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“ Just one click to do business in the global market ” Lunch & Learn September 18, 2012 Pier Alberto Cucino 20th UNCEFACT Forum – TU / Vienna 1 Italian.

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Presentation on theme: "“ Just one click to do business in the global market ” Lunch & Learn September 18, 2012 Pier Alberto Cucino 20th UNCEFACT Forum – TU / Vienna 1 Italian."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ Just one click to do business in the global market ” Lunch & Learn September 18, 2012 Pier Alberto Cucino 20th UNCEFACT Forum – TU / Vienna 1 Italian Ministry of Economic Development Standing Committee on International Trade Facilitation Strategy and the International Trade Hub – Italy (ITH-Italia)

2 Gov.t Act on Simplification (27 January 2012) Cut down on bureaucracy Abolish unnecessary rules Speed up procedures Leverage IT to promote economic growth, “digital agenda” 2 THE KEY OBJECTIVE FACILITATION of international trade: a goal for the Government; a necessary service for companies.

3 FACILITATION means COST REDUCTION – Hidden Costs of International Transactions, HCIT ENHANCED COMPETITIVENESS Less Bureaucracy Greater efficiency FDI ATTRACTION LESS DELOCALIZATION and those who stand to benefit the most are... 3

4 Italian SMEs require guidance about matters such as: information on foreign markets how to select their targets international distribution channels requirements, constraints, tariffs, duties local legislation how to obtain the relevant information 4

5 Italian SMEs – converging goals 5 Help companies with their export plans Facilitate trade-related operations International Trade Hub-Italy Providing Italy with a tool to help SMEs in the process of internationalization: JUST ONE CLICK!

6 International Trade Hub-Italia (ITH-Italia) is an innovative and technologically advanced tool to allow companies to compete and succeed in the globalized economy. 6 An International Trade Hub is more than a “one-stop shop” or “single window”, as it integrates all the processes related to import-export activities and internationalization. “By the end of this decade, all the major IT HUBs will be interconnected” (UN/CEFACT)

7 The International Trade Hub-Italia (ITH-Italia) is the ultimate tool to facilitate trade and internationalization and thus enhance SME competitiveness. 7 All hardcopy documents processed during the various stages of the trade process are converted to electronic format: from e-marketing to e- customs clearance through e-logistics, e-payment and e-licensing/ certification. TDR Trade Document Repository All documents and data are stored electronically with legal validity

8 Operational structure of ITH-Italy 8 Marketing & Promotion Business Community Public Offices Financial Institutions Logistics Providers Customs Payments/ ForEx ITH-Italia services e-marketing e-licensing e-logistics e-customs clearance e-foreign exchange payments TDR Trade Document Repository

9 Where we stand Contract with the IT Service Provider already signed Agreements, either already signed, forthcoming or planned, with public and private institutions involved Ministry of Economic Development ICE, the Italian Trade Promotion Agency ABI, the Italian Banking Association Invitalia, foreign direct investment attraction SACE, export credit insurance SIMEST, support to Italian investments abroad Italian Customs Agency and others. Start-up of the system planned soon, 2013 9 2012

10 Some background information (1) 10 February 2008 - 1st International Conference on Trade Facilitation April2009, 14th UN/CEFACT Forum in Rome April 2009 - 2nd International Conference on Trade Facilitation (during the Rome Forum) December 2009 – the Standing Committee on Trade Facilitation Strategy is set up within the Ministry of Economic Development February 2011 – 3rd International Conference on Trade Facilitation February 2011 - Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Economic Development and the Italian Banking Association, to which other public Institutions such as ICE and INVITALIA are parties Establishment of the Executive Committee and launch of the ITH-Italia Project. NEW Conference (4th) will be organized in November 2012

11 11 Some background information (2) Standing Committee on Trade Facilitation Strategy Mission to disseminate procedures and operational tools developed within international organizations – UNECE, EU, WTO, etc. – in connection with Trade Facilitation to analyze problems and issues confronting enterprises to contribute to national and international initiatives addressing these issues Its actions are based on UN/CEFACT Recommendations (and ISO standards) on international best practices and standards.

12 12 Some background information (3) Standing Committee on Trade Facilitation Strategy Working Groups Issues and needs affecting economic operators Financial services Interoperability Aid for Trade Workflow Identification of critical points, bottlenecks, problems and issues Analysis of costs and consequences Proposal of solutions, bearing in mind UN/CEFACT Recommendations and Standards Best Practices – Analysis and Mapping - Digitalization

13 13 Department for Internationalization and Promotion Project Team – ITH Italia  Claudio C. Padua (Project coordinator),  Graziano Severini (Project collaborator),  Riccardo Scarpulla (Institutional Relations),  Elena Toselli (Studies and Analysis),  Bruno Ferrari (IT Consultant),  Stefano Ortolani (IT Assistant)  Daniela Ricci (Secretray),  Website: ITH PROJECT TEAM

14 Thankyou for your attention 14

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