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Illustrated Glossary Integrated Social Studies/English Language Arts Curriculum (Grade 3) ©Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES Curriculum & Instructional.

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Presentation on theme: "Illustrated Glossary Integrated Social Studies/English Language Arts Curriculum (Grade 3) ©Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES Curriculum & Instructional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Illustrated Glossary Integrated Social Studies/English Language Arts Curriculum (Grade 3) ©Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES Curriculum & Instructional Services

2 to do away with completely; put an end to
abolish to do away with completely; put an end to

3 a line separating one country from another
border a line separating one country from another

4 Carnival is an annual festival in Brazil held between the Friday afternoon (51 days before Easter) and Ash Wednesday at noon, which marks the beginning of Lent, the forty-day period before Easter

5 location of government offices
capital city The Brazilian Congress location of government offices

6 someone who lives in an urban environment
city dweller someone who lives in an urban environment

7 the outline or shape of a land form that touches an ocean or sea
coastline the outline or shape of a land form that touches an ocean or sea

8 a distant territory belonging to a nation
colony a distant territory belonging to a nation

9 culture the language, beliefs, clothing, food, activities of a group of people in a particular place or time

10 the action or process of clearing an area of forests
deforestation the action or process of clearing an area of forests

11 diverse a great deal of variety

12 equator an imaginary line all around the earth, everywhere equally distant from the north pole and the south pole

13 to carry or send goods out of one country to another
export to carry or send goods out of one country to another

14 a section of a city marked by crowded living conditions
favela a section of a city marked by crowded living conditions

15 federal republic a government that has a leader who is not a
monarch and where the power to make laws is shared between a national or central government and its states

16 a celebration where people in honor a special occasion
festival a celebration where people in honor a special occasion

17 a sport played with a ball like the American game of soccer
futebol a sport played with a ball like the American game of soccer

18 land mostly covered with grasses with no trees or shrubs
grasslands land mostly covered with grasses with no trees or shrubs

19 hilly or mountainous land
highlands hilly or mountainous land

20 to bring goods or services from one country to another
import to bring goods or services from one country to another

21 the people who first settled a particular region
indigenous people the people who first settled a particular region

22 the words people use to talk to each other
language the words people use to talk to each other

23 Making good from raw materials by hand or by machinery
manufacturing Making good from raw materials by hand or by machinery

24 one who charges money for the good he or she sells
merchant one who charges money for the good he or she sells

25 natural resources things that occur naturally on the land, under the earth, or in the sea that are useful for human beings

26 a natural resource that is obtained from wells
petroleum a natural resource that is obtained from wells drilled in the ground, and is the source of gasoline, kerosene, fuel oils, and other products

27 the name given to those who produce and sell medicinal drugs
pharmaceutical the name given to those who produce and sell medicinal drugs

28 a drawing or picture showing the land and sea forms of an area
physical (relief) map a drawing or picture showing the land and sea forms of an area

29 a large flat area of land with few trees
plains a large flat area of land with few trees

30 an agricultural area worked by laborers
plantation an agricultural area worked by laborers

31 a particular way of looking at or thinking about something
point of view ???? ???? a particular way of looking at or thinking about something

32 political map a drawing or picture showing boundaries between countries, capital cities, and other cities

33 the group of people or animals living in a particular area or habitat
population the group of people or animals living in a particular area or habitat

34 pour quoi a Brazilian folk tale focusing on why an animal looks or acts the way it does

35 protecting or saving from injury, loss, or ruin
preservation protecting or saving from injury, loss, or ruin

36 rain forest a area with a high annual rainfall that supports much plant and animal life

37 living and working raising cattle, sheep, or deer
ranching living and working raising cattle, sheep, or deer

38 real the money of Brazil

39 the action of renewing a forest by planting seeds or young trees
reforestation the action of renewing a forest by planting seeds or young trees

40 shaman someone who can access the spirit world, use magic to cure the sick and to control events

41 the half of the earth that lies south of the equator
southern hemisphere SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE the half of the earth that lies south of the equator

42 wet spongy land often partly covered with water
swamplands wet spongy land often partly covered with water

43 a woven or knitted cloth
textile a woven or knitted cloth

44 tradition the celebrations, beliefs, or customs handed down from one generation to another

45 the plant life of a region
vegetation the plant life of a region

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