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Biomass Fundamentals Module 13: Lignin A capstone course for BioSUCCEED: Bioproducts Sustainability: a University Cooperative Center of Excellence in EDucation.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomass Fundamentals Module 13: Lignin A capstone course for BioSUCCEED: Bioproducts Sustainability: a University Cooperative Center of Excellence in EDucation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomass Fundamentals Module 13: Lignin A capstone course for BioSUCCEED: Bioproducts Sustainability: a University Cooperative Center of Excellence in EDucation The USDA Higher Education Challenge Grants program gratefully acknowledged for support

2 This course would not be possible without support from: USDA Higher Education Challenge (HEC) Grants Program

3 Lignin Anselme Payen 1838: Reacts wood with nitric acid and then sodium hydroxide. Remaining material he names Cellulose. Schulze 1857: Names dissolved material Lignin from the latin lignum meaning wood. Phenolic Polymer - The Glue that Holds the Fibers Together 3 Dimensional Crolinked Network Branched Polymer/Polydisperse (Large and Small Polymers)

4 Lignin Biosynthesis I

5 The Metabolic Pathways for the Biosynthesis of Wood Components hν

6 Shikimic Acid Pathway The Primary Metabolic Pathway for Lignin Shikimic Acid Pathway Occurs in all plants Leads to Lignin –Tannins and Extractives The whole pathway is enzymatically controlled

7 The 6 Carbon sugar is initially spit into 2 units CondensationCyclization Reduction of Carbonyl to OH Activation Using ATP- Install P at C5 Another PEP is used to extend the chain, P falls off as H 3 PO 4 Aromaticity is finally installed followed by Transamination (NH2)

8 Lignin Biosynthesis II The Cinnamate Pathway is a secondary metabolic pathway Specific to Woody Plants Creates the Lignin Precursors …the Lignin monomers Cinnamyl alcohols

9 Lignin Biosynthesis II CH 2

10 Dehydrogenative Polymerization of Lignin precursors Monolignols are NOT abundant in their free forms –exist as 4-O-  -D-glucosides Monolignol-glucosides Increase solubility - Facilitate transport Decrease toxicity

11 Lignin Nomenclature

12 Phenylpropane Unit C9 } Common Names Side Chain

13 Polymerization-Initiation Enzymatic Formation of Phenoxy Radical Peroxidases-H 2 O 2 systems cause proton abstraction from a given cinnamyl alcohol Creating a Phenoxy Radical

14 Lignin Polymerization Process 1Dehydrogenation - formation of phenoxy radicals 2Coupling - formation of oligolignols and quinone methide 3Addition of water, lignols, carbohydrates and acids - formation of  -hydroxyl group,  -O-4 linkages and lignin-carbohydrate complex

15 Lignin Polymerization Repetitive dehydrogenation of lignols, coupling and addition to quinone methide Lignol is a collective name for precursors and intermediate products of lignin during lignification. (Similar to saccharides) –Monolignol - precursors –Dilignol, triligonol, tetralignol, etc. –Oligolignol

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