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Clud, clus to close or shut Latin claudere/clausus

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Presentation on theme: "Clud, clus to close or shut Latin claudere/clausus"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clud, clus to close or shut Latin claudere/clausus
Root words: week one Clud, clus to close or shut Latin claudere/clausus

2 Reclusion/recluse Our root this week is clud, clus which means to close or shut Today’s word is reclusive, an adjective, which means marked by withdraw from society; solitary isolated

3 J.D. Salinger was a recluse, never leaving his home.

4 Synonyms for reclusvie
cloistered star isolated star antisocial star ascetic star eremitic star hermetic star hermit-like star misanthropic star monastic star recluse star reserved star retiring star secluded star secluse star seclusive star sequestered star solitary star standoffish star withdrawn

5 Preclude Our root this week is clud, clus which means to close or shut
Our root this week is clud, clus which means to close or shut Today’s word is preclude, a verb, which means to make impossible; prevent

6 Precluded The locked door precluded the boy from entering

7 preclude Hinder Avert Rule out Impede Prohibit Prevent obviate

8 Occlusion (noun) Something that is closed up; blockage
The occlusion in her vein caused her heart attack.

9 3/23 our root this week is clud, clus which means to close or shut
Today’s word is occlusion, a noun, which means something that is closed up; a blockage.

10 Synonyms for occlusion
noun obstruction barricade barrier Block blockage blocking closure stoppage

11 exclusive Our root this week is clud, clus which means to close or shut Today’s word is exclusive, an adjective, which means 1. leaving a person or a group out; restricted 2. one of a kind; sole


13 Synonyms for exclusive
unshared, restricted absolute chic exclusionary fashionable licensed limited posh s private privileged restrictive ritzy segregated sole swank

14 conclude 3/25 our root this week is clud, clus which means to close or shut Today’s word is conclude, a verb, which means 1. to bring to a close; to end 2. to determine or decide

15 3/22 our root this week is clud, clus which means to close or shut Today’s word is preclude, a verb, which means to make impossible; prevent

16 Synonyms for conclude achieve close complete end halt terminate
wind up wrap up cease cinch clinch consummate crown desist


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