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Chapter 13 THE Bureaucracy. The US Bureaucracy / Definition- collection of appointed and mostly non-appointed officials that carry out laws that are passed.

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1 Chapter 13 THE Bureaucracy

2 The US Bureaucracy / Definition- collection of appointed and mostly non-appointed officials that carry out laws that are passed. / Political authority over the bureaucracy is shared by the president and congress. / Federal agencies share functions with state and local agencies. / Definition- collection of appointed and mostly non-appointed officials that carry out laws that are passed. / Political authority over the bureaucracy is shared by the president and congress. / Federal agencies share functions with state and local agencies.

3 The growth of the bureaucracy / The Supreme Court ruled that only the president has the power to remove administrators in the bureaucracy. / Congress funds and investigates the agencies, and shapes the laws they administer (oversight). / The Supreme Court ruled that only the president has the power to remove administrators in the bureaucracy. / Congress funds and investigates the agencies, and shapes the laws they administer (oversight).

4 Appointment of officials / Officials affect how laws are interpreted, / They set the tone for the party and the current administration. / Patronage used to play a HUGE part in the 19th and early 20th century. / Officials affect how laws are interpreted, / They set the tone for the party and the current administration. / Patronage used to play a HUGE part in the 19th and early 20th century.

5 Spoils System / Andrew Jackson abused hids power of patronage. / 1883 Pendleton Act- created the civil service. Anyone can apply for a job in the bureaucracy. Jobs given based on merit. / Andrew Jackson abused hids power of patronage. / 1883 Pendleton Act- created the civil service. Anyone can apply for a job in the bureaucracy. Jobs given based on merit.

6 Size of the bureaucracy / Two events have caused an explosive growth in the bureaucracy: / 1) The great Depression / 2) World War II / Two events have caused an explosive growth in the bureaucracy: / 1) The great Depression / 2) World War II

7 Government Activism / These two events caused: / 1) S Court to uphold laws granting administrative discretion to agencies. / 2) Heavier income taxes to support a larger bureaucracy. / 3) public support of military preparedness and various social programs. / These two events caused: / 1) S Court to uphold laws granting administrative discretion to agencies. / 2) Heavier income taxes to support a larger bureaucracy. / 3) public support of military preparedness and various social programs.

8 Federal Bureaucracy Today / Modest increase in government employees. / Large increase in number of indirect employees- those contracted through private contractors, local and state governments. / Modest increase in government employees. / Large increase in number of indirect employees- those contracted through private contractors, local and state governments.

9 Federal Bureaucracy Today / Discretionary authority- the ability to choose courses of action and to make policies not set out by law. / Congress has allowed agencies to have a lot of discretionary authority in recent years. / Discretionary authority- the ability to choose courses of action and to make policies not set out by law. / Congress has allowed agencies to have a lot of discretionary authority in recent years.

10 Getting Employed / Recruitment & retention: / The competitive service: bureaucrats compete for jobs through OPM. / 1) appointment by merit based on written exam. / 2) Merit Systems Protection Board- protects current employees. / 3) OPM is non-partisan / Recruitment & retention: / The competitive service: bureaucrats compete for jobs through OPM. / 1) appointment by merit based on written exam. / 2) Merit Systems Protection Board- protects current employees. / 3) OPM is non-partisan

11 Firing a Bureaucrat / Most cannot be fired easily. / Most agencies are dominated by lifetime bureaucrats who have worked for no other agency. / Assures continuity and expertise. / But can give subordinates power over new bosses. / Most cannot be fired easily. / Most agencies are dominated by lifetime bureaucrats who have worked for no other agency. / Assures continuity and expertise. / But can give subordinates power over new bosses.

12 Constraints on government agencies / Hiring, firing, and other procedures are established by law, not the market. / Constraints: / Administrative Procedures Act, Freedom of Information Act, Nat’l Environmental Policy Act, Open Meeting Law / Hiring, firing, and other procedures are established by law, not the market. / Constraints: / Administrative Procedures Act, Freedom of Information Act, Nat’l Environmental Policy Act, Open Meeting Law

13 Effects of Constraints / Government moves slowly. / Government acts inconsistently. / Reluctant decision making by employees. / Red tape. / Government moves slowly. / Government acts inconsistently. / Reluctant decision making by employees. / Red tape.

14 Agency Allies / Iron Triangle- agency works with interest groups and congressional committees. / Not as common today due to the number of competing interest groups. / Issue networks- groups that regularly debate government policy on specific issues. Recruited by presidents. / Iron Triangle- agency works with interest groups and congressional committees. / Not as common today due to the number of competing interest groups. / Issue networks- groups that regularly debate government policy on specific issues. Recruited by presidents.

15 Congressional Oversight / Congress creates agencies and authorizes their programs. / Appropriations allows the agency to spend money on the programs. / Congress creates agencies and authorizes their programs. / Appropriations allows the agency to spend money on the programs.

16 Appropriations Committee / Most powerful of all committees. / Most expenditure recommendations are approved by the House. / Tends to be a lower amount than the agency requested. / Can “mark-up” agencies budget. / Most powerful of all committees. / Most expenditure recommendations are approved by the House. / Tends to be a lower amount than the agency requested. / Can “mark-up” agencies budget.

17 Legislative Veto / A requirement that an executive decision must lie before Congress before it takes effect. / Declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court in INS v Chadha (1983) / A requirement that an executive decision must lie before Congress before it takes effect. / Declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court in INS v Chadha (1983)

18 Oversight / Congress can investigate agencies. / 1) power inferred from power to legislate. / 2) can bring members of an agency in to question their decisions and their use of administrative discretion. / Congress can investigate agencies. / 1) power inferred from power to legislate. / 2) can bring members of an agency in to question their decisions and their use of administrative discretion.

19 5 Major Complaints of the Bureaucracy / 1) red tape- Rules / 2)Conflict- agencies work at cross- purposes / 3) Duplication- two or more agencies doing the same thing. / 4) Imperialism- agencies growing too big / 5) Waste- spending more than is necessary / 1) red tape- Rules / 2)Conflict- agencies work at cross- purposes / 3) Duplication- two or more agencies doing the same thing. / 4) Imperialism- agencies growing too big / 5) Waste- spending more than is necessary

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