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Gait Analysis.

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1 Gait Analysis

2 Nomenclature Gait cycle
1.stance phase (60%) : heel strike – foot flat – mid stance – push off 2.swing phase (40%) : acceleration – midswing -- deceleration 2

3 Step length:swing phase 的腳其往前進的距離。
Stride length:左、右兩邊的step length總和。 Cadence:步調,每分鐘的 steps 數目。 Gait velocity:步速 = (stride length) x cadence / 2

4 Stance phase Stance phase 開始於 initial double-limb stance,此時 stance 這邊的 pelvis 轉向前方 + External hip rotation。 。 Hip : flexion在 foot-strike 時最大,而後慢慢伸直。 knee : 膝關節在一開始 foot strike 時幾乎是打直的,然後稍微彎曲到二十度。 Ankle plantarflexion : Dorsiflexor ( eccentric contraction )

5 Swing phase Initial swing : Active hip flexion, knee flexion, ankle plantarflexion  neutral position Termical swing : Active hip flexion, knee flexion extension, ankle keep neutral position

6 Atypical Gait pattern

7 Quadriceps weakness 1. DM, femoral nerve entrapment…. 2. Knee buckling
3. Compensation : ankle plantarflexion, hip extensor contraction

8 Peroneal neuropathy 1. Fibular head entrapment, sciatic nerve injury, sciatic nerve injury, L5 radiculopathy. 2. Muscle power of ankle dorsiflexors = 3/5 or 4/5 - foot slap ( initial contact ) 3.Muscle power < 3/5 : toe drag or steppage gait pattern

9 Trendelenburg gait 1 gluteus medius weakness
2. Uncompensated & compensated trendelenburg gait

10 Stroke and hemiplegia 1. Stance phase : knee buckling, back knee, stiff knee. 2. Swing phase : 影響所有啟動 swing 的因子 pelvic elevation (hip-hiking), circumduction gait。

11 Ataxic gait Cerebellar or sensory deficient (proprioception)
Widely base ( > 2-4 inches )

12 Spastic diplegia due to cerebral palsy
1. poor motor control, spastic tone, bone growth, and joint and muscle contractures 。 2. Crouched gait. 3. Equinus gait 4. Stiff-legged knee 5. Scissoring gait

13 Parkinsonian gait Initiate walking : lean forward and festinate
Catch up abruptly Short and shuffling step

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