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Click to add text Crucible Vocabulary. abrogate verb Abolish, do away with.

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1 Click to add text Crucible Vocabulary

2 abrogate verb Abolish, do away with

3 abyss Noun bottomless hole, a vast expanse or depth

4 adamant adjective Inflexible, immovable, obstinate

5 ameliorate Verb to make better, relieve

6 Augury Noun an omen or prophecy

7 autocrat Noun a person with unlimited influence, negative term

8 baseness Noun the quality of lacking higher values

9 begrudge Verb to give reluctantly

10 Beguile Verb deceive, mislead, persuade with charm

11 bemuse Verb to confuse or bewilder

12 blasphemous Adjective irreverent, profane

13 Calamity Noun a serious event causing distress or misfortune

14 conciliate Verb to reconcile, pacify, or renew a friendship

15 confound Verb to cause one to become confused

16 contempt Noun scorn, extreme dislike, hatred

17 contentious Adjective quarrelsome, stirring up controversy

18 corroboration Noun confirmation, agreement

19 credulous Adjective believing on slight evidence, gullible

20 defamation Noun act of harming or ruining another’s reputation

21 deference Noun courteous, going along with other’s wishes, respectful

22 dogmatic Adjective arbitrary, strongly opinionated in an unwarranted manner

23 ecstasy noun Extreme happiness

24 effrontery Noun extreme boldness, audacity

25 exalt Verb glorify, praise, raise in rank

26 formidable Adjective menacing, causing fear or or awe

27 gaunt Adjective very thin, emaciated, angular

28 heretical Adjective contrary to accepted church beliefs or doctrine

29 hypocrite Noun one who is insincere or deceitful

30 indigenous Adjective native to a certain area

31 indignation Noun anger as a result of something unjust

32 ineptness Noun lack of confidence or judgment

33 inert Adjective unable to move or act, sluggish

34 ingratiate Verb to make an effort to gain good favor with someone

35 innate Adjective existing from birth, inborn

36 junta Noun a group of people joined in running for government after revolution

37 licentious Adjective lacking moral or sexual restraint, wanton

38 malevolence Noun wishing ill will or evil on someone

39 malign Verb to hurt someone through false reports, intensely hostile

40 methodical Adjective proceeding in a regular or systematic order

41 orthodox Adjective conforming to established standards or conventions

42 pallor Noun extreme paleness especially relating to the face

43 paradoxical Adjective something that appears false, but is actually correct

44 parochial Adjective limited in range and scope

45 partisan Adjective blind allegiance to a group or cause

46 placid Adjective peaceful, calm

47 predilection Noun preference

48 prodigious Adjective extraordinary in bulk, quantity, degree, or size

49 propriety Noun correct conduct

50 prudent Adjective wise and careful about practical matters

51 quake Verb to shake or rock from instability

52 reproach Verb to blame or disgrace

53 rescind Verb cancel

54 resurge Verb to rise again

55 savory Adjective appetizing

56 sectarian Noun narrow minded

57 sublime Adjective exalted, noble, uplifting

58 trepidation Noun fear, trembling, agitation

59 vindictive Adjective revengful, spiteful

60 wily Adjective cunning, crafty

61 Click to add text That’s it Study them!

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