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Leadership Styles and Their Ethics Except where otherwise noted, the following material summarizes portions of Hitt, William D. (1990), Ethics and Leadership:

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Styles and Their Ethics Except where otherwise noted, the following material summarizes portions of Hitt, William D. (1990), Ethics and Leadership:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Styles and Their Ethics Except where otherwise noted, the following material summarizes portions of Hitt, William D. (1990), Ethics and Leadership: Putting Theory into Practice, Columbus, OH: The Batelle Press.

2 There are six types of leaders. The Manipulator The Bureaucrat The Whiz-Bang Manager The Charismatic Leader The Servant Leader The Transforming Leader

3 The manipulator: The end justifies the means. Gain as much power as possible –Information –Resources –Support Manipulate others Avoid being manipulated yourself Maximize your authority Seek passive subordinates Radiate self-confidence Never commit completely and irrevocably

4 The bureaucrat: Rules are rules. Structure your organization around a hierarchy of offices Give each employee a clear job description Govern with fixed, exhaustive rules Communicate and enforce the rules Give promotions and raises based on seniority, achievement, or both Hire employees on the basis of qualifications only

5 The whiz-bang manager: Management is a profession Use human, physical, and financial resources efficiently Manage like an orchestra leader Plan, organize, recruit, and develop staff; communicate, motivate, measure Measure success in results Set goals and make a plan for achieving them Make management your profession Study management practices and principles

6 The charismatic leader* Leads by sheer power of personality Motivates by enthusiasm, persuasiveness, and … magic? More style than content *From Solomon R. (2003), “The Myth of Charisma,” in J. Ciulla (Ed.), The Ethics of Leadership (pp.202-212), Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.

7 The servant leader* Reversal of roles of leader and follower Leadership based on altruism *From Greenleaf, R. (2003), “The Servant as Leader,” in J. Ciulla (Ed.), The Ethics of Leadership (pp.212-219), Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.

8 The transforming leader: Leadership based on relationships with followers* Take pleasure in growth of others View others in terms of potential Identify and appeal to values and motives of followers Elevate values and motives of followers Motivate through empowerment Coach rather than discipline Help others become leaders *See also Burns, J.M. (1978), Leadership, New York: Harper Collins Publisher, pp. 36-43.

9 Evaluating different styles Which type of leader would you like to work for? Why? If you were a CEO, which type of leader would you like to have working for you? Why? Which leadership styles require the most interpersonal skills, like listening, caring, etc.? What does that tell you about their ethical content? The Manipulator The Bureaucrat The Whiz-Bang Manager The Charismatic Leader The Servant Leader The Transforming Leader

10 Evaluating different styles Which three leadership styles do you think are most ethical? Why do you think so? Are different styles right for different situations? What is your definition of ethical leadership at this point? The Manipulator The Bureaucrat The Whiz-Bang Manager The Charismatic Leader The Servant Leader The Transforming Leader

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