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PROMPT: “Humpty Dumpty”  Answer the following questions using your opinions.  1) What should the Union do with former Confederate leaders?  2) What.

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Presentation on theme: "PROMPT: “Humpty Dumpty”  Answer the following questions using your opinions.  1) What should the Union do with former Confederate leaders?  2) What."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROMPT: “Humpty Dumpty”  Answer the following questions using your opinions.  1) What should the Union do with former Confederate leaders?  2) What should be done about the millions of newly freed African-Americans?  3) Look at your answers. Do you think your ideas would help or hurt efforts to reunite the country?

2 Reconstruction “All the King’s Horses and all the King’s Men….”

3 The South After the War  Most of the fighting was on Confederate soil.  Many families no longer had the manpower to rebuild.  High Percentage of Confederate males now dead or disabled.  Everyone agrees the South must be rebuilt.  But HOW?!?!

4 Ten-Percent Plan (Lincoln-1863)  10% of voters in a state must swear allegiance to the Union  Amnesty to to all white southerners (except Confederate Leaders)  Educated or Enlisted African-Americans could vote  “However, he would not force Southern states to give rights held by white Americans to African Americans”

5 Thaddeus Stevens

6 Wade-Davis Bill - 1864  Majority of white males in a state must swear allegiance  Only non-Rebels could vote on new state Constitutions  No Confederates could hold office.  States MUST abolish slavery

7 And then…


9 The New President  Andrew Johnson  Only Southern Senator to Support the Union  Not a fan of Southern Slave Holders  Actually a strong advocate of State’s Rights  No real desire to help recently freed slaves

10 “Restoration”- Johnson’s Plan  Most Southerners would be granted amnesty after swearing allegiance.  Confederate leads and wealthy landowners must apply for pardon personally to the president.  Appointed Southern governors and required new state Constitutions to abolish slavery, denounce secession, and ratify the 13 th Amendment  However, “White men alone must manage the South.”  Johnson opposed enfranchising African Americans and giving them equal rights.

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