1+r f )(1+y)] l S is safety level of loss distribution l L is expected loss

40 SD vs IERP Pricing Price By Layer

41 SD vs IERP Pricing Loss Ratio By Layer

42 SD vs IERP Pricing Risk Load By Layer

43 Conclusions n Cat Model Distributions Vary l More than one point estimate useful l Point estimates may not be significantly different l Uncertainty not insignificant but not insurmountable l What about uncertainty before cat models? n Data Inputs Matter l Not mechanical process l Creating model inputs requires many decisions l User knowledge and expertise critical n Pricing Methodology Matters l But market price not always technical price n Judgment Unavoidable l Actuaries already well-versed in its use

44 References n Bove, Mark C. et al.., “Effect of El Nino on US Landfalling Hurricanes, Revisited,” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, June 1998. n Efron, Bradley and Robert Tibshirani, An Introduction to the Bootstrap, New York: Chapman & Hall, 1993. n Kreps, Rodney E., “Risk Loads from Marginal Surplus Requirements,” PCAS LXXVII, 1990. n Kreps, Rodney E., “Investment-equivalent Risk Pricing,” PCAS LXXXV, 1998. n Major, John A., “Uncertainty in Catastrophe Models,” Financing Risk and Reinsurance, International Risk Management Institute, Feb/Mar 1999. n Mango, Donald F., “Application of Game Theory: Property Catastrophe Risk Load,” PCAS LXXXV, 1998. n Miller, David, “Uncertainty in Hurricane Risk Modeling and Implications for Securitization,” CAS Forum, Spring 1999. n Moore, James F., “Tail Estimation and Catastrophe Security Pricing: Cat We Tell What Target We Hit If We Are Shooting in the Dark”, Wharton Financial Institutions Center, 99-14.

45 Q&A


47 Risk Load As Variance Concept

48 The Basic Formulas P =  +  *  + E P =  +  *  + E P = Premium P = Premium  = Expected Losses  = Expected Losses  = Reluctance Measure  = Reluctance Measure  = Standard Deviation of Contract Loss Outcomes  = Standard Deviation of Contract Loss Outcomes E = Expenses E = Expenses  = y * z / (1 + y)  = y * z / (1 + y) y = Target Return on Surplus y = Target Return on Surplus z = Unit Normal Measure z = Unit Normal Measure

49 Initial Definitions V = z * S - R (1.1) given, per Brubaker, where V is that part of surplus required to support variability of a book of business with expected return R and standard deviation S given, per Brubaker, where V is that part of surplus required to support variability of a book of business with expected return R and standard deviation S R’ = R+ r (1.2) where R’ is expected return after addition of new contract with expected return r where R’ is expected return after addition of new contract with expected return r V’ = z * S’ - R’ (1.3) required surplus with new contract, as per (1.1) required surplus with new contract, as per (1.1)

50 Required Contract Marginal Surplus V’ - V = z *(S’ - S) - r (1.4) Proof, from (1.1) and (1.3): Proof, from (1.1) and (1.3): V’ - V = z*S’ - R’ - (z*S - R) V’ - V = z*S’ - R’ - (z*S - R) = z*(S’ - S) - (R’ - R) = z*(S’ - S) - (R’ - R) = z*(S’ - S) - r = z*(S’ - S) - r

51 Required Rate of Return r = y * (V’- V) (1.5) Given, but intuitively, required yield rate y times needed allocated surplus, V’ - V, given required return dollars Given, but intuitively, required yield rate y times needed allocated surplus, V’ - V, given required return dollars r = [y * z / (1 + y)] * (S’ - S) (1.6) Proof : Proof : r/y = (V’ - V) from (1.5) r/y = (V’ - V) from (1.5) r/y = z*(S’ - S) - r from (1.4) r/y = z*(S’ - S) - r from (1.4) r/y + r = z*(S’ - S) r/y + r = z*(S’ - S) r[(1+y)/y] = z*(S’ - S) r[(1+y)/y] = z*(S’ - S) r = [y*z/(1+y)]*(S’-S) r = [y*z/(1+y)]*(S’-S)

52 Marginal Standard Deviation

53 Reinsurer Reluctance ( 

54 Risk Load Simplification

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