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WRITING GRANTS Writing a Grant for AWARD Reading Education through Technology Suggestions for you to do this successfully for K-3 classrooms.

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2 WRITING GRANTS Writing a Grant for AWARD Reading Education through Technology Suggestions for you to do this successfully for K-3 classrooms

3 Where to Start Learn about: Federal and state funding The Process involved Other sources of funds/foundations The AWARD website for web links to key sites

4 Federal Grant Money Formula-based programs such as the Federal Entitlement Program State sub-grant programs such as Reading First Competitive/discretionary grants such as Early Reading First

5 State Grant Money Competitive programs funded with state revenues Begin your planning now

6 Top Sites for Locating Grants AWARD can help with writing grants for Federal Entitlement Programs

7 Useful web addresses Title I, Part A—Improving Basic Programs operated by LEAs Title II, Part Teacher & Principal Training Title II, Part D—Enhancing Education Through Technology Title III, Part A—English Language Acquisition Title V, Part A—Innovative Programs

8 We will help you to Understand the requirements for writing a successful grant proposal Understand the grant process Learn how AWARD can help you

9 Important points Writing a grant takes time. Make the strongest case for funding, covering all the requirements. Funding organizations need to make sure they are getting value. After winning a grant you are accountable for managing it properly. There are no guarantees.

10 Skills you need Writing that is clear, coherent, and concise and covers all the key points outlined in the grant proposal Ability to work with a team to carry out the project (Administration/Principals) Ability to develop a plan, research, and provide documentation for your proposal

11 Identify your Needs and Goals Identify where funding would make improvements to your school. Write a statement of need. Include test results Survey teachers, administrators and parents

12 The Process 1. Match AWARD product and service to your needs/goals. 2. Find a grant to match your needs. 3. Develop a plan. 4. Write a proposal. Use AWARD grant assistance, available from 5. Obtain grant funding. 6. Put the program into practice. 7. Evaluate the success of your program.

13 Writing a grant proposal Executive summary Statement of needs Goals (must be measurable and related to needs) Program (AWARD) must address goals Evaluation (success related to identified goals/objectives) Sustainability (your project goes on) Budget and personnel needs

14 Winning the Grant Program management Budgetary management Reports required by the Grant AWARD can help! Give your sales representative a call Toll free number 1-800-831-1688

15 Managing the Grant Keep detailed records for tracking Update project accomplishments List all expenditure Report on student achievement

16 AWARD Publishing Ltd. 40 W. 55th Street, #9B New York NY 10019-5376 Phone: 212-246-0405 Toll Free: 1-800-831-1688 Fax: 212-246-0406 Toll Free: 1-888-259-5972 E-mail: Ed Gregory’s cell: 646 423 0232

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