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Substitute Senate Bill No. 977 Public Act No. 07-147 EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2007 AN ACT CONCERNING RESTRAINTS AND SECLUSION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. State of Connecticut.

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Presentation on theme: "Substitute Senate Bill No. 977 Public Act No. 07-147 EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2007 AN ACT CONCERNING RESTRAINTS AND SECLUSION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. State of Connecticut."— Presentation transcript:

1 Substitute Senate Bill No. 977 Public Act No. 07-147 EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2007 AN ACT CONCERNING RESTRAINTS AND SECLUSION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. State of Connecticut

2 2 Permitted Uses: In an emergency to prevent immediate and imminent harm to the person or other Or As a specific provision of an IEP

3 3 PARENT NOTIFICATION: EACH incident in which their child is placed in physical restraint or seclusion

4 4 Mandatory Data: Each instance of the use of physical restraint and seclusion including the nature of the emergency Documentation of parental notification Annual compilation to be submitted to State Department of Education

5 5 The Department of Education Must: Review the annual data submission and analysis frequency of use of restraint and seclusion Report and incidence of serious injury or death to the Director of Protection and Advocacy Propose regulations to the State Board of Education concerning the use of physical restraint and seclusion for adoption


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