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Civil war is a war within a county between opposing groups people of the same country fighting each other because of a disagreement.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil war is a war within a county between opposing groups people of the same country fighting each other because of a disagreement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Texas in The Civil War

2 Civil war is a war within a county between opposing groups people of the same country fighting each other because of a disagreement

3 Civil War causes: States rights vs. Federal rights- The southern states felt they had the right to decide if they wanted to follow the Federal laws Slavery- Some people were for slavery and some people were against slavery Economics- the Northern states had industry (factories) the Southern states had agriculture (farms, plantations)

4 Words we need to know: Secede- to leave the United States and become a new country Emancipation- to try to make every one’s rights equal Proclamation- is an order Confederacy- is the name of the group of states who left the United States Union- the states who stayed loyal to the United States

5 More Words we need to know:
Amendment- change to the constitution Abolish- to end something

6 http://lonebearimagesprose. blogspot

7 The Civil War Begins in 1861 Ends in April 1865
Last battle was at Palmito Ranch May 12-13, 1865


9 More reasons Texas left the U.S.
Southern States (Texas) Northern States Wanted to be allowed to trade with any country. The Southern States were trading with other countries and selling their cotton over seas. Wanted slavery Only wanted states of the United States to trade with each other. They wanted to raise taxes on imports and exports . Wanted to abolish slavery (End slavery)

10 The North wanted to stop the export of cotton and import of war supplies for the South.

11 The Emancipation Proclamation:
In September of 1862, after the Union's victory at Antietam, Lincoln issued a preliminary decree stating that, unless the rebellious states returned to the Union by January 1, freedom would be granted to slaves within those states.

12 Texas during the Civil War
1860 there were 92,145 men ages in Texas 60, ,000 men fought in the war

13 Women in Texas during the Civil War
Women in Texas had to do the jobs of the men who had gone to war. Before the war women cooked, cleaned, cared for the children, sewed, and gardened. After the war some women had to raise crops and sell them. When the family needed clothes or medicine the women had to find a way to buy them.

14 Battles in Texas during The Civil War
Battle of Galveston Battle of Sabine Pass Battles of the Rio Grande and Southern Coast Palmito Ranch Battle

15 Texas provided many things for the Confederacy:
Food- meat, corn, beans, etc. Weapons Medicine Bandages Tents

16 Effects of the War The war lasted 4 long years Over 600,000 men died
The South was physically and financially devastated After the war the Confederate money had no value Texas Constitution of 1876, is the one we use today!


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