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Discretionary Grants for Migratory Agricultural Workers Migrant Education Even Start (MEES) College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) High School Equivalency.

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1 Discretionary Grants for Migratory Agricultural Workers Migrant Education Even Start (MEES) College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) High School Equivalency (HEP) US Department of Education Office of Migrant Education Washington, DC 20202-6135

2 2November 2008Migrant Education Office of Migrant Education (OME) Administers formula grants to States to support the achievement of students (ages 3 through 21) who travel across school district lines with (or to join) their parents who perform work in agriculture and related industries. Administers three discretionary grants to local agents that support school readiness, adult education and ESL, GED attainment, and successful college entrance

3 3November 2008Migrant Education Authorization & Legislation No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB)– Title I, Part C (Migrant Education) Title I, Part B (Even Start, Migrant Education ) Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) – Title IV, Part A, Subpart 15 and Part B Section 418A

4 4November 2008Migrant Education Adult Education or ESL Early Childhood Parenting Interactive Literacy with Parents and Children Together (ILA) Migrant Education Even Start Family Literacy (2010)

5 5November 2008Migrant Education Purpose of HEP and CAMP High School Equivalency Program (HEP) helps migratory and seasonal farm workers (and their family members), 16 and older to obtain the equivalent of a high school diploma. College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) assists children of migratory and seasonal farm workers (or the workers) to succeed in their 1 st year of full-time enrollment in college.

6 6November 2008Migrant Education HEOA, Section 418A Program-Specific Regulation 34 FR, Part 206.3 To be eligible to participate in a HEP or CAMP project: A person, or a family member, must have spent a minimum of 75 days during the past 24 months as a migrant or seasonal farm worker. Eligible Participants HEP and CAMP

7 7November 2008Migrant Education Definition for Farm Work Farm work means any agricultural activity, performed for either wages or personal subsistence, on a farm, ranch, or similar establishment.

8 8November 2008Migrant Education Workforce Investment Act, Section 167- Migrant and Seasonal Farm work Programs The person (or a family member) must have participated or be eligible to participate in programs under the Workforce Investment Act, (WIA) Section 167- Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers program 20 CFR.633 (DOL/ETA) Verifying Eligibility for HEP/CAMP

9 9November 2008Migrant Education Verifying Eligibility for HEP and CAMP Title 1, Part C -Migrant Education Program A potential student must have *participated or be eligible to participate* in the MEP… (With respect to HEP, participation must have been within the last 24 months.) * Verified in partnership with the Title I, Part C program in the State.

10 10November 2008Migrant Education Responding to Selection Criteria 100 Points distributed across several criteria Need for the project Quality of the project design Addresses target population needs, builds capacity, establish links Quality of project services Sufficiency of service for population, professional development for improvement of practice Quality of project personnel Qualifications, job descriptions (requirements from Section 1235) Adequacy of resources Includes reasonable costs, partnerships, and continued support Quality of Evaluation Effective implementation, performance feedback, progress toward outcomes

11 11November 2008Migrant Education NEED for the Project SPECIFICALLY From what region will you draw students? What are the needs of these MIGRANT students? Check local graduation rates Determine attrition/drop-out rates Assess the gaps between those who are eligible for the program and those who don’t need it

12 12November 2008Migrant Education Quality of the Project Design Align the NEEDS of the participants to the DESIGN of the project: MEET the purpose of the program ACHIEVE the expected outcomes for the target number of participants Within TIMEFRAMES that are appropriate and reasonable COORDINATE with other resources available from Federal, State, Local, and other agencies.

13 13November 2008Migrant Education Quality of Project Services ESTABLISH STRATEGIES within the Project Design that SUPPORT the unique NEEDS of migratory students CLOSE the GAPS between their skills and behaviors and those of “model” students PROVIDE LIMITED, CONTINUING SUPPORT for CAMP students beyond the “contact” period of the project

14 14November 2008Migrant Education Quality of the Management Plan Reasonable time commitments for project director, evaluator/principal investigator, service coordinators, recruiters, etc. Diverse perspectives in operations, including parents, employers, students, community Strategies to stay on time, on task, and on budget Systemic support, feedback, and continuous improvement loops

15 15November 2008Migrant Education Quality of Project Personnel Project Director (100% Full Time) Responsible for all decisions and expenditures Instructional Services Coordinator Responsible for day-to-day operations, schedules, and services Recruiters Knowledgeable about migratory agricultural workers Evaluator/PI Objective, aware of legal and reporting requirements, unique needs of migrant students, and process improvements.

16 16November 2008Migrant Education Adequacy of Resources Support: facilities, equipment, activities, etc. Partnerships: commitments that underscore the goals of the project/purpose of the program Costs: adequate to provide services, supplies, appropriate management Budgets: reasonable and sufficient (minimal surplus) Potential: commitment after Federal funding

17 17November 2008Migrant Education Project Evaluation Gauge EFFECTIVENESS of the project activities and outcomes Provide PERIODIC ASSESSMENT and strategies for improving project outcomes ALIGNED with GPRA indicators REPORTED annually according to the Department’s format and schedule.

18 18November 2008Migrant Education Application “To Do” List Check migrant participants’ eligibility Announcement: Applications at Plan for multiple years of operation with reasonable numbers of participants Plan budgets that are consistent w/ objectives Write your plan to conform to the criteria ALL forms must be signed! Upload everything in time to meet the Deadline!!!

19 19November 2008Migrant Education Tips and Traditions READ the entire application, including the LAW, Regulations, and Policy Guidance (attached) NOTES are included to provide guidance and specificity BE SPECIFIC, ORIGINAL, and BRIEF LIMIT pages/characters; do not “parrot” language in the law/regulations/application package; Address the characteristics of the participants you will enroll WRITE the draft of your application before the application is available. Search for HEP (or CAMP) application on

20 20November 2008Migrant Education USING REGISTER on the site REVIEW several types of programs REQUEST the “certificate” to upload applications (or learn who has it) REVISE the draft according to the most recent application package (January 2009) REVIEW the application for alignment across criteria, logic, and language. (Ask a NEUTRAL reasonable person.) UPLOAD the application at least 48 hours before the deadline

21 21November 2008Migrant Education Packaging Your Proposal Organization Counts! Detail Counts! Brevity Counts! Sincerity Counts! Commitments Count! Evaluation for Continuous Improvement against GPRA and Project Objectives Counts!

22 22November 2008Migrant Education Submitting the Proposal Complete the cover sheet (ELECTRONIC Signature) Table of Contents Abstract/Executive Summary (MANDATORY) Index of Program Components and Requirements Narrative/Responses to Selection Criteria GEPA Section 427 Appendices/Budget/Commitments

23 23November 2008Migrant Education Funding/Grant Award Process Reviewers recommend applications for funding OME Staff conduct Budget Analysis Top Ranked Proposals may be contacted Budget Conference –Costs, services, additional actions or conditions needed for funding Grants awarded on or about June 30, 2009

24 24November 2008Migrant Education SUMMARY ELIGIBLE Participants only LAW, Regulations, Application Guidance/Notes Selection Criteria Enrollment that is practical (may increase) Reasonable Budgets that support services (may increase) requirements: Verified authority w/e-signature; Upload time; All certificates

25 QUESTIONS? Contact: Office of Migrant Education 202/260-8103

26 Thank you for your time!

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