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SEATTLE’S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2015 ANNUAL AMENDMENTS Planning Commission January 22, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "SEATTLE’S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2015 ANNUAL AMENDMENTS Planning Commission January 22, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEATTLE’S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2015 ANNUAL AMENDMENTS Planning Commission January 22, 2015

2 Types of Amendments  Discretionary  State-mandated  Not recommended

3 Discretionary Amendments  West Seattle Church of the Nazarene – FLUM and Morgan Junction Neighborhood Plan  Central Area FLUM and Neighborhood Plan  Lake City FLUM and Neighborhood Plan  U District FLUM and Neighborhood Plan (separate ordinance)  Height flexibility for public facilities

4 State-Mandated Amendments Urban Village Element  Amend UVG32 and Figure 8 re reference to urban village targets  Amend UVG33 reference to citywide target  Delete UVG7 and UV 21 (jobs/housing ratios)  Delete UV 40 and UV 43 – setting targets  Delete UV Appendix A – targets for all centers and villages

5 State-Mandated Amendments Land Use Element  Update environmentally critical area policies  Delete and replace Land Use Appendices with updated information

6 State-Mandated Amendments Transportation Element  Remove references to Transportation Strategic Plan from several policies  Remove description of street types from T13  Remove and replace Transportation Appendices – required inventories and transportation analysis

7 State-Mandated Amendments Economic Development Element  Amend EDG1 to show new 20-year job target

8 State-Mandated Amendments Capital Facilities and Utilities Element  Delete and replace appendices with updated information

9 State-Mandated Amendments Housing Element  Delete and replace Housing Appendix to update information and to meet Countywide Planning Policies’ call for a housing needs assessment

10 State-Mandated Amendments Environment Element  Amend two policies to more specifically address low-impact development

11 Amendments not Recommended  East Cherry YWCA proposed FLUM amendment – withdrawn by proponent  Cindi Barker proposal to amend policies in Urban Village Element re monitoring growth – DPD recommends addressing this as part of Seattle 2035

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