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GEORGE FALLIS UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR YORK UNIVERSITY Expanded Credential Options Strengthening Ontario’s PSE System.

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Presentation on theme: "GEORGE FALLIS UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR YORK UNIVERSITY Expanded Credential Options Strengthening Ontario’s PSE System."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEORGE FALLIS UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR YORK UNIVERSITY Expanded Credential Options Strengthening Ontario’s PSE System

2 OUTLINE 1.Context 2.Priorities 3.Expanded credential options 2

3 Excellent PSE system -universities, colleges, apprenticeships Massive expansion: 1997-2012 -first-level places -graduate education -research funding -annual expenditure growth about 8% PSE participation: 81.9% by age 21 Target PSE attainment: 70% for adult population Accessibility: a place for every qualified student The demand side of the labour market Major expansion over last decade University undergraduate FTE rose 50% College FTE rose 23% 3 CONTEXT

4 4 70% of future jobs will require PSE qualification 18-21 year-old group to decline 8.6% by 2012 Expenditure restraint until 2017-18 Annual PSE expenditure increase of 1.5% At the margin: disengaged undergraduate students At the margin: uncertain labour market outcomes

5 PRIORITIES Balance: access/opportunity and labour demand Expenditure restraint yet protect the classroom Expanded credential options Do not expand the system Do not create new universities or colleges Undertake a demand analysis/forecast 5

6 EXPANDED CREDENTIAL OPTIONS Polytechnic education -employment or career focused -a blend of theoretical and applied knowledge -high level of study (degree-level) -situated within core arts and sciences Improved college/university credit transfer Improved university/college collaborations 6

7 EXPANDED CREDENTIAL OPTIONS Open university/college -mixed mode, technology-enhanced teaching -not defined by delivery method -student-focused flexibility -open admissions -blend of career-focused education and liberal arts and sciences 7

8 EXPANDED CREDENTIAL OPTIONS Three-year degrees Liberal education programs Honours programs -high-engagement, high-ability students 8

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